Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'ansi-regex' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
{frame.map(line => {
// Check if there are any ansi colors/styles
const doubleSpace = line.match(/ {2}/g);
if (ansiRegex().test(line)) {
const newLine = ansiUp.ansi_to_html(line);
return doubleSpace && doubleSpace.length ? (
) :
} else if (doubleSpace && doubleSpace.length) {
return <div>{line}</div>;
return <div>{line}</div>;
// Stream output needs to be wrapped in xmp so it
// show literally. Otherwise < chars start a new html element.
mimeType = 'text/html';
isText = true;
isError = false;
renderWithScrollbars = true;
const stream = copy as nbformat.IStream;
const formatted = concatMultilineString(stream.text);
copy.data = {
'text/html': formatted.includes('<') ? `` : `<div>${formatted}</div>`
// Output may have goofy ascii colorization chars in it. Try
// colorizing if we don't have html that needs
frame.map(line => {
// Check if there are any ansi colors/styles
if (ansiRegex().test(line)) {
const newLine = ansiUp.ansi_to_html(line);
return <div></div>;
return <div>{line}</div>;
// Stream output needs to be wrapped in xmp so it
// show literally. Otherwise < chars start a new html element.
mimeType = 'text/html';
isText = true;
isError = false;
renderWithScrollbars = true;
const stream = copy as nbformat.IStream;
const formatted = concatMultilineStringOutput(stream.text);
copy.data = {
'text/html': formatted.includes('<') ? `` : `<div>${formatted}</div>`
// Output may have goofy ascii colorization chars in it. Try
// colorizing if we don't have html that needs
const divide = data => {
const tester = ansiRegex();
const matcher = /.{1,139}/g;
return data
.reduce((arr, line) => {
if (line.length < 140 || line.match(tester)) {
} else {
return arr;
}, []);
tryCatch(async () => {
message = message.replace(ansiRegex(), '');
await fs.appendFileAsync(path, message, 'utf8');
}, err => {
value = value.replace(regex, chalk.gray('$1'));
} else if (mask === 'expDate') {
value = value.replace(regex, chalk.gray('$1'));
const l = chalk.red(label.replace('-', '✖'));
stdout.write(l + value + ansiEscapes.beep);
if (caretOffset) {
} else if (!ansiRegex().test(data)) {
let tmp =
value.substr(0, value.length + caretOffset) +
data +
value.substr(value.length + caretOffset);
if (mask) {
if (/\d/.test(data) && caretOffset !== 0) {
let formattedData = data;
if (mask === 'cc' || mask === 'ccv') {
formattedData = formatCC(data);
if (value[value.length + caretOffset + 1] === ' ') {
tmp =
value.substr(0, value.length + caretOffset) +
const toHumanReadableAnsi = text => {
return text.replace(ansiRegex(), (match, offset, string) => {
switch (match) {
case style.red.close:
case style.green.close:
case style.reset.open:
case style.reset.close:
return '';
case style.red.open:
return '';
case style.green.open:
return '';
case style.dim.open:
return '';
case style.bold.open:
return '';
return '';
import ansiRegex from 'ansi-regex';
import { isUsingYarn } from '@expo/config';
import spawnAsync, { SpawnOptions } from '@expo/spawn-async';
import split from 'split';
import { Transform } from 'stream';
import npmPackageArg from 'npm-package-arg';
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import path from 'path';
import detectIndent from 'detect-indent';
import detectNewline from 'detect-newline';
import log from './log';
const ansi = `(?:${ansiRegex().source})*`;
const npmPeerDependencyWarningPattern = new RegExp(
`${ansi}npm${ansi} ${ansi}WARN${ansi}.+You must install peer dependencies yourself\\.\n`,
const yarnPeerDependencyWarningPattern = new RegExp(
`${ansi}warning${ansi} "[^"]+" has (?:unmet|incorrect) peer dependency "[^"]+"\\.\n`,
class NpmStderrTransform extends Transform {
chunk: Buffer,
encoding: string,
callback: (error?: Error | null, data?: any) => void
) {
this.push(chunk.toString().replace(npmPeerDependencyWarningPattern, ''));