Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'bezier-js' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
let lastCandidate = parseInt(chunks.length) - 1
for (let j = firstCandidate; j < lastCandidate; j++) {
let intersections = chunks[i].intersects(chunks[j])
if (intersections.length > 0) {
let intersection = intersections.pop()
let trimmedStart = chunks.slice(0, i)
let trimmedEnd = chunks.slice(parseInt(j) + 1)
let glue = new Path()
let first = true
for (let k of [i, j]) {
let ops = chunks[k].ops
if (ops[1].type === 'line') {
} else if (ops[1].type === 'curve') {
// handle curve
let curve = new Bezier(
{ x: ops[0].to.x, y: ops[0].to.y },
{ x: ops[1].cp1.x, y: ops[1].cp1.y },
{ x: ops[1].cp2.x, y: ops[1].cp2.y },
{ x: ops[1].to.x, y: ops[1].to.y }
let t = pointOnCurve(ops[0].to, ops[1].cp1, ops[1].cp2, ops[1].to, intersection)
let split = curve.split(t)
let side
if (first) side = split.left
else side = split.right
new Point(side.points[1].x, side.points[1].y),
new Point(side.points[2].x, side.points[2].y),
new Point(side.points[3].x, side.points[3].y)
export function curvesIntersect(fromA, cp1A, cp2A, toA, fromB, cp1B, cp2B, toB) {
let precision = 0.005 // See https://github.com/Pomax/bezierjs/issues/99
let intersections = []
let curveA = new Bezier(
{ x: fromA.x, y: fromA.y },
{ x: cp1A.x, y: cp1A.y },
{ x: cp2A.x, y: cp2A.y },
{ x: toA.x, y: toA.y }
let curveB = new Bezier(
{ x: fromB.x, y: fromB.y },
{ x: cp1B.x, y: cp1B.y },
{ x: cp2B.x, y: cp2B.y },
{ x: toB.x, y: toB.y }
for (let tvalues of curveA.intersects(curveB, precision)) {
let intersection = curveA.get(tvalues.substr(0, tvalues.indexOf('/')))
intersections.push(new Point(intersection.x, intersection.y))
if (!arrowLength || arrowLength < 0) return;
const start = link.source;
const end = link.target;
if (!start.hasOwnProperty('x') || !end.hasOwnProperty('x')) return; // skip invalid link
const startR = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, getNodeVal(start) || 1)) * state.nodeRelSize;
const endR = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, getNodeVal(end) || 1)) * state.nodeRelSize;
const arrowRelPos = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, getRelPos(link)));
const arrowColor = getColor(link) || 'rgba(0,0,0,0.28)';
const arrowHalfWidth = arrowLength / ARROW_WH_RATIO / 2;
// Construct bezier for curved lines
const bzLine = link.__controlPoints && new Bezier(start.x, start.y, ...link.__controlPoints, end.x, end.y);
const getCoordsAlongLine = bzLine
? t => bzLine.get(t) // get position along bezier line
: t => ({ // straight line: interpolate linearly
x: start.x + (end.x - start.x) * t || 0,
y: start.y + (end.y - start.y) * t || 0
const lineLen = bzLine
? bzLine.length()
: Math.sqrt(Math.pow(end.x - start.x, 2) + Math.pow(end.y - start.y, 2));
const posAlongLine = startR + arrowLength + (lineLen - startR - endR - arrowLength) * arrowRelPos;
const arrowHead = getCoordsAlongLine(posAlongLine / lineLen);
const arrowTail = getCoordsAlongLine((posAlongLine - arrowLength) / lineLen);
case 'bezierCurveTo': {
let bez = new Bezier(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y, args[0], args[1],
args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]);
length += bez.length();
currentPoint.x = args[4];
currentPoint.y = args[5];
case 'quadraticCurveTo': {
let bez = new Bezier(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
length += bez.length();
currentPoint.x = args[2];
currentPoint.y = args[3];
case '__arc__': {
let [currentPointX, currentPointY,
rx, ry, xAxisRotation,
largeArcFlag, sweepFlag,
tempPoint1X, tempPoint1Y] = args;
if (currentPointX == tempPoint1X && currentPointY == tempPoint1Y) {
// degenerate to point (0 length)
const start = link.source;
const end = link.target;
if (!start.hasOwnProperty('x') || !end.hasOwnProperty('x')) return; // skip invalid link
const particleSpeed = getSpeed(link);
const photons = link.__photons || [];
const photonR = Math.max(0, getDiameter(link) / 2) / Math.sqrt(state.globalScale);
const photonColor = getColor(link) || 'rgba(0,0,0,0.28)';
ctx.fillStyle = photonColor;
// Construct bezier for curved lines
const bzLine = link.__controlPoints
? new Bezier(start.x, start.y, ...link.__controlPoints, end.x, end.y)
: null;
let cyclePhotonIdx = 0;
let needsCleanup = false; // whether some photons need to be removed from list
photons.forEach(photon => {
const singleHop = !!photon.__singleHop;
if (!photon.hasOwnProperty('__progressRatio')) {
photon.__progressRatio = singleHop ? 0 : cyclePhotonIdx / numCyclePhotons;
!singleHop && cyclePhotonIdx++; // increase regular photon index
photon.__progressRatio += particleSpeed;
if (photon.__progressRatio >=1) {
if (rx == 0 || ry == 0) {
// degenerate to line
length += dist_(currentPointX, currentPointY, tempPoint1X, tempPoint1Y);
expandBounds_(tempPoint1X, tempPoint1Y);
let bezierCoords = arcToBeziers_(currentPointX, currentPointY,
rx, ry, xAxisRotation,
largeArcFlag, sweepFlag,
tempPoint1X, tempPoint1Y);
for (let i = 0; i < bezierCoords.length; i += 8) {
let bez = new Bezier(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y,
bezierCoords[i + 2], bezierCoords[i + 3],
bezierCoords[i + 4], bezierCoords[i + 5],
bezierCoords[i + 6], bezierCoords[i + 7]);
length += bez.length();
currentPoint.x = bezierCoords[i + 6];
currentPoint.y = bezierCoords[i + 7];
currentPoint.x = tempPoint1X;
currentPoint.y = tempPoint1Y;
commands.forEach(({command, args}) => {
switch (command) {
case 'moveTo': {
// start new sub-path
currentSubPath = [];
lastMovePoint = {x:args[0], y:args[1]};
currentPoint.x = args[0];
currentPoint.y = args[1];
expandBounds_(args[0], args[1]);
case 'lineTo': {
length += MathUtil.dist(args[0], args[1], currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y);
pushBezier_(new Bezier(
currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y,
args[0], args[1],
args[0], args[1]));
currentPoint.x = args[0];
currentPoint.y = args[1];
expandBounds_(args[0], args[1]);
case 'closePath': {
if (lastMovePoint) {
length += MathUtil.dist(lastMovePoint.x, lastMovePoint.y, currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y);
pushBezier_(new Bezier(
currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y,
lastMovePoint.x, lastMovePoint.y,
lastMovePoint.x, lastMovePoint.y));
if (rx == 0 || ry == 0) {
// degenerate to line
length += MathUtil.dist(currentPointX, currentPointY, tempPoint1X, tempPoint1Y);
expandBounds_(tempPoint1X, tempPoint1Y);
currentPoint.x = tempPoint1X;
currentPoint.y = tempPoint1Y;
let bezierCoords = arcToBeziers_(currentPointX, currentPointY,
rx, ry, xAxisRotation,
largeArcFlag, sweepFlag,
tempPoint1X, tempPoint1Y);
for (let i = 0; i < bezierCoords.length; i += 8) {
let bez = new Bezier(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y,
bezierCoords[i + 2], bezierCoords[i + 3],
bezierCoords[i + 4], bezierCoords[i + 5],
bezierCoords[i + 6], bezierCoords[i + 7]);
length += bez.length();
currentPoint.x = bezierCoords[i + 6];
currentPoint.y = bezierCoords[i + 7];
currentPoint.x = tempPoint1X;
currentPoint.y = tempPoint1Y;
Path.prototype.shiftAlong = function(distance) {
let len = 0
let current
for (let i in this.ops) {
let op = this.ops[i]
if (op.type === 'line') {
let thisLen = op.to.dist(current)
if (len + thisLen > distance) return current.shiftTowards(op.to, distance - len)
else len += thisLen
} else if (op.type === 'curve') {
let bezier = new Bezier(
{ x: current.x, y: current.y },
{ x: op.cp1.x, y: op.cp1.y },
{ x: op.cp2.x, y: op.cp2.y },
{ x: op.to.x, y: op.to.y }
let thisLen = bezier.length()
if (len + thisLen > distance) return shiftAlongBezier(distance - len, bezier)
else len += thisLen
current = op.to
throw new Error(
`Error in Path.shiftAlong(): Ran out of path to shift along. Distance requested was ${distance}, path length is${this.length()}.`
export function lineIntersectsCurve(start, end, from, cp1, cp2, to) {
let intersections = []
let bz = new Bezier(
{ x: from.x, y: from.y },
{ x: cp1.x, y: cp1.y },
{ x: cp2.x, y: cp2.y },
{ x: to.x, y: to.y }
let line = {
p1: { x: start.x, y: start.y },
p2: { x: end.x, y: end.y }
for (let t of bz.intersects(line)) {
let isect = bz.get(t)
intersections.push(new Point(isect.x, isect.y))
if (intersections.length === 0) return false
else if (intersections.length === 1) return intersections[0]