Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'alasql' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
for(var i=1;i
const TfFeature = new Terraformer.Primitive(feature)
return filter.intersects(TfFeature)
sql.fn.ST_EnvelopeIntersects = function (feature = {}, filterGeom = {}) {
if (!feature) return false
if (!(feature.type || feature.coordinates)) feature = convertFromEsri(feature) // TODO: remove ? temporary esri geometry conversion
if (!(feature.type && feature.coordinates && feature.coordinates.length > 0)) return false
if (feature.type === 'Point') return sql.fn.ST_Contains(feature, filterGeom)
const filter = new Terraformer.Primitive(filterGeom)
const envelope = transformArray(new Terraformer.Primitive(feature).bbox())
const TfFeature = new Terraformer.Polygon(envelope)
return filter.intersects(TfFeature)
sql.fn.geohash = function (geometry = {}, precision) {
if (!geometry || !geometry.type || !geometry.coordinates) return
precision = precision || 8
if (geometry.type !== 'Point') geometry = centroid(geometry).geometry
const pnt = geometry.coordinates
return geohash.encode(pnt[1], pnt[0], precision)
sql.fn.pick = function (properties, fields) {
const parsedFields = fields.split(',')
return _.pick(properties, parsedFields)
* Select a subset of properties and modify propterties to fit ESRI specs
* @param {object} properties GeoJSON properties
* @param {object} geometry GeoJSON geometry
module.exports = (http) => {
const io = require ('socket.io')(http);
const ConspectioNode = require('./conspectioNode.js');
const alasql = require('alasql');
// custom function that returns array length
alasql.fn.arrlen = function(arr) { return arr.length; };
//create nodeTracker table instead of nodeTracker[] due to compatiability with alasql CRUD operations
alasql('CREATE TABLE nodeTracker');
//max number of leechers per broadcast relayer
const maxRelayers = 1;
const maxBroadcasters = 3;
io.on('connection', (socket) => {
console.log('socket connected', socket.id);
// NOTE: handle more than 1 broadcaster per eventId
//listens for event tag from broadcaster
socket.on('addBroadcaster', (eventId) => {
// add a new broadcaster asssociated with that event id into nodeTracker table
const sqlColumns = this._sqlHelper.generateSqlColumns( columnRow.cells, sqlTypes );
const createCommand = this._sqlHelper.generateCreateWithTypes( table.internalName, sqlColumns );
try {
// console.log( 'TABLE CREATION COMMAND: ', createCommand );
dbConnection.exec( createCommand ); // Creates the table if it does not exist
} catch ( e ) {
const msg = `Error creating the table "${table.name}": ${e.message}`;
throw new RuntimeException( msg, table.location );
// Prepares a parameterized insert
const insertCommand = this._sqlHelper.generateParameterizedInsert(
table.internalName, columnRow.cells );
// @ts-ignore
let insert = alasql.compile( insertCommand );
if ( ! isDefined( insert ) ) {
const msg = `Error compiling the insert command at the table "${table.name}".`;
throw new RuntimeException( msg, table.location );
// Inserts the values
for ( let i = 1; i < rowCount; ++i ) { // starts at the second row
const row = table.rows[ i ];
try {
// console.log( 'row', row );
let params = this.normalizeValues( row.cells, valTypes );
// console.log( 'params', params );
insert( params );
} catch ( e ) {
const msg = `Error inserting values in the table "${table.name}": ${e.message}`;
const sqlColumns = this._sqlHelper.generateSqlColumns( row.cells, sqlTypes );
//console.log( sqlColumns );
const createCommand = this._sqlHelper.generateCreateWithTypes( table.name, sqlColumns );
try {
// Create the table if it does not exist
db.exec( createCommand );
// Prepare a parameterized insert
const insertCommand = this._sqlHelper.generateParameterizedInsert(
table.name, row.cells );
//console.log( insertCommand );
// @ts-ignore
insert = alasql.compile( insertCommand );
} catch ( e ) {
return reject( e );
} else {
// Create the table if it does not exist
const createCommand = this._sqlHelper.generateCreate( table.name, row.cells );
//console.log( createCommand );
try {
db.exec( createCommand );
} catch ( e ) {
return reject( e );
} else {
const valTypes = this.detectTableColumnTypes(table);
const sqlTypes = valTypes.map(v => this._sqlHelper.convertToSQLType(v));
const sqlColumns = this._sqlHelper.generateSqlColumns(columnRow.cells, sqlTypes);
const createCommand = this._sqlHelper.generateCreateWithTypes(table.internalName, sqlColumns);
try {
// console.log( 'TABLE CREATION COMMAND: ', createCommand );
dbConnection.exec(createCommand); // Creates the table if it does not exist
catch (e) {
const msg = `Error creating the table "${table.name}": ${e.message}`;
throw new error_1.RuntimeException(msg, table.location);
// Prepares a parameterized insert
const insertCommand = this._sqlHelper.generateParameterizedInsert(table.internalName, columnRow.cells);
// @ts-ignore
let insert = alasql.compile(insertCommand);
if (!util_1.isDefined(insert)) {
const msg = `Error compiling the insert command at the table "${table.name}".`;
throw new error_1.RuntimeException(msg, table.location);
// Inserts the values
for (let i = 1; i < rowCount; ++i) { // starts at the second row
const row = table.rows[i];
try {
// console.log( 'row', row );
let params = this.normalizeValues(row.cells, valTypes);
// console.log( 'params', params );
catch (e) {
const msg = `Error inserting values in the table "${table.name}": ${e.message}`;
throw new error_1.RuntimeException(msg, table.location);
// Async select
var db = require('alasql');
db("CREATE TABLE test (language INT, hello STRING)");
db("INSERT INTO test VALUES (1,'Hello!')");
db("INSERT INTO test VALUES (2,'Aloha!')");
db("INSERT INTO test VALUES (3,'Bonjour!')");
db .promise("SELECT * FROM test WHERE language > 1")
// AlaSQL node.js sample
var alasql = require('alasql');
var db = new alasql.Database();
db.exec("CREATE TABLE test (one INT, two INT)");
db.tables.test.data = [ // You can mix SQL and JavaScript
var res = db.exec("SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY two DESC");
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Alacon - Command line interface for Alasql
// Version: 0.1
// Date: 07.04.2015
// (c) 2014-2015, Andrey Gershun
var alasql = require('alasql');
var fs = require('fs');
if(process.argv.length <= 2) {
console.log('alacon - Alasql command-line utility (version '+alasql.version+') ');
console.log(' node alacon "sql-statement" [ param0 ]... - run SQL statement');
console.log(' node alacon -f file.sql [ param0 ]... - run SQL from file');
console.log(' node alacon \'select 2+2\'');
console.log(' node alacon \'select count(*) from txt()\' 2) {
var sql = process.argv[2];
var parami = 3;
if(sql == '-f') {
sql = fs.readFile(sql).toString();
addSkipper() {
const { name, displacement, country } = this.refs;
if (!name.value) return;
// console.log(dicplacement.value); // Kontrol amaçlı. Browser'dan F12 ile değerlere bakılabilir
alasql('INSERT INTO Submarine VALUES ?',
id: alasql.autoval('Submarine', 'id', true),
name: name.value,
displacement: displacement.value,
country: country.value