Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'fast-levenshtein' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
const timedServerDocument = await Servers.findOne(msg.guild.id).catch(err => {
winston.debug(`Failed to get server document for spam filter..`, err);
if (serverDocument) {
const timedChannelDocument = timedServerDocument.query.id("channels", msg.channel.id);
spamDocument = timedChannelDocument.id("spam_filter_data", msg.author.id);
if (spamDocument.val) {
timedServerDocument.save().catch(err => {
winston.debug("Failed to save server data for spam filter", { svrid: msg.guild.id }, err);
}, 45000);
// Add this message to spamDocument if similar to the last one
} else if (levenshtein.get(spamDocument.val.last_message_content, msg.cleanContent) < 3) {
spamDocument.inc("message_count").set("last_message_content", msg.cleanContent);
// First-time spam filter violation
if (spamDocument.val.message_count === serverDocument.config.moderation.filters.spam_filter.message_sensitivity) {
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
winston.verbose(`Handling first-time spam from member "${msg.author.tag}" in channel "${msg.channel.name}" on server "${msg.guild}" `, { svrid: msg.guild.id, chid: msg.channel.id, usrid: msg.author.id });
this.client.logMessage(serverDocument, LoggingLevels.INFO,
`Handling first-time spam from member "${msg.author.tag}" in channel "${msg.channel.name}".`, msg.channel.id, msg.author.id);
// Message user and tell them to stop
embed: {
color: Colors.RED,
title: `⚠️ Stop Spamming! ⚠️`,
description: `Stop spamming in #${msg.channel.name} (${msg.channel}) on ${msg.guild}.\nThe chat moderators have been notified about this.`,
return Object.keys(candidate).reduce((sum, prop: string) => {
const definitionString: string = definition[prop] || "";
return sum + levenshtein.get(definitionString, candidate[prop]);
}, 0);
return getClosestMatch(candidates, candidate => {
return levenshtein.get(column, candidate);
availablePlatformKeys().reduce((acc, cur) =>
levenshtein.get(acc, k) > levenshtein.get(cur, k) ? cur : acc
public async getData(article: Article): Promise<article> {
await delay(Math.random() * (this.throttle * 1000))
article.cites = 0
article.abstract = ''
const $ = await this.getCheerio(article)
const articles = $('.gs_r')
for (const element of articles.toArray()) {
const title = $(element).find('h3 a').text()
if (levenshtein.get(article.title.toLowerCase(), title.toLowerCase(), { useCollator: true }) < 3) {
const citeText = $(element).find('.gs_or_cit').next().text()
if (citeText.startsWith('Cited by')) {
const matches = citeText.match(/\d+/)
if (matches !== null) article.cites = parseInt(matches[0])
} else article.cites = 0
article.link = $(element).find('h3 a').attr('href')
article.abstract = await AbstractScraper.getAbstract(article.link)
if (article.abstract === '') article.abstract = 'ASKED FOR ABSTRACT AND ALL I GET WAS THIS LOUSY T-SHIRT'
return article
idents.forEach(ident => {
const d = levenshtein.get(ident, identifier);
if (d < minDistance) {
minDistance = d;
closest = ident;
const isDefaultImport = type === 'ImportDefaultSpecifier';
.reduce((previous, current) => Math.min(previous, Levenshtein.get(query, current, {useCollator: true})), 9999);
return alternativeNames.sort((firstEl, secondEl) => {
const firstScore = levenshtein.get(name, firstEl);
const secondScore = levenshtein.get(name, secondEl);
return firstScore - secondScore;