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Top 6 Examples of "7zip-bin in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing '7zip-bin' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Yuya Ochiai
// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
'use strict';

const spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync;

const path7za = require('7zip-bin').path7za;

const pkg = require('../src/package.json');
const appVersion = pkg.version;
const productName = pkg.productName;

function renameInZip(zipPath, oldName, newName) {
  const result = spawnSync(path7za, ['rn', zipPath, oldName, newName]);
  return result.status === 0;

console.log('Manipulating 64-bit zip...');
if (!renameInZip(`release/${productName}-${appVersion}`, 'win-unpacked', `${productName}-${appVersion}-win64`)) {
  throw new Error('7za returned non-zero exit code for 64-bit zip');

console.log('Manipulating 32-bit zip...');
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import path from 'path-extra'
import { log } from '../lib/utils'
import child_process from 'child_process'
import Seven from 'node-7z'
import sevenBin from '7zip-bin'

const pathTo7zip = sevenBin.path7za

const { ROOT } = global
export const NPM_EXEC_PATH = path.join(ROOT, 'node_modules', 'npm', 'bin', 'npm-cli.js')
export const PLUGIN_JSON_PATH = path.join(ROOT, 'assets', 'data', 'plugin.json')

export const compress7z = async (files, archive, options) => {
  options = {
    $bin: pathTo7zip,
  try {
    await fs.remove(archive)
  } catch (e) {
  await Seven.add(archive, files, options)
callback({error: ERROR_UNZIPPING_THE_FILE, detail: error.message});
					callback({error: ERROR_UNZIPPING_THE_FILE, detail: error.message});


		else if(inArray(fileExtension(path), compressedExtensions['7z']))
			if(un7z === false) un7z = require('node-7z');
			if(bin7z === false) bin7z = asarToAsarUnpacked(require('7zip-bin').path7za);

			un7z.extractFull(path, p.join(tempFolder, shaExt), {$progress: true, p: false/*'myPassword'*/, $bin: bin7z}).on('progress', function(progress) {

				setProgress(progress.percent / 100, contentRightZindex);

			}).on('end', function (data) {

					if(fs.existsSync(p.join(tempFolder, shaExt))) fs.renameSync(p.join(tempFolder, shaExt), p.join(tempFolder, sha));

	 				var files = file.returnAll(p.join(tempFolder, sha), {from: p.join(tempFolder, sha), to: virtualPath});

					if(!json || json.mtime != mtime)
						cache.writeFile(cacheFile, JSON.stringify({mtime: mtime, files: files}), {}, function(){});
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const path = require('path')
const childProcess = require('child_process')
const path7za = require('7zip-bin').path7za

const PromiseExt = require('ember-cli/lib/ext/promise')

module.exports = function shipMac (pkg, options) {
  const mkdir = PromiseExt.denodeify(fs.mkdirs)

  return mkdir(path.join('electron-builds', 'installers'))
    .finally(() => createZip(pkg, options))

function createZip (pkg, options) {
  const ee = pkg['ember-electron']
  const access = PromiseExt.denodeify(fs.access)
  const unlink = PromiseExt.denodeify(fs.unlink)

  const name = || ||
export function extractSeven(path, destinationPath) {
  const def = deferred()

  let pathTo7zip

  if (is.development) {
    pathTo7zip = sevenBin.path7za
  } else {
    const binName = platform({
      macos: '7za',
      linux: '7za',
      windows: '7za.exe',

    pathTo7zip = getAppResourcesPath('7zip-bin', binName)

  const seven = extractFull(path, destinationPath, {
    $bin: pathTo7zip,
    recursive: true,

  seven.on('end', () => {
async function runScript() {
  const zipExe = zip.path7za;
  const nodeObsPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'node_modules', '@streamlabs', 'obs-studio-node', 'libobs');

  const obsFrameCaptureFilterDownloadUrl = `${OBS_FRAME_CAPTURE_FILTER_VERSION}/obs-frame-capture-filter-v${OBS_FRAME_CAPTURE_FILTER_VERSION}.zip`;
  const obsFrameCaptureFilterArchivePath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), `obs-frame-capture-filter-v${OBS_FRAME_CAPTURE_FILTER_VERSION}.zip`);
  const obsFrameCaptureFilterArchive = fs.createWriteStream(obsFrameCaptureFilterArchivePath);
  const obsFrameCaptureFilterArchiveFinishPromise = new Promise(resolve => obsFrameCaptureFilterArchive.on('finish', resolve));

  sh.echo(`Downloading obs-frame-capture-filter version ${OBS_FRAME_CAPTURE_FILTER_VERSION}...`);
  https.get(obsFrameCaptureFilterDownloadUrl, redirectResponse => (
    https.get(redirectResponse.headers.location, response => response.pipe(obsFrameCaptureFilterArchive))
  await obsFrameCaptureFilterArchiveFinishPromise;

  sh.echo('Extracting obs-frame-capture-filter archive...');
  const result = sh.exec(`"${zipExe}" x "${obsFrameCaptureFilterArchivePath}" -o"${nodeObsPath}" -aoa`);

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