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Sumo Logic Integration with CloudDefense.AI

Integrating Sumo Logic with CloudDefense.AI enhances your cybersecurity by combining powerful log analysis and cloud workload protection, providing comprehensive visibility and proactive threat detection capabilities.

Integration of Sumo Logic with CloudDefense.AI

What is Sumo Logic?

Sumo Logic is a cloud-based machine data analytics platform that provides real-time insights into application and infrastructure logs and metrics. It helps organizations gain visibility and understand their data to make better-informed decisions. Sumo Logic's powerful analytics capabilities allow users to monitor, troubleshoot, and secure their applications and IT infrastructure.

Benefits of integrating Sumo Logic with CloudDefense.AI

Integrating Sumo Logic with CloudDefense.AI brings several benefits to organizations. Firstly, it enables the correlation of security events from various sources, such as logs, cloud platforms, and applications, allowing for a centralized and comprehensive view of the security landscape. This consolidation of data enhances real-time threat detection and incident response capabilities.

Secondly, the integration allows for deeper insights into the security posture of cloud environments. Sumo Logic's analytics combined with the comprehensive security scanning and monitoring capabilities of CloudDefense.AI provide organizations with actionable intelligence to identify vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and potential security risks.

How CloudDefense.AI helps secure your cloud infra and applications through DevSecOps tools

CloudDefense.AI offers a range of DevSecOps tools that contribute to securing cloud infrastructures and applications. Firstly, it scans code repositories, enabling developers to detect security vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle. This helps prevent the introduction of vulnerabilities into the codebase right from the beginning, reducing the risk of security incidents.

Secondly, CloudDefense.AI scans web applications, identifying vulnerabilities and potential weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers. By continuously monitoring web applications, security teams can proactively address these issues, ensuring the security and integrity of their applications.

Furthermore, CloudDefense.AI integrates with various cloud security tools, such as Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) and Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM). This integration enables organizations to assess and enforce security configurations, detect potential misconfigurations, and monitor for compliance violations across their cloud infrastructure.

Additionally, the integration with attack graph tools enhances understanding of attack paths and potential security risks, enabling organizations to prioritize and address vulnerabilities that pose the most significant threats.

Instructions for integrating Sumo Logic with CloudDefense.AI

1. Sign in to your CloudDefense.AI account.
2. Go to the Dashboard section of CloudDefense.AI.
3. Click on the "Integrations" tab in the Dashboard.
4. Search for "Sumo Logic" in the list of available services.
5. Click on "Sumo Logic" to select it as the service to integrate.
6. Provide your Sumo Logic credentials, including the access key and secret key.
7. Click on the "Connect" button to establish the integration between CloudDefense.AI and Sumo Logic.
8. Once the integration is successful, you will be directed to the Sumo Logic dashboard within CloudDefense.AI.
9. Explore the Sumo Logic dashboard to access the various features and insights provided by Sumo Logic.
10. Customize the settings and preferences within the Sumo Logic dashboard as needed.
11. Ensure that the integration is working correctly by reviewing the data and information displayed in the dashboard.
12. Continue monitoring and managing your cybersecurity data and events using the integrated Sumo Logic and CloudDefense.AI solution.
Quick & Easy  to Install in DevSecOps Platform

Installing Sumo Logic in CloudDefense.AI's dev sec ops platform is incredibly easy. With just a few simple steps, you can seamlessly integrate Sumo Logic for comprehensive cloud security analytics and insights.

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Easily Integrates  with Our ACS™

Integration of your cloud infrastructure with Sumo Logic and CloudDefense.AI is seamless and effortless. Sumo Logic is a powerful cloud-based analytics platform that provides real-time insights and log management, enabling proactive security monitoring and incident response.

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