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Lightstep Integration with CloudDefense.AI

Integrating Lightstep with CloudDefense.AI enhances cybersecurity by combining advanced observability and monitoring capabilities for comprehensive threat detection and response.

Integration of Lightstep with CloudDefense.AI

What is Lightstep?

Lightstep is a cutting-edge observability platform that provides organizations with real-time visibility into their software systems and applications. It monitors and analyzes the performance of complex distributed systems, helping businesses identify and resolve performance issues quickly and efficiently. Lightstep enables users to trace requests as they flow through microservices, giving them a deeper understanding of how their applications perform in real-time. It offers comprehensive data visualization and analysis, helping organizations optimize their software and improve customer experiences.

Benefits of integrating Lightstep with CloudDefense.AI

Integrating Lightstep with CloudDefense.AI brings numerous benefits to organizations. Firstly, it allows for enhanced security and observability across cloud infrastructure and applications. By combining the capabilities of CloudDefense.AI's security scanning tools with Lightstep's observability solutions, organizations gain a comprehensive view of their system's performance and security posture. This integration helps identify vulnerabilities and security gaps in real-time, allowing prompt remediation and preventing potential threats.

How CloudDefense.AI secures your cloud infra and applications through dev sec ops tools

CloudDefense.AI provides a range of powerful dev sec ops tools that contribute to securing cloud infrastructure and applications. It scans code in repositories to identify security vulnerabilities and compliance issues in the development stage. By detecting and addressing these issues early on, organizations can prevent potential security breaches. Additionally, CloudDefense.AI scans web applications and cloud tools such as CIEM (Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management) and CSPM (Cloud Security Posture Management) to ensure that security configurations are in compliance with best practices. It utilizes an attack graph to map potential attack paths, allowing organizations to proactively address security risks before they are exploited.

Instructions for integrating Lightstep with CloudDefense.AI

1. Create an account on Lightstep and obtain the API key.
2. Login to the CloudDefense.AI dashboard.
3. On the dashboard, navigate to the service integration section.
4. Select the option to integrate a new service.
5. Choose Lightstep from the available list of services.
6. Provide the necessary details, such as the API key obtained from Lightstep.
7. Save the changes and verify the connection with Lightstep.
8. Once the connection is verified, go back to the dashboard.
9. Choose the desired project or application to monitor with Lightstep.
10. Select the relevant metrics and logs to be collected from Lightstep.
11. Configure the data retention policy in CloudDefense.AI.
12. Save the configuration settings.
13. Monitor and analyze the metrics and logs in CloudDefense.AI from Lightstep.
Quick & Easy  to Install in DevSecOps Platform

Installing Lightstep in CloudDefense.AI's dev sec ops platform is a breeze, with seamless integration and minimal effort. Lightstep provides comprehensive visibility into microservices architectures, enabling efficient monitoring, troubleshooting, and enhancing overall security.

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Easily Integrates  with Our ACS™

Integrating your cloud infra with Lightstep and CloudDefense.AI is a seamless process, enabling robust cybersecurity monitoring and defense. Lightstep provides powerful observability tools that help identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities, ensuring a secure and efficient cloud environment.

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