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Cisco FirePower Integration with CloudDefense.AI

Integrating Cisco FirePower with CloudDefense.AI provides enhanced security by leveraging advanced threat intelligence and automated defense mechanisms to protect your network infrastructure and cloud-based assets effectively.

Integration of Cisco FirePower with CloudDefense.AI

What is Cisco FirePower?

Cisco FirePower is an advanced network security solution that combines threat intelligence, firewall capabilities, and advanced malware protection into a single platform. It provides real-time visibility and control over network traffic to protect against a wide range of cyber threats.

Benefits of integrating Cisco FirePower with CloudDefense.AI

By integrating Cisco FirePower with CloudDefense.AI, organizations can leverage the strengths of both solutions to enhance the security of their cloud infrastructure and applications. CloudDefense.AI provides a comprehensive suite of dev sec ops tools that assist in securing cloud environments, while Cisco FirePower offers advanced network security capabilities.

How does CloudDefense.AI help secure your cloud infrastructure and applications?

CloudDefense.AI employs various dev sec ops tools to scan code in repositories, web applications, and cloud tools like CIEM (Cloud Infrastructure and Endpoint Management) and CSPM (Cloud Security Posture Management). These tools detect vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and potential security risks, allowing organizations to proactively address them before they are exploited by attackers.

Furthermore, CloudDefense.AI utilizes techniques like attack graph analysis to visualize the attack surface and identify potential attack paths. This enables organizations to understand their cloud infrastructure's potential vulnerabilities and take appropriate steps to mitigate them.

In summary, CloudDefense.AI, through its dev sec ops tools, offers comprehensive security scanning and analysis of code, web applications, and cloud infrastructure. By integrating with Cisco FirePower, organizations can enhance network security and benefit from advanced threat intelligence and protection.

Instructions for integrating Cisco FirePower with CloudDefense.AI

1. Log in to your Cisco FirePower administration console.
2. Go to the System menu and select Integration.
3. Click on External Feeds and then click on the New button.
4. In the Name field, enter a name for the CloudDefense.AI integration.
5. In the Feed URL field, enter the URL provided by CloudDefense.AI for the integration.
6. Click on the Submit button to save the integration.
7. Navigate back to the System menu and select Access Control Policies.
8. Select the policy you want to configure with CloudDefense.AI.
9. Click on the Advanced tab and then select External Feeds.
10. Click on the Add button and select the CloudDefense.AI integration you just created from the dropdown menu.
11. Configure any required settings or conditions for the integration.
12. Click on the Save button to apply the changes to the Access Control Policy.
13. Go to the CloudDefense.AI dashboard and log in.
14. Select the network or device you want to monitor with Cisco FirePower.
15. Go to the Integrations section on the dashboard.
16. Click on the Add Integration button and select Cisco FirePower from the list.
17. Enter the necessary connection details, such as the IP address and credentials of your Cisco FirePower system.
18. Click on the Save button to save the Cisco FirePower integration.
19. You can now view and manage Cisco FirePower alerts and events through the CloudDefense.AI dashboard.
Quick & Easy  to Install in DevSecOps Platform

Cisco FirePower is effortlessly integrated into CloudDefense.AI's dev sec ops platform, simplifying the installation process. Experience robust security measures with seamless deployment, protecting your cloud infrastructure and ensuring comprehensive cybersecurity for your organization.

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Easily Integrates  with Our ACS™

Integrating your cloud infrastructure with Cisco FirePower and CloudDefense.AI is seamless, enhancing your cybersecurity by combining the advanced threat intelligence capabilities of FirePower with the comprehensive protection and real-time visibility provided by CloudDefense.AI. Cisco FirePower is a leading network security solution that offers integrated threat defense, advanced malware protection, and secure access control, empowering organizations to protect their networks from multiple types of threats.

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