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Azure Boards Integration with CloudDefense.AI

Integrating Azure Boards with CloudDefense.AI enhances cybersecurity by providing a centralized platform for managing vulnerabilities, automating remediation, and tracking progress in securing your cloud infrastructure.

Integration of Azure Boards with CloudDefense.AI

What is Azure Boards?

Azure Boards is a work tracking system in the Microsoft Azure DevOps suite. It is a collaborative tool that allows teams to plan, track, and discuss work across the entire development process. With Azure Boards, teams can create and prioritize backlogs, track work items, visualize progress with interactive dashboards, and facilitate communication and collaboration among team members.

Benefits of integrating Azure Boards with CloudDefense.AI

Integrating Azure Boards with CloudDefense.AI provides several key benefits. Firstly, it enhances security and reduces risk by seamlessly integrating security practices into the development process. By combining the power of Azure Boards' work tracking capabilities with CloudDefense.AI's security features, development teams gain visibility into potential security vulnerabilities and can prioritize and address them in a more efficient and proactive manner.

Furthermore, the integration allows for better traceability and accountability, ensuring that security tasks are not overlooked or delayed. Security-related work items can be easily tracked, assigned, and monitored within Azure Boards, ensuring that they are completed in a timely manner. This ultimately helps in reducing the overall time to mitigate security risks.

How CloudDefense.AI helps secure your cloud infra and applications through DevSecOps tools

CloudDefense.AI provides a comprehensive set of security features that help secure cloud infrastructures and applications through the implementation of DevSecOps practices. By scanning code in repositories, CloudDefense.AI can identify security vulnerabilities in source code, enabling development teams to address them early in the software development lifecycle.

In addition, CloudDefense.AI scans web applications and cloud tools, such as CIEM (Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management) and CSPM (Cloud Security Posture Management), to identify misconfigurations and vulnerabilities. It also utilizes an attack graph to analyze and visualize potential attack paths, allowing organizations to proactively identify weak points in their cloud infrastructure and applications.

Overall, CloudDefense.AI helps organizations automate and streamline their security processes, enabling them to identify and mitigate security risks more efficiently. By integrating Azure Boards with CloudDefense.AI, teams benefit from enhanced security visibility, traceability, and collaboration, ultimately resulting in a more secure cloud environment.

Instructions for integrating Azure Boards with CloudDefense.AI

1. Create an Azure Boards project in the Azure DevOps portal.
2. Obtain your CloudDefense.AI API key.
3. Open the CloudDefense.AI dashboard and navigate to the Integrations section.
4. Click on the "Add Integration" button.
5. Select Azure Boards from the list of available integrations.
6. Provide your Azure DevOps URL and select the project you created earlier.
7. Enter your CloudDefense.AI API key.
8. Click on the "Save" button to establish the integration.
9. Now, whenever new vulnerabilities are detected by CloudDefense.AI, they will be automatically added as work items in Azure Boards.
10. Monitor the integration status and manage the work items in Azure Boards as needed.
Quick & Easy  to Install in DevSecOps Platform

Azure Boards is a user-friendly and seamless integration within CloudDefense.AI's dev sec ops platform, facilitating easy installation and efficient project management, allowing teams to collaborate, track progress, and prioritize tasks effortlessly for enhanced cybersecurity in the cloud environment.

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Easily Integrates  with Our ACS™

Integrating your cloud infrastructure with Azure Boards and CloudDefense.AI is a breeze, enabling streamlined collaboration and enhanced security. Azure Boards is a powerful project management tool in the Azure DevOps suite, facilitating agile planning, tracking, and reporting for efficient software development teams.

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