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AWS CloudTrail Integration with CloudDefense.AI

Integrating AWS CloudTrail with CloudDefense.AI enhances security by analyzing logs and detecting anomalies, providing visibility into user activities and potential threats, ultimately strengthening the overall security posture.

Integration of AWS CloudTrail with CloudDefense.AI

What is AWS CloudTrail?

AWS CloudTrail is a service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to track and log all activities and API calls made within your AWS infrastructure. This includes actions taken by users, services, and resources in your account, giving you an audit trail of events for compliance and security purposes. CloudTrail captures and delivers the data needed to monitor and troubleshoot your AWS resources, as well as to detect any unauthorized access or changes in your infrastructure configuration.

Benefits of integrating AWS CloudTrail with CloudDefense.AI

Integrating AWS CloudTrail with CloudDefense.AI brings several benefits to your cloud security strategy. CloudDefense.AI, being an advanced cybersecurity platform, enhances the capabilities of CloudTrail by providing a comprehensive set of security tools and features. This integration enables proactive monitoring, analysis, and reporting of events captured by CloudTrail, allowing you to identify and respond to security threats in real time, helping you achieve a higher level of cloud security.

Securing your cloud infra and applications with CloudDefense.AI

CloudDefense.AI ensures the security of your cloud infrastructure and applications through its comprehensive set of dev sec ops tools. These tools include code scanning in repositories, which helps identify and remediate vulnerabilities in your application code. Additionally, CloudDefense.AI scans web applications and cloud tools like CIEM (Cloud Infrastructure and Entitlement Management) and CSPM (Cloud Security Posture Management) to detect misconfigurations and ensure compliance. It also utilizes attack graph and other advanced techniques to visualize and analyze potential attack vectors, helping you improve your overall cloud security posture.

Instructions for integrating AWS CloudTrail with CloudDefense.AI

1. Create an AWS IAM role with the necessary permissions to access CloudTrail and send logs to CloudDefense.AI.
2. Go to the AWS CloudTrail console and select your trail.
3. Click on "Edit" and navigate to the "Management events" section.
4. Enable CloudTrail management event logging by selecting the "Read/Write Management Events" option.
5. Under "Data events," choose the S3 buckets and Lambda functions for which you want to enable logging.
6. Click on "Save" to update the trail configuration.
7. In the CloudDefense.AI dashboard, select the "Integrations" section.
8. Click on "Add Integration" and choose the "AWS CloudTrail" option.
9. Enter the required AWS account details, including the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key of the IAM role.
10. Click on "Save" to add the CloudTrail integration with CloudDefense.AI.
Quick & Easy  to Install in DevSecOps Platform

AWS CloudTrail is an effortless addition to CloudDefense.AI's dev sec ops platform. It provides comprehensive audit logs for monitoring and tracking user activity, making it easy to safeguard your cloud infrastructure and improve security posture.

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Easily Integrates  with Our ACS™

Integrating your cloud infra with AWS CloudTrail and CloudDefense.AI is seamless, ensuring comprehensive visibility and monitoring of your AWS resources. AWS CloudTrail provides a detailed event history, tracking user activity and API calls within your AWS account.

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