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Top 10 Examples of "rope in functional component" in Python

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'rope' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

def _rename_in_module(self, pymodule, name, new_name, till_dot=False):
        old_name = name.split('.')[-1]
        old_pyname = rope.base.evaluate.eval_str(pymodule.get_scope(), name)
        occurrence_finder = occurrences.create_finder(
            self.project, old_name, old_pyname, imports=False)
        changes = rope.base.codeanalyze.ChangeCollector(pymodule.source_code)
        for occurrence in occurrence_finder.find_occurrences(
            start, end = occurrence.get_primary_range()
            if till_dot:
                new_end = pymodule.source_code.index('.', end) + 1
                space = pymodule.source_code[end:new_end - 1].strip()
                if not space == '':
                    for c in space:
                        if not c.isspace() and c not in '\\':
                            raise ValueError()
                end = new_end
            changes.add_change(start, end, new_name)
        source = changes.get_changed()
name = identifier_before_dot()

        if not name:
            return [], " Not at an identifier."
        module = None
            module = __import__(name)
        except ImportError, e:
            return [], " %s." % e
        names = dir(module)
        for name in names:
            if not name.startswith("__"):
                p = rope.contrib.codeassist.CompletionProposal(
                    name, "imported", rope.base.pynames.UnboundName())
                type_name = type(getattr(module, name)).__name__
                if type_name.find('function') != -1 or type_name.find('method') != -1:
                    p.type = 'function'
                elif type_name == 'module':
                    p.type = 'module'
                elif type_name == 'type':
                    p.type = 'class'
                    p.type = 'instance'
        # if module is a package, check the direc tory
        if hasattr(module,"__path__"):
          in_dir_names = [os.path.split(n)[1] for n in glob.glob(os.path.join(module.__path__[0], "*"))]
          in_dir_names = [n.replace(".py","") for n in in_dir_names
                              if not n.endswith(".pyc") and not n == ""]
def _follow_evaluations(assignment, pyname, pyobject):
    new_pyname = pyname
    tokens = assignment.evaluation.split('.')
    for token in tokens:
        call = token.endswith('()')
        if call:
            token = token[:-2]
        if token:
            pyname = new_pyname
            new_pyname = _get_attribute(pyobject, token)
            if new_pyname is not None:
                pyobject = new_pyname.get_object()
        if pyobject is not None and call:
            if isinstance(pyobject, rope.base.pyobjects.AbstractFunction):
                args = arguments.ObjectArguments([pyname])
                pyobject = pyobject.get_returned_object(args)
                pyobject = None
        if pyobject is None:
    if pyobject is not None and assignment.assign_type:
        return rope.base.pyobjects.PyObject(pyobject)
    return pyobject
def _rename_in_module(self, pymodule, name, new_name, till_dot=False):
        old_name = name.split('.')[-1]
        old_pyname = rope.base.evaluate.eval_str(pymodule.get_scope(), name)
        occurrence_finder = occurrences.create_finder(
            self.project, old_name, old_pyname, imports=False)
        changes = rope.base.codeanalyze.ChangeCollector(pymodule.source_code)
        for occurrence in occurrence_finder.find_occurrences(
            start, end = occurrence.get_primary_range()
            if till_dot:
                new_end = pymodule.source_code.index('.', end) + 1
                space = pymodule.source_code[end:new_end - 1].strip()
                if not space == '':
                    for c in space:
                        if not c.isspace() and c not in '\\':
                            raise ValueError()
                end = new_end
            changes.add_change(start, end, new_name)
        source = changes.get_changed()
        if source is not None:
def _pydefined_to_str(pydefined):
    address = []
    if isinstance(pydefined, (builtins.BuiltinClass, builtins.BuiltinFunction)):
        return '__builtins__.' + pydefined.get_name()
        while pydefined.parent is not None:
            address.insert(0, pydefined.get_name())
            pydefined = pydefined.parent
        module_name = pydefined.pycore.modname(pydefined.resource)
    return '.'.join(module_name.split('.') + address)
def _import_filter(self, stmt):
      module_name = libutils.modname(self.source)

      if isinstance(stmt.import_info, importutils.NormalImport):
          # Affect any statement that imports the source module
          return any(module_name == name
                     for name, alias in stmt.import_info.names_and_aliases)
      elif isinstance(stmt.import_info, importutils.FromImport):
          # Affect statements importing from the source package
          if '.' in module_name:
              package_name, basename = module_name.rsplit('.', 1)
              if (stmt.import_info.module_name == package_name and
                  any(basename == name
                      for name, alias in stmt.import_info.names_and_aliases)):
                  return True
          return stmt.import_info.module_name == module_name
      return False
def __init__(self, pycore, ast_node, parent):
            self, pycore, ast_node, parent)
        self.arguments = self.ast_node.args
        self.parameter_pyobjects = pynames._Inferred(
            self._infer_parameters, self.get_module()._get_concluded_data())
        self.returned = pynames._Inferred(self._infer_returned)
        self.parameter_pynames = None
def get_changes(self, new_parameter):
        definition_info =
        collector = codeanalyze.ChangeCollector(
        header_start, header_end = self._get_header_offsets()
        body_start, body_end = sourceutils.get_body_region(self.pyfunction)
        collector.add_change(header_start, header_end,
        self._change_function_occurances(collector, body_start,
                                         body_end, new_parameter)
        changes = rope.base.change.ChangeSet('Introduce parameter <%s>' %
        change = rope.base.change.ChangeContents(self.resource,
        return changes
def _default_config(self):
        import rope.base.default_config
        import inspect
        return inspect.getsource(rope.base.default_config)
such a folder at all.
            - `prefs`: Specify project preferences.  These values
              overwrite config file preferences.

        if projectroot != '/':
            projectroot = _realpath(projectroot).rstrip('/\\')
        self._address = projectroot
        self._ropefolder_name = ropefolder
        if not os.path.exists(self._address):
        elif not os.path.isdir(self._address):
            raise exceptions.RopeError('Project root exists and'
                                       ' is not a directory')
        if fscommands is None:
            fscommands = rope.base.fscommands.create_fscommands(self._address)
        super(Project, self).__init__(fscommands)
        self.ignored = _ResourceMatcher()
        self.file_list = _FileListCacher(self)
        self.prefs.add_callback('ignored_resources', self.ignored.set_patterns)
        if ropefolder is not None:
            self.prefs['ignored_resources'] = [ropefolder]

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