Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'numba' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
def gaussker_2d1_cuda(x, y, c, hx, hy, nf1, nf2, nspread, tau, real_ftau, imag_ftau ):
"""This kernel function for gauss grid 1d typ1, and it will be executed by a thread."""
i = cuda.grid(1)
if i > x.shape[0]:
#do the 1d griding here
xi = x[i] % (2 * np.pi) #x, shift the source point xj so that it lies in [0,2*pi]
yi = y[i] % (2 * np.pi) #y, shift the source point yj so that it lies in [0,2*pi]
mx = 1 + int(xi // hx) #index for the closest grid point
my = 1 + int(yi // hy) #index for the closest grid point
for mmx in range(-nspread, nspread): #mm index for all the spreading points
for mmy in range(-nspread,nspread):
#griding with g(x,y) = exp(-(x^2 + y^2) / 4*tau)
#ftau[(mx + mmx) % nf1, (my + mmy) % nf2] +=
tmp = c[i] * exp(-0.25 * (\
(xi - hx * (mx + mmx)) ** 2 + \
def gaussker_3d1_fast_cuda(x, y, z, c, hx, hy, hz, nf1, nf2, nf3, nspread, tau, E3, real_ftau, imag_ftau ):
"""This kernel function for gauss grid 1d typ1, and it will be executed by a thread."""
i = cuda.grid(1)
if i > c.shape[0]:
#read x, y, z values
xi = x[i] % (2 * np.pi) #x, shift the source point xj so that it lies in [0,2*pi]
yi = y[i] % (2 * np.pi) #y, shift the source point yj so that it lies in [0,2*pi]
zi = z[i] % (2 * np.pi) #z, shift the source point zj so that it lies in [0,2*pi]
mx = 1 + int(xi // hx) #index for the closest grid point
my = 1 + int(yi // hy) #index for the closest grid point
mz = 1 + int(zi // hz) #index for the closest grid point
xi = (xi - hx * mx) #offsets from the closest grid point
yi = (yi - hy * my) #offsets from the closest grid point
zi = (zi - hz * mz) #offsets from the closest grid point
def main():
cu_discriminant = vectorize(['f4(f4, f4, f4)', 'f8(f8, f8, f8)'],
N = 1e+8 // 2
print('Data size', N)
A, B, C = poly.generate_input(N, dtype=np.float32)
D = np.empty(A.shape, dtype=A.dtype)
stream = cuda.stream()
print('== One')
ts = time()
with stream.auto_synchronize():
def increment1(value):
return value + 1
# Parameters
Nz = 2048
Nr = 256
rmax = 50.e-6
m = 0
# Initialize the random test_field
interp_field_r = np.random.rand(Nz, Nr) + 1.j*np.random.rand(Nz, Nr)
interp_field_t = np.random.rand(Nz, Nr) + 1.j*np.random.rand(Nz, Nr)
d_interp_field_r = cuda.to_device( interp_field_r )
d_interp_field_t = cuda.to_device( interp_field_t )
# Initialize the field in spectral space
spect_field_p = np.empty_like( interp_field_r )
spect_field_m = np.empty_like( interp_field_t )
d_spect_field_p = cuda.to_device( spect_field_p )
d_spect_field_m = cuda.to_device( spect_field_m )
# Initialize the field after back and forth transformation
back_field_r = np.empty_like( interp_field_r )
back_field_t = np.empty_like( interp_field_t )
d_back_field_r = cuda.to_device( back_field_r )
d_back_field_t = cuda.to_device( back_field_t )
# ----------------
# Scalar transform
# ----------------
print( '\n ### Scalar transform \n' )
# Perform the transform on the CPU
trans_cpu = SpectralTransformer( Nz, Nr, m, rmax )
# Do a loop so as to get the fastest time
# and remove compilation time
tmin = 1.
def resdec(f):
if not numbaexists:
return f
return jit(f)
return resdec
@numba.jit(UniTuple(f8[:, :], 3)(f8[:, :], f8[:], f8[:]), nopython=True, nogil=True)
def positions_vector(position, orientation, radius_ts):
"""Center and shoulder positions"""
x = np.cos(orientation)
y = np.sin(orientation)
t = np.stack((y, -x), axis=1)
offset = t * radius_ts
position_ls = position - offset
position_rs = position + offset
return position, position_ls, position_rs
@jit(u4(u4[:, :]), nopython=True, cache=True)
def true_num_ops(exponent_matrix):
without counting additions (just MUL & POW) and but WITH considering the coefficients (1 MUL per monomial)
num_ops = 0
for monomial_nr in range(exponent_matrix.shape[0]):
for dim in range(exponent_matrix.shape[1]):
exp = exponent_matrix[monomial_nr, dim]
if exp > 0:
# per scalar factor 1 MUL operation is required
num_ops += 1
if exp >= 2:
# for scalar factors with exponent >= 2 additionally 1 POW operation is required
num_ops += 1
return num_ops
@jit(float64(float64, float64),nopython=True)
def gb(X,Y):
return Godunov.NumFlux(Burg,X,Y)
def i_will_win(state, last_move, player):
""" Return true if I will win next step if the opponent don't have 4-in-a-row.
Winning Conditions:
1. 5 in a row.
2. 4 in a row with both end open. (free 4)
3. 4 in a row with one missing stone x 2 (hard 4 x 2)
r, c = last_move
# try all 4 directions, the other 4 is equivalent
directions = [(1,1), (1,0), (0,1), (1,-1)]
n_hard_4 = 0 # number of hard 4s found
for dr, dc in directions:
line_length = 1 # last_move
# try to extend in the positive direction (max 4 times)
ext_r = r
ext_c = c