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Top 10 Examples of "nose in functional component" in Python

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'nose' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

def test_init(self):
        # Test the default initialization
        cc = ComputeClass('test', 'key', 'val', 'echo')
        assert_equal(, 'test', msg='Name not set correctly')
        assert_equal(cc.resource, 'key', msg='Resource not set correctly')
        assert_equal(cc.value, 'val', msg='Value not set correctly')

        cc = ComputeClass('test2', 'key2', 'val2', 'echo')
        assert_equal(, 'test2', msg='Name not set correctly')
        assert_equal(cc.resource, 'key2', msg='Resource not set correctly')
        assert_equal(cc.value, 'val2', msg='Value not set correctly')
def test_magics_parser_multiple_lines_command():
    user_command = """hvacText = sc.textFile("path")
hvacSchema = StructType([StructField("date", StringType(), False),StructField("time", StringType(), False),StructField("targettemp", IntegerType(), False),StructField("actualtemp", IntegerType(), False),StructField("buildingID", StringType(), False)])
hvac = s: s.split(",")).filter(lambda s: s[0] != "Date").map(lambda s:(str(s[0]), str(s[1]), int(s[2]), int(s[3]), str(s[6]) ))
hvacdf = sqlContext.createDataFrame(hvac,hvacSchema)
data = sqlContext.sql("select buildingID, (targettemp - actualtemp) as temp_diff, date from hvac where date = \"6/1/13\"")

    subcommand, force, output_var, command = parser.parse_user_command(user_command)
    assert_equals("run", subcommand)
    assert_equals(False, force)
    assert output_var is None
    assert_equals(user_command, command)
def custom_test(**vars):
        print("I accept anything")

    class MyValidator(pyblish.api.Validator):
        def process(self, context):
            assert False, "I won't stop the extractor"

    class MyExtractor(pyblish.api.Extractor):
        def process(self, context):
            print("I came, I saw, I extracted..")
            count["#"] += 1

    pyblish.util.publish(plugins=[MyValidator, MyExtractor])
    assert_equals(count["#"], 1)
# Only sync already imported
      ldap_access.CACHED_LDAP_CONN.remove_posix_user_group_for_test('posix_person', 'PosixGroup')
      import_ldap_groups(ldap_access.CACHED_LDAP_CONN, 'PosixGroup', import_members=False, import_members_recursive=False, sync_users=True, import_by_dn=False)
      assert_equal(test_users.user_set.all().count(), 1)
      assert_equal(User.objects.get(username='posix_person').groups.all().count(), 0)

      # Import missing user
      ldap_access.CACHED_LDAP_CONN.add_posix_user_group_for_test('posix_person', 'PosixGroup')
      import_ldap_groups(ldap_access.CACHED_LDAP_CONN, 'PosixGroup', import_members=True, import_members_recursive=False, sync_users=True, import_by_dn=False)
      assert_equal(test_users.user_set.all().count(), 2)
      assert_equal(User.objects.get(username='posix_person').groups.all().count(), 1)

      # Import all members of PosixGroup and members of subgroups (there should be no subgroups)
      import_ldap_groups(ldap_access.CACHED_LDAP_CONN, 'PosixGroup', import_members=True, import_members_recursive=True, sync_users=True, import_by_dn=False)
      test_users = Group.objects.get(name='PosixGroup')
      assert_equal(test_users.user_set.all().count(), 2)

      # Import all members of NestedPosixGroups and members of subgroups
      import_ldap_groups(ldap_access.CACHED_LDAP_CONN, 'NestedPosixGroups', import_members=True, import_members_recursive=True, sync_users=True, import_by_dn=False)
      test_users = Group.objects.get(name='NestedPosixGroups')
      assert_equal(test_users.user_set.all().count(), 0)
      test_users = Group.objects.get(name='PosixGroup')
      assert_equal(test_users.user_set.all().count(), 2)

      # Make sure Hue groups with naming collisions don't get marked as LDAP groups
      hue_user = User.objects.create(username='otherguy', first_name='Different', last_name='Guy')
      hue_group = Group.objects.create(name='OtherGroup')
path = os.path.join(bin_location, binary)

    with archr.targets.LocalTarget([path], target_os='cgc') as target:
        crash = rex.Crash(target, inp, fast_mode=True, rop_cache_path=os.path.join(cache_location, os.path.basename(binary)))
        zp = crash.state.get_plugin("zen_plugin") == 1)

        flag_leaks = list(crash.point_to_flag()) >= 1)

        for ptfi in flag_leaks:
            cg = colorguard.ColorGuard(path, ptfi)
            pov = cg.attempt_exploit()

    def installs_a_package_if_its_not_installed_yet_by_name_and_version(self):
        with self.execute_mock() as execute, self.mock_role_method('is_package_installed') as is_package_installed:
            is_package_installed.return_value = False

            self.role.ensure_package_installed('runit', '123')

            execute.assert_called_with('gem install runit(123)', sudo=True, stdout=False)
        gr0: start a slow find()
        gr1: start a fast find()
        gr1: get results
        gr0: get results
        NOT_STARTED = 0
        SUCCESS = 1
        SKIP = 2

            from multiprocessing import Value, Process
        except ImportError:
            # Python < 2.6
            raise SkipTest('No multiprocessing module')
        outcome = Value('i', NOT_STARTED)

        results = {
            'find_fast_result': None,
            'find_slow_result': None,

        # Do test in separate process so patch_socket() doesn't affect all
        # subsequent unittests
        def do_test():
            if use_greenlets:
                    from gevent import Greenlet
                    from gevent import monkey
def setupNetworks(self, nets, bonds, opts, **kwargs):
        if opts.pop('ovs', True):
            # setup every network as OVS network
            for net, attrs in nets.items():
                if not attrs.get('bridged', True):
                    raise SkipTest('OVS does not support bridgeless networks')
                if 'remove' not in attrs:
                    nets[net].update({'custom': {'ovs': True}})
            for bond, attrs in bonds.items():
                if 'remove' not in attrs:
                    bond_opts = bonds[bond].get('options', '').split()
                    modified = False
                    for i in range(len(bond_opts)):
                        if bond_opts[i].startswith('custom='):
                            bond_opts[i] = ('custom=%s,ovs=True' %
                                            bond_opts[i].split('=', 1)[1])
                            modified = True
                    if not modified:
                    bonds[bond]['options'] = ' '.join(bond_opts)
def test():
    '''Test cute-(un)pickling on various objects.'''
    if not import_tools.exists('multiprocessing'):
        raise nose.SkipTest('`multiprocessing` is not installed.')
    import multiprocessing
    totally_pickleable_things = [
        [1, 2, (3, 4)],
        {1: 2, 3: set((1, 2, 3))},
        None, True, False,
        (1, 2, 'meow'),
    thing = Object()
    thing.a, thing.b, thing.c, thing.d, thing.e, thing.f, thing.g, thing.h = \
def test_StepDict_can_load_a_step_from_a_function():
    u"lettuce.STEP_REGISTRY.load_func(func) append item(step, func) to STEP_REGISTRY"
    steps = StepDict()
    def a_step_to_test():


    expected_sentence = "A step to test"
    assert_in(expected_sentence, steps)
    assert_equal(steps[expected_sentence], a_step_to_test)

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