Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'furl' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
def fetch_page(self, page, start_date, end_date):
url = furl(self.config.base_url)
url.args['page'] = page
url.args['rows_per_page'] = 1000
url.args['format'] = 'raw'
url.args['filters'] = json.dumps({
'match': 'and',
'rules': [
# date filters are strictly less/greater than, not equal to
{'field': self.DATE_FIELD, 'operator': 'is after', 'value': start_date.subtract(days=1).to_date_string()},
{'field': self.DATE_FIELD, 'operator': 'is before', 'value': end_date.add(days=1).to_date_string()},
response = self.requests.get(url.url, headers=self.HEADERS)
if response.status_code // 100 != 2:
raise ValueError('Malformed response ({}) from {}. Got {}'.format(response, url.url, response.content))
return response.json()
responses.add(responses.GET, pbp_url, json=game_pbp_response, status=200)
responses.add(responses.GET, game_summary_url, json=game_summary_response, status=200)
with open('tests/data/stats_game_pbp_response.json') as f:
game_pbp_response = json.loads(f.read())
pbp_base_url = 'https://stats.nba.com/stats/playbyplayv2'
pbp_query_params = {
'EndPeriod': 10,
'EndRange': 55800,
'GameId': '0021600270',
'RangeType': 2,
'StartPeriod': 0,
'StartRange': 0,
pbp_url = furl(pbp_base_url).add(pbp_query_params).url
responses.add(responses.GET, pbp_url, json=game_pbp_response, status=200)
data_game_data = DataGameData(game_id, response_data_directory=None)
stats_game_data = StatsGameData(game_id, response_data_directory=None)
pbp_response = stats_game_data.get_pbp_response()
events_list = stats_game_data.get_array_of_dicts_from_response(pbp_response, 0, dedupe=True)
for period in data_game_data.Periods:
for event in period.Events:
evt_num = event.number
for stats_period in stats_game_data.Periods:
for stats_event in stats_period.Events:
if evt_num == stats_event.number:
def test_match_filter_created_at_start(mock, samples_response):
created_at = '2019-09-14T00:00:00Z'
match_id = '3095f3be-a327-491c-be17-6e4823821b2e'
url = furl(BASE_URL).join(ENDPOINT_PATH).add(
{'filter[createdAt-start]': created_at}).url
mock.get(url, json=samples_response)
sample = api.samples().filter(created_at_start=created_at).get()
match = sample.matches[0]
assert isinstance(sample, Sample)
assert isinstance(match, Match)
assert match.id == match_id
def test_build_and_sign_delete_url(self, mock_time, expires, mock_provider, file_2_obj_name):
signed_url = mock_provider._build_and_sign_url('DELETE', file_2_obj_name, **{})
url = furl.furl(signed_url)
assert '{}://{}'.format(url.scheme, url.host) == mock_provider.BASE_URL
assert url.path == '/{}/{}'.format(mock_provider.bucket, quote(file_2_obj_name, safe=''))
assert int(url.args.get('Expires')) == expires
assert url.args.get('GoogleAccessId') == mock_provider.creds.service_account_email
assert url.args.get('Signature') == unquote(
return (
if user_ and user_.lower() in ["hg", "git"] and not password
else user_
match = cls.SSH_URL_GIT_SYNTAX.match(url)
if match:
user, host, path = match.groups()
return (
.set(scheme="https", username=get_username(user), host=host, path=path)
parsed_url = furl(url)
if parsed_url.scheme == "ssh":
return parsed_url.set(
parsed_url.username, password=parsed_url.password
return url
def get_nzb_link_and_guid(searchResultId, external, downloader=None):
externalUrl = config.settings.main.externalUrl
if externalUrl and not (external and config.settings.main.useLocalUrlForApiAccess):
f = furl(externalUrl)
f = furl(get_root_url())
args = {"searchresultid": searchResultId}
if external:
apikey = config.settings.main.apikey
if apikey is not None:
args["apikey"] = apikey
if downloader:
args["downloader"] = downloader
return f.url
def build_base_url(self):
f = furl(self.host)
url = f.add({"ig": "2", "rpp": self.max_results, "st": 5, "ns": 1, "sn": 1}) # I need to find out wtf these values are
return url
def _build_url(self, *segments, **query):
url = furl.furl(self.base_url)
return url.url
def getCleanProxyUrl(url):
f = furl(url)
return "%s://%s:%d" % (f.scheme, f.host, f.port)
def _build_url(self, **query):
url = furl.furl(self.base_url)
return url.url