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Top 10 Examples of "webdriver-manager in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'webdriver-manager' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

gulp.task('protractor-only', ['webdriver-update'], function (done) {
  var testFiles = [

  var seleniumStandAlone = new SeleniumStandAlone();
  seleniumStandAlone.versionCustom = '3.4.0';
  var seleniumServerJar = path.resolve(SeleniumConfig.getSeleniumDir(), seleniumStandAlone.executableFilename());

      args: ['--seleniumServerJar='+seleniumServerJar],
      configFile: 'test/protractor.conf.js'
    .on('error', function (err) {
      // Make sure failed tests cause gulp to exit non-zero
      throw err;
    .on('end', function () {
      // Close browser sync server
gulp.task('protractor-only', ['webdriver-update'], function (done) {
  var testFiles = [

  var seleniumStandAlone = new SeleniumStandAlone();
  seleniumStandAlone.versionCustom = '3.4.0';
  var seleniumServerJar = path.resolve(SeleniumConfig.getSeleniumDir(), seleniumStandAlone.executableFilename());

      args: ['--seleniumServerJar='+seleniumServerJar],
      configFile: 'test/protractor.conf.js'
    .on('error', function (err) {
      // Make sure failed tests cause gulp to exit non-zero
      throw err;
    .on('end', function () {
      // Close browser sync server
'use strict';

var path = require('path');
var SeleniumConfig = require('webdriver-manager/built/lib/config').Config;
var SeleniumChrome = require('webdriver-manager/built/lib/binaries/chrome_driver').ChromeDriver;
var seleniumChrome = new SeleniumChrome();
seleniumChrome.versionCustom = '2.30';

// An example configuration file.
exports.config = {
  baseUrl: 'http://localhost:9000/',
  chromeDriver: path.resolve(SeleniumConfig.getSeleniumDir(), seleniumChrome.executableFilename()),

  // Capabilities to be passed to the webdriver instance.
  capabilities: {
    browserName: 'chrome',
    chromeOptions: {
      args: ['--headless', '--disable-gpu', '--window-size=1280,800']

  // Spec patterns are relative to the current working directly when
  // protractor is called.
  specs: ['test/e2e/**/*.js'],

  // Options to be passed to Jasmine-node.
  jasmineNodeOpts: {
    showColors: true,
'use strict';

var gulp = require('gulp');
var path = require('path');
var SeleniumConfig = require('webdriver-manager/built/lib/config').Config;
var SeleniumStandAlone = require('webdriver-manager/built/lib/binaries/stand_alone').StandAlone;

var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')({
   pattern: ['gulp-*', 'browser-sync', 'run-sequence']

gulp.task('scripts-tests', function () {
  return gulp.src(['test/**/*.js'])

// Downloads the selenium webdriver
gulp.task('webdriver-update', function (done) {
'use strict';

var path = require('path');
var SeleniumConfig = require('webdriver-manager/built/lib/config').Config;
var SeleniumChrome = require('webdriver-manager/built/lib/binaries/chrome_driver').ChromeDriver;
var seleniumChrome = new SeleniumChrome();
seleniumChrome.versionCustom = '2.30';

// An example configuration file.
exports.config = {
  baseUrl: 'http://localhost:9000/',
  chromeDriver: path.resolve(SeleniumConfig.getSeleniumDir(), seleniumChrome.executableFilename()),

  // Capabilities to be passed to the webdriver instance.
  capabilities: {
    browserName: 'chrome',
    chromeOptions: {
      args: ['--headless', '--disable-gpu', '--window-size=1280,800']

  else if (process.env.SAUCE_PLATFORM_NAME === 'android') {
    var appiumAndroid = require('./appium/android-conf.js');
    config.multiCapabilities = appiumAndroid.androidCapabilities;
// Local tests, required:
else {
  const webdriverManagerConfig = require('webdriver-manager/selenium/update-config.json');

  config.directConnect = true;
  config.chromeDriver =;
  config.capabilities = {
    browserName: 'chrome',

module.exports.config = config;
'use strict';

var path = require('path');
var SeleniumConfig = require('webdriver-manager/built/lib/config').Config;
var SeleniumChrome = require('webdriver-manager/built/lib/binaries/chrome_driver').ChromeDriver;
var seleniumChrome = new SeleniumChrome();
seleniumChrome.versionCustom = '2.30';

// An example configuration file.
exports.config = {
  baseUrl: 'http://localhost:9000/',
  chromeDriver: path.resolve(SeleniumConfig.getSeleniumDir(), seleniumChrome.executableFilename()),

  // Capabilities to be passed to the webdriver instance.
  capabilities: {
    browserName: 'chrome',
    chromeOptions: {
      args: ['--headless', '--disable-gpu', '--window-size=1280,800']

  // Spec patterns are relative to the current working directly when
            catch (err) {
                throw new exitCodes_1.BrowserError(logger, 'No update-config.json found.' +
                    ' Run \'webdriver-manager update\' to download binaries.');
        if (!fs.existsSync(this.config_.seleniumServerJar)) {
            throw new exitCodes_1.BrowserError(logger, 'No selenium server jar found at ' + this.config_.seleniumServerJar +
                '. Run \'webdriver-manager update\' to download binaries.');
        if (this.config_.capabilities.browserName === 'chrome') {
            if (!this.config_.chromeDriver) {
                logger.debug('Attempting to find the chromedriver binary in the default ' +
                    'location used by webdriver-manager');
                try {
                    let updateJson = path.resolve(SeleniumConfig.getSeleniumDir(), 'update-config.json');
                    let updateConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(updateJson).toString());
                    this.config_.chromeDriver =;
                catch (err) {
                    throw new exitCodes_1.BrowserError(logger, 'No update-config.json found. ' +
                        'Run \'webdriver-manager update\' to download binaries.');
            // Check if file exists, if not try .exe or fail accordingly
            if (!fs.existsSync(this.config_.chromeDriver)) {
                if (fs.existsSync(this.config_.chromeDriver + '.exe')) {
                    this.config_.chromeDriver += '.exe';
                else {
                    throw new exitCodes_1.BrowserError(logger, 'Could not find chromedriver at ' + this.config_.chromeDriver +
                        '. Run \'webdriver-manager update\' to download binaries.');
'Could not find chromedriver at ' + chromeDriverFile +
                  '. Run \'webdriver-manager update\' to download binaries.');

        let chromeService = new ChromeServiceBuilder(chromeDriverFile).build();
        // driver = ChromeDriver.createSession(new Capabilities(this.config_.capabilities),
        // chromeService);
        // TODO(ralphj): fix typings
        driver =
                .Driver.createSession(new Capabilities(this.config_.capabilities), chromeService);
      case 'firefox':
        let geckoDriverFile: string;
        try {
          let updateJson = path.resolve(SeleniumConfig.getSeleniumDir(), 'update-config.json');
          let updateConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(updateJson).toString());
          geckoDriverFile = updateConfig.gecko.last;
        } catch (e) {
          throw new BrowserError(
              'Could not find update-config.json. ' +
                  'Run \'webdriver-manager update\' to download binaries.');

        // TODO (mgiambalvo): Turn this into an import when the selenium typings are updated.
        const FirefoxServiceBuilder = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox').ServiceBuilder;

        let firefoxService = new FirefoxServiceBuilder(geckoDriverFile).build();
        // TODO(mgiambalvo): Fix typings.
        driver =
getNewDriver() {
        let driver;
        switch (this.config_.capabilities.browserName) {
            case 'chrome':
                let chromeDriverFile;
                if (this.config_.chromeDriver) {
                    chromeDriverFile = this.config_.chromeDriver;
                else {
                    try {
                        let updateJson = path.resolve(SeleniumConfig.getSeleniumDir(), 'update-config.json');
                        let updateConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(updateJson).toString());
                        chromeDriverFile =;
                    catch (e) {
                        throw new exitCodes_1.BrowserError(logger, 'Could not find update-config.json. ' +
                            'Run \'webdriver-manager update\' to download binaries.');
                if (!fs.existsSync(chromeDriverFile)) {
                    throw new exitCodes_1.BrowserError(logger, 'Could not find chromedriver at ' + chromeDriverFile +
                        '. Run \'webdriver-manager update\' to download binaries.');
                let chromeService = new chrome_1.ServiceBuilder(chromeDriverFile).build();
                // driver = ChromeDriver.createSession(new Capabilities(this.config_.capabilities),
                // chromeService);
                // TODO(ralphj): fix typings

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