Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'vue-eslint-parser' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
it('should add scope attribute for all elements', () => {
const code = `
<div id="foo">
<p class="bar">Test</p>
<p data-v-abcde="">{{ test }}</p>
const program = parse(code, {})
const ast = transformTemplate(program.templateBody!, code)
const scope = '1a2s3d'
const scopeName = 'data-scope-' + scope
const scopeAttr: TEAttribute = {
type: 'Attribute',
attrIndex: -1,
name: scopeName,
range: [-1, -1]
const result = addScope(ast, scope)
const expected: any = ast
expected.children[1].startTag.attrs[scopeName] = scopeAttr // #foo
expected.children[1].children[1].startTag.attrs[scopeName] = scopeAttr // .bar
it('should extract v-for directive', () => {
const code =
const program = parse(code, {})
const ast = program.templateBody!
// prettier-ignore
const expected = createTemplate([
h('ul', [], [
h('li', [vFor(['item', 'key', 'i'], 'obj')], []),
assertWithoutRange(transformTemplate(ast, code), expected)
it('should evaluate literal value of directives', () => {
const code = '<template><p>test</p></template>'
const program = parse(code, {})
const ast = program.templateBody!
// prettier-ignore
const expected = createTemplate([
[d('if', 'true')],
assertWithoutRange(transformTemplate(ast, code), expected)
it('should transform element', () => {
const code = '<template><div>Test {{ foo }}<p>bar</p></div></template>'
const program = parse(code, {})
const ast = program.templateBody!
// prettier-ignore
const expected = createTemplate([
h('div', [], [
'Test ',
h('p', [], [
assertWithoutRange(transformTemplate(ast, code), expected)
it('should transform v-bind.prop directive', () => {
const code = '<template><div></div></template>'
const program = parse(code, {})
const ast = program.templateBody!
// prettier-ignore
const expected = createTemplate([
d('bind', { argument: 'lang', modifiers: ['prop'] }, 'en')
assertWithoutRange(transformTemplate(ast, code), expected)
function recreateVueTempalteSourceFile(
vueTemplateFileName: string,
sourceFile: ts.SourceFile,
scriptSnapshot: ts.IScriptSnapshot
) {
// TODO: share the logic of transforming the code into AST
// with the template mode
const vueText = scriptSnapshot.getText(0, scriptSnapshot.getLength());
const templateCode = parseVueTemplate(vueText);
const scriptSrc = parseVueScriptSrc(vueText);
const program = parse(templateCode, { sourceType: 'module' });
let expressions: ts.Expression[] = [];
try {
expressions = getTemplateTransformFunctions(tsModule).transformTemplate(program, templateCode);
injectVueTemplate(tsModule, sourceFile, expressions, scriptSrc);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Failed to transform template of ${vueTemplateFileName}`);
const newText = printer.printFile(sourceFile);
const newSourceFile = tsModule.createSourceFile(
function parseTemplateBlock(template: string): TETemplate | undefined {
// TODO: Use parsed SFCBlock after it is fixed that the issue vue-template-compiler
// breaks original source position by deindent
const code = template.replace(/[\s\S]*<\/script>/, matched => {
return matched.replace(/./g, ' ')
const { templateBody } = parseTemplate(code, {})
return templateBody && transformTemplate(templateBody, code)
const VERSIONS = `export default ${JSON.stringify({
"vue-eslint-demo": {
repo: "mysticatea/vue-eslint-demo",
version: require("./package.json").version,
eslint: {
repo: "eslint/eslint",
version: require("eslint/package.json").version,
"eslint-plugin-vue": {
repo: "vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue",
version: require("eslint-plugin-vue/package.json").version,
"vue-eslint-parser": {
repo: "mysticatea/vue-eslint-parser",
version: require("vue-eslint-parser/package.json").version,
"babel-eslint": {
repo: "babel/babel-eslint",
version: require("babel-eslint/package.json").version,
"typescript-eslint-parser": {
repo: "eslint/typescript-eslint-parser",
version: require("typescript-eslint-parser/package.json").version,
typescript: {
repo: "Microsoft/typescript",
version: require("typescript/package.json").version,
// Shim for vue-eslint-parser.
export function parseVueSourceFile(fileContent: string): SourceCode | ParsingError {
let exceptionToReport: ParseException | null = null;
try {
const result = VueJS.parseForESLint(fileContent, config);
return new SourceCode(fileContent, result.ast as any);
} catch (exception) {
exceptionToReport = exception;
// if we reach this point, we are sure that "exceptionToReport" is defined
return {
line: exceptionToReport!.lineNumber,
message: exceptionToReport!.message,
code: ParseExceptionCode.Parsing,
it('should work in complex case', () => {
const code = `<template><div id="foo"><h1>Hello</h1><p>World</p></div></template>`
const template = parseTemplate(code, {}).templateBody!
const ast: any = transformTemplate(template, code)
const actual = modify(code, [
replace(ast.children[0].children[0].children[0], 'Hi'),
insertBefore(ast.children[0].children[1], 'Test')
const expected =