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Top 10 Examples of "noflo in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'noflo' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('canvas').css('z-index', '-5');
  $('body').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'range').attr('min', '0.1').attr('value', '0.1').attr('max', '255').attr('step', '0.1').attr('id', 'sigma'));
  $('body').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'range').attr('min', '0').attr('value', '1').attr('max', '255').attr('step', '1').attr('id', 'radius'));

  let nofloGraph = new noflo.graph.Graph('wat');

  function getNofloGraph () {
    return nofloGraph;

  let dag = pipeline.DAG({regl, resl, getNofloGraph, pipeline});

  // so we can access stuff easily from the console.
  window.dag = dag;

  nofloGraph.addNode('src-texture', 'texture', {});
  nofloGraph.addNode('fbo', 'framebuffer', {});
  nofloGraph.addNode('blur', 'brute-gaussian', {});
  nofloGraph.addNode('sink-canvas', 'canvas', {});

  for (let node of dag.nodes()) {
$(document).ready(function () {
  // put the canvas in front of everything, but don't let it interfere with the
  // input events and steal focus etc.
  $('body > canvas')
      .css('z-index:', '1000')
      .css('pointer-events', 'none');

  // initialize the graph model
  let nofloGraph = new noflo.graph.Graph({options: {caseSensitive: true}});
  function getNofloGraph () {
    return nofloGraph;

  // initialize the DAG/pipeline
  let dag = pipeline.DAG({regl, resl, getNofloGraph, pipeline, $});

  // so we can access stuff easily from the console.
  window.dag = dag;

  // create a few nodes
  dag.n('src', 'texture');
  dag.n('fbo', 'framebuffer');
  dag.n('blur', 'brute-gaussian');
  dag.n('sink', 'canvas');
  // hardcode some values on to the texture
graph.addEdge('Touch', 'end', 'DragY', 'close');
      graph.addEdge('DragY', 'out', 'PosY', 'in');

      // up-down axis return when touch ends
      graph.addEdge('AnchorY', 'out', 'SpringY', 'anchor');
      graph.addEdge('Touch', 'moveY', 'NewY', 'data');
      graph.addEdge('Touch', 'end', 'NewY', 'in');
      graph.addEdge('NewY', 'out', 'SpringY', 'in');
      graph.addEdge('SpringY', 'out', 'PosY', 'in');

      // write graph JSON to textarea
      var g = document.getElementById('graph');
      g.value = JSON.stringify(graph.toJSON(), null, 2);
      // run the graph
      noflo.createNetwork(graph, function (network) {
        console.log("Network created");
window.loadGraph = function (json) {
          // Remove loading message
          var loading = document.getElementById("loading");
          // Load graph
          var editor = document.getElementById('editor');
          var graph = ? JSON.parse(['noflo.json'].content) : json;
          var graphString = JSON.stringify(graph);
          editor.graph = graph;

          // Attach editor to nav
          var nav = document.getElementById('nav');
          nav.editor = editor;

          // Simulate a library update
          setTimeout(function () {
            var originalComponent = editor.getComponent('core/Split');
            if (!originalComponent) {
              console.warn("Didn't find component. Something is amiss.");
            var component = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(originalComponent));
            component.icon = 'github';
server.ext('onPreHandler', (request, reply) => {

            const settings = request.route.settings.plugins[name];

            if (settings) {
                //console.log(Util.inspect(`flow-loader.plugin [${}] -> ${JSON.stringify(request.path)} `, { colors: true })); // TODO: REMOVE!!!!
                const data = { request: new NoFlo.IP('data', request, { scope: }) };
                if (_.isArray(settings.consumes)) {
                    settings.consumes.forEach((service) => {

                        data[service] = new NoFlo.IP('data',[service], { scope: });
                const graph = NoFlo.asCallback(, { loader });
                const promisedGraph = Util.promisify(graph);
                    .then((result) => {

                        if (!result) {
                            return reply.continue();
                        if (result.error) {
                            throw new Error(new Boom.internal(result.error));
                        request.plugins[name] = result.out;
                        return reply.continue();
                    .catch((err) => {

const getComponent = (): NofloComponent => {
  const c: NofloComponent = new noflo.Component()

  /* META */
  c.description = 'For a prompt, collect statements numbering up to a given maximum (or unlimited) from a list of participants'
  c.icon = 'compress'

  /* IN PORTS */
  c.inPorts.add('max_responses', {
    datatype: 'all', // string or number
    description: 'the number of responses to stop collecting at, use "*" for any amount',
    required: true
  c.inPorts.add('max_time', {
    datatype: 'int',
    description: 'the number of seconds to wait until stopping this process automatically',
    required: true
DataflowNoflo.registerGraph = function(graph) {
      // Plugin: library
      var cl = new noflo.ComponentLoader();
      cl.baseDir = graph.baseDir;
        for (name in types) {
          cl.load(name, function(component){
            makeDataflowNode(name, component);
      // Might have to wait for the load callbacks
        exclude: ["base", "base-resizable", "test", "noflo-base"]

      // Plugin: source
      var sourceChanged = function(graph) { JSON.stringify(graph.toJSON(), null, 2) );
$.getJSON('clock.json', function (graphDefinition) {
        noflo.graph.loadJSON(graphDefinition, function (graph) {
          window.graph = graph;
          // Which component to start with when loading components
          graph.baseDir = '/dataflow-noflo';

          var dataflow = new Dataflow({appendTo:"#noflo-ui"});

          // Dataflow-Noflo connection
          dataflow.plugins.noflo.registerGraph(graph, dataflow, function (dfGraph) {
            // Run the graph
            noflo.createNetwork(graph, function (network) {
              graph.on('addInitial', function () {
window.onload = function () {
      // Dependencies
      var Dataflow = require('/meemoo-dataflow').Dataflow;
      var noflo = require('noflo');

      // Start dataflow
      var dataflow = new Dataflow({appendTo:"#noflo-ui"});
      // Load blank graph
      var nfGraph = noflo.graph.createGraph("NoFlo");
      nfGraph.baseDir = "/dataflow-noflo";

      // Dataflow-Noflo connection
      dataflow.plugins.noflo.registerGraph(nfGraph, dataflow);
      // Show source
$.getJSON('draggabilly.json', function (graphDefinition) {
        noflo.graph.loadJSON(graphDefinition, function (graph) {
          window.graph = graph;
          // Which component to start with when loading components
          graph.baseDir = '/dataflow-noflo';

          var dataflow = new Dataflow({appendTo:"#noflo-ui"});

          // Dataflow-Noflo connection
          dataflow.plugins.noflo.registerGraph(graph, dataflow);
          // Run the graph
          noflo.createNetwork(graph, function (network) {
            graph.on('addInitial', function () {

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