Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'vue-docgen-api' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
function docsBuild(file, info) {
console.log(`Processing file: ${file}\n`)
const vueObj = vueDocgen.parse(file)
let compDataObj = {
"readme": '',
"examples": '',
"tmplTblData": '',
"version": '',
// calculate associated component names and paths
const vueCompName = path.basename(file,'.vue')
const vueCompDir = path.dirname(file)
const vueCompFilePath = vueCompDir + path.sep + vueCompName
const BASE_VERSION = '0.0.0'
let latestMdDoc = null, latestMdVer = BASE_VERSION
// Determine version of current raw vue component based on its associated package.json file
files.forEach((file) => {
console.log(`Processing file: ${file}\n`)
const vueObj = vueDocgen.parse(file)
// Determine version of current raw vue component
const currentVer = `${vueObj["tags"] && vueObj["tags"]["version"] ? vueObj["tags"]["version"][0]["description"] : ''}`
if (!semver.valid(currentVer))
throw new Error(`Vue component at ${file} doesn't have a valid semver @version tag`)
const mdTemplate = createMarkdownTemplate(file, vueObj)
const vueCompName = path.basename(file,'.vue')
const vueCompDir = path.dirname(file)
let latestMdDoc = null, latestMdVer = '0.0.0'
// pull in the markdown documentation files and their NPM versions
glob(`${vueCompDir}/${vueCompName}*.md`, (mdFileErr, mdFiles) => {
module.exports = async path => {
const file = fileContent();
try {
const data = await vueDocs.parse(path);
file.addline(`# ${data.displayName}\n${data.description}\n`);
// Tags
file.addline('## Table of contents\n[[toc]]\n');
// Props
if (data.props) {
const props = data.props;
let propsContent = '## Props\n\n';
props.forEach(prop => {
propsContent += `### ${prop.name} (\`${prop.type.name}\`)\n`;
const defaultParser = file => vueDocs.parse(file, { alias, modules });
const propsParser = config.propsParser || defaultParser;
const defaultParser = async (file: string) =>
await parse(file, {
jsx: config.jsxInComponents,
validExtends: config.validExtends
const propsParser = config.propsParser || defaultParser
function getComponentInfoFromVue(pathVueFile) {
const fullPathVueFile = pathInsideComponentsRoot(pathVueFile);
const componentDoc = vueDocs.parse(fullPathVueFile);
const props = extractPropsFromComponentDoc(componentDoc);
const slots = extractSlotsFromComponentDoc(componentDoc);
const events = extractEventsFromComponentDoc(componentDoc);
return {
props: generateComponentDetailsInfo(props),
slots: generateComponentDetailsInfo(slots),
events: generateComponentDetailsInfo(events)
var parseVue = function (filePath, doclet) {
const docGen = vueDocs.parse(filePath)
doclet.name = doclet.longname = docGen.displayName
return {
displayName: docGen.displayName,
filePath: filePath,
props: Object.values(docGen.props || {}).map(prop => ({
name: prop.name,
description: prop.description,
type: prop.type.name,
required: typeof prop.required === 'boolean' && prop.required,
defaultValue: prop.defaultValue
? (prop.defaultValue.func ? 'function()' : prop.defaultValue.value)
: undefined
slots: Object.keys(docGen.slots || {}).map(key => ({
name: key,
description: docGen.slots[key].description,
module.exports = async (documentationRootDir) => {
const file = path.resolve(
const documentation = await docs.parse(file, {
jsx: false,
addScriptHandlers: [
* @param {Documentation} docs
* @param {NodePath} path
* @param {bt.File} astPath
* @param {ParseOptions} options
* @return {Promise}
function (docs, path, astPath, options) {
addTemplateHandlers: [
* @param {Documentation} docs
static _parseSource ( source ) {
return vueDocs.parseSource( source.code, source.name );
module.exports = function(source) {
const callback = this.async()
const content = JSON.stringify(source)
.replace(/\u2028/g, '\\u2028')
.replace(/\u2029/g, '\\u2029')
.replace(/\\n/g, '\n')
const component = parseSource(content, this.resourcePath)
callback(null, `module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(component)}`)