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Top 10 Examples of "vega-util in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'vega-util' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function getTopLevelProperties(
  inputSpec: TopLevel,
  autosize: AutoSizeType | AutoSizeParams,
  config: Config,
  model: Model
) {
  const width = model.component.layoutSize.get('width');
  const height = model.component.layoutSize.get('height');
  if (autosize === undefined) {
    autosize = {type: 'pad'};
  } else if (isString(autosize)) {
    autosize = {type: autosize};
  if (width && height && isFitType(autosize.type)) {
    if (width === 'step' && height === 'step') {
      autosize.type = 'pad';
    } else if (width === 'step' || height === 'step') {
      // effectively XOR, because else if

      // get step dimension
      const sizeType = width === 'step' ? 'width' : 'height';
      // log that we're dropping fit for respective channel

      // setting type to inverse fit (so if we dropped fit-x, type is now fit-y)
      const inverseSizeType = sizeType === 'width' ? 'height' : 'width';
// we can omit the domain as it is inferred from the `bins` property
        return makeImplicit([]);

      // ordinal bin scale takes domain from bin_range, ordered by bin start
      // This is useful for both axis-based scale (x/y) and legend-based scale (other channels).
      return makeImplicit([
          // If sort by aggregation of a specified sort field, we need to use RAW table,
          // so we can aggregate values for the scale independently from the main aggregation.
          data: util.isBoolean(sort) ? model.requestDataName(MAIN) : model.requestDataName(RAW),
          // Use range if we added it and the scale does not support computing a range as a signal.
          field: model.vgField(channel, binRequiresRange(fieldDef, channel) ? {binSuffix: 'range'} : {}),
          // we have to use a sort object if sort = true to make the sort correct by bin start
            sort === true || !isObject(sort)
              ? {
                  field: model.vgField(channel, {}),
                  op: 'min' // min or max doesn't matter since we sort by the start of the bin range
              : sort
    } else {
      // continuous scales
      const {bin} = fieldDef;
      if (isBinning(bin)) {
        const binSignal = getBinSignalName(model, fieldDef.field, bin);
        return makeImplicit([
          new SignalRefWrapper(() => {
            const signal = model.getSignalName(binSignal);
            return `[${signal}.start, ${signal}.stop]`;
outputs = (this._outputs = []),
      inputMap = {};

  function inputVisit(get) {
    var fields = array(accessorFields(get)),
        i = 0, n = fields.length, f;
    for (; i
function normalizeMonth(m: string | number) {
  if (isNumber(m)) {
    // We accept 1-based month, so need to readjust to 0-based month
    return (m - 1).toString();
  } else {
    const lowerM = m.toLowerCase();
    const monthIndex = MONTHS.indexOf(lowerM);
    if (monthIndex !== -1) {
      return monthIndex + ''; // 0 for january, ...
    const shortM = lowerM.substr(0, 3);
    const shortMonthIndex = SHORT_MONTHS.indexOf(shortM);
    if (shortMonthIndex !== -1) {
      return shortMonthIndex + '';
    // Invalid month
    throw new Error(log.message.invalidTimeUnit('month', m));
function processPartition(list, state, cmp, _) {
  var sort = _.sort,
      range = sort && !_.ignorePeers,
      frame = _.frame || [null, 0],
      data =, // use cmp for stable sort
      n = data.length,
      i = 0,
      b = range ? bisector(sort) : null,
      w = {
        i0: 0, i1: 0, p0: 0, p1: 0, index: 0,
        data: data, compare: sort || constant(-1)

  for (state.init(); i
prototype.transform = function(_, pulse) {
  var out = pulse.fork(pulse.ALL),
      shape = this.value,
      as = || 'shape',
      flag = out.ADD;

  if (!shape || _.modified()) {
    // parameters updated, reset and reflow
    this.value = shape = shapeGenerator(
      _.field || field('datum'),
    flag = out.SOURCE;

  out.visit(flag, function(t) { t[as] = shape; });

  return out.modifies(as);
function replaceRepeater(mapping: EncodingOrFacet, repeater: RepeaterValue): EncodingOrFacet {
  const out: EncodingOrFacet = {};
  for (const channel in mapping) {
    if (hasOwnProperty(mapping, channel)) {
      const channelDef: ChannelDef> | ChannelDef>[] = mapping[channel];

      if (isArray(channelDef)) {
        // array cannot have condition
        out[channel] = => replaceRepeaterInChannelDef(cd, repeater)).filter(cd => cd);
      } else {
        const cd = replaceRepeaterInChannelDef(channelDef, repeater);
        if (cd !== undefined) {
          out[channel] = cd;
  return out;
const outputName = facetSortFieldName(fieldDef, sort);
                    if (row && column) {
                        // For crossed facet, use pre-calculate field as it requires a different groupby
                        // For each calculated field, apply max and assign them to the same name as
                        // all values of the same group should be the same anyway.
                    else {
                else if (isArray(sort)) {
                    const outputName = sortArrayIndexField(fieldDef, channel);
        const cross = !!row && !!column;
        return Object.assign({ name,
            groupby }, (cross || fields.length
            ? {
                aggregate: Object.assign({}, (cross ? { cross } : {}), (fields.length ? { fields, ops, as } : {}))
            : {}));
private _initChildren(
    spec: NormalizedRepeatSpec,
    repeat: RepeatMapping | string[],
    repeater: RepeaterValue,
    config: Config
  ): Model[] {
    const children: Model[] = [];

    const row = (!isArray(repeat) && repeat.row) || [repeater ? repeater.row : null];
    const column = (!isArray(repeat) && repeat.column) || [repeater ? repeater.column : null];
    const repeatValues = (isArray(repeat) && repeat) || [repeater ? repeater.repeat : null];

    // cross product
    for (const repeatValue of repeatValues) {
      for (const rowValue of row) {
        for (const columnValue of column) {
          const name =
            (repeatValue ? `__repeat_repeat_${repeatValue}` : '') +
            (rowValue ? `__repeat_row_${rowValue}` : '') +
            (columnValue ? `__repeat_column_${columnValue}` : '');

          const childRepeat = {
            repeat: repeatValue,
            row: rowValue,
            column: columnValue
case 'latitude':
            case 'longitude':
            case 'latitude2':
            case 'longitude2':
            // TODO: case 'cursor':
            // text, shape, shouldn't be a part of line/trail/area
            case 'text':
            case 'shape':
            // tooltip fields should not be added to group by
            case 'tooltip':
                return details;
            case 'detail':
            case 'key':
                const channelDef = encoding[channel];
                if (isArray(channelDef) || isFieldDef(channelDef)) {
                    (isArray(channelDef) ? channelDef : [channelDef]).forEach(fieldDef => {
                        if (!fieldDef.aggregate) {
                            details.push(vgField(fieldDef, {}));
                return details;
            case 'size':
                if (mark === 'trail') {
                    // For trail, size should not group trail lines.
                    return details;
            // For line, it should group lines.
            /* tslint:disable */
            // intentional fall through
            case 'color':
            case 'fill':

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