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Top 10 Examples of "vsls in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'vsls' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

import { ILiveShareApi } from '../../../common/application/types';
import { IAsyncDisposable } from '../../../common/types';
import { ClassType } from '../../../ioc/types';
import { ILiveShareHasRole, ILiveShareParticipant } from './types';

export interface IRoleBasedObject extends IAsyncDisposable, ILiveShareParticipant {


// tslint:disable:no-any
export class RoleBasedFactory> implements ILiveShareHasRole {
    private ctorArgs: ConstructorParameters[];
    private firstTime: boolean = true;
    private createPromise: Promise | undefined;
    private sessionChangedEmitter = new vscode.EventEmitter();
    private _role: vsls.Role = vsls.Role.None;

    constructor(private liveShare: ILiveShareApi, private hostCtor: CtorType, private guestCtor: CtorType, ...args: ConstructorParameters) {
        this.ctorArgs = args;
        this.createPromise = this.createBasedOnRole(); // We need to start creation immediately or one side may call before we init.

    public get sessionChanged(): vscode.Event {
        return this.sessionChangedEmitter.event;

    public get role(): vsls.Role {
        return this._role;

    public get(): Promise {
        // Make sure only one create happens at a time
service.onNotify(NOTIFICATION_WINDOW_INTERACTION, async (args: any) => {
    const { peerNumber, url, data } = args;

    if (peerNumber === liveShare.session.peerNumber) {
      // This is a re-broadcasted event from
      // the same user.

    const window = windowManager.getByUrl(url);
    window!.browserPage!.send(data.type, data.params);

    if (liveShare.session.role === vsls.Role.Host) {
      service.notify(NOTIFICATION_WINDOW_INTERACTION, args);
public async onAttach(api: vsls.LiveShare | null): Promise {
        await super.onAttach(api);

        if (api) {
            const service = await this.waitForService();

            // Wait for sync up
            const synced = service ? await service.request(LiveShareCommands.syncRequest, []) : undefined;
            if (!synced && api.session && api.session.role !== vsls.Role.None) {
                throw new Error(localize.DataScience.liveShareSyncFailure());

            if (service) {
                // Listen to responses
                service.onNotify(LiveShareCommands.serverResponse, this.onServerResponse);

                // Request all of the responses since this guest was started. We likely missed a bunch
                service.notify(LiveShareCommands.catchupRequest, { since: this.startTime });
public async onDetach(api: vsls.LiveShare | null): Promise {
        await super.onDetach(api);

        // clear our cached servers if our role is no longer host or none
        const newRole = api === null || (api.session && api.session.role !== vsls.Role.Guest) ?
            vsls.Role.Host : vsls.Role.Guest;
        if (newRole !== vsls.Role.Host) {
            await this.serverCache.dispose();
import { LiveShare } from '../constants';

// tslint:disable:no-any

interface IMessageArgs {
    args: string;

// This class is used to register two communication between a host and all of its guests
export class PostOffice implements IAsyncDisposable {

    private name: string;
    private startedPromise: Deferred | undefined;
    private hostServer: vsls.SharedService | null = null;
    private guestServer: vsls.SharedServiceProxy | null = null;
    private currentRole: vsls.Role = vsls.Role.None;
    private currentPeerCount: number = 0;
    private peerCountChangedEmitter: vscode.EventEmitter = new vscode.EventEmitter();
    private commandMap: { [key: string]: { thisArg: any; callback(...args: any[]): void } } = {};

        name: string,
        private liveShareApi: ILiveShareApi,
        private hostArgsTranslator?: (api: vsls.LiveShare | null, command: string, role: vsls.Role, args: any[]) => void) { = name;

        // Note to self, could the callbacks be keeping things alive that we don't want to be alive?

    public get peerCount() {
        return this.currentPeerCount;
private async createBasedOnRole(): Promise {

        // Figure out our role to compute the object to create. Default is host. This
        // allows for the host object to keep existing if we suddenly start a new session.
        // For a guest, starting a new session resets the entire workspace.
        const api = await this.liveShare.getApi();
        let ctor: CtorType = this.hostCtor;
        let role: vsls.Role = vsls.Role.Host;

        if (api) {
            // Create based on role.
            if (api.session && api.session.role === vsls.Role.Host) {
                ctor = this.hostCtor;
            } else if (api.session && api.session.role === vsls.Role.Guest) {
                ctor = this.guestCtor;
                role = vsls.Role.Guest;
        this._role = role;

        // Create our object
        const obj = new ctor(...this.ctorArgs);

        // Rewrite the object's dispose so we can get rid of our own state.
private registerGuestCommands(api: vsls.LiveShare) {
        if (api && api.session && api.session.role === vsls.Role.Guest && this.guestServer !== null) {
            const keys = Object.keys(this.commandMap);
            keys.forEach(k => {
                if (this.guestServer !== null) { // Hygiene is too dumb to recognize the if above
                    this.guestServer.onNotify(this.escapeCommandName(k), a => this.onGuestNotify(k, a as IMessageArgs));
private async synchronizeCreate(): Promise {
        // Create a new pending wait if necessary
        if (this.postOffice.peerCount > 0 || this.postOffice.role === vsls.Role.Guest) {
            const key = uuid();
            const waitable = createDeferred();
            this.pendingSyncs.set(key, { count: this.postOffice.peerCount, waitable });

            // Make sure all providers have an active interactive window
            await this.postOffice.postCommand(LiveShareCommands.interactiveWindowCreate,, key);

            // Wait for the waitable to be signaled or the peer count on the post office to change
            await waitable.promise;
private async initialize() {
		try {
			// If we have a vsls: workspace open, we might be a guest, so wait until live share transitions into a mode
			if (
				workspace.workspaceFolders !== undefined &&
				workspace.workspaceFolders.some(f => f.uri.scheme === DocumentSchemes.Vsls)
			) {
				this._waitForReady = new Promise(resolve => (this._onReady = resolve));

			this._api = getApi();
			const api = await this._api;
			if (api == null) {
				setCommandContext(CommandContext.Vsls, false);
				// Tear it down if we can't talk to live share
				if (this._onReady !== undefined) {
					this._waitForReady = undefined;


			setCommandContext(CommandContext.Vsls, true);

			this._disposable = Disposable.from(
				api.onDidChangeSession(e => this.onLiveShareSessionChanged(api, e), this)
export async function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
  const vslsApi = (await vsls.getApi())!;
  const treeDataProvider = registerTreeDataProvider(vslsApi);

  let webviewPanel: vscode.WebviewPanel | null;
    vscode.commands.registerCommand("liveshare.openWhiteboard", async () => {
      if (webviewPanel) {
        return webviewPanel.reveal();
      } else {
        webviewPanel = createWebView(context);

        // If the end-user closes the whiteboard, then we
        // need to ensure we re-created it on the next click.
        webviewPanel.onDidDispose(() => (webviewPanel = null));

      let { default: initializeService } =

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