Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'vscode-languageserver-protocol' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
let pos: Position = insertLeave ? { line: position.line + 1, character: 0 } : position
try {
let edits = await languages.provideDocumentOntTypeEdits(ch, doc.textDocument, pos)
// changed by other process
if (doc.changedtick != changedtick) return
if (insertLeave) {
edits = edits.filter(edit => {
return edit.range.start.line < position.line + 1
if (edits && edits.length) {
await doc.applyEdits(this.nvim, edits)
let newLine = doc.getline(position.line)
if (newLine.length > origLine.length) {
let character = position.character + (newLine.length - origLine.length)
await workspace.moveTo(Position.create(position.line, character))
} catch (e) {
if (!/timeout\s/.test(e.message)) {
console.error(`Error on formatOnType: ${e.message}`) // tslint:disable-line
let { id } = service
if (!id) logger.error('invalid service configuration. ', service.name)
if (this.registered.get(id)) return
this.registered.set(id, service)
logger.info(`registered service "${id}"`)
if (this.shouldStart(service)) {
service.start() // tslint:disable-line
if (service.state == ServiceStat.Running) {
this.emit('ready', id)
service.onServiceReady(() => {
logger.info(`service ${id} started`)
this.emit('ready', id)
}, null, this.disposables)
return Disposable.create(() => {
private async applyTextEdit(item: CompletionItem, option: CompleteOption): Promise {
let { nvim } = this
let { textEdit } = item
if (!textEdit) return false
let { line, bufnr, linenr } = option
let doc = workspace.getDocument(bufnr)
if (!doc) return false
let { range, newText } = textEdit
let isSnippet = item.insertTextFormat === InsertTextFormat.Snippet
// replace inserted word
let start = line.substr(0, range.start.character)
let end = line.substr(range.end.character)
if (isSnippet) {
await doc.applyEdits(nvim, [{
range: Range.create(linenr - 1, 0, linenr, 0),
newText: `${start}${end}\n`
// can't select, since additionalTextEdits would break selection
let pos = Position.create(linenr - 1, range.start.character)
return await snippetManager.insertSnippet(newText, false, Range.create(pos, pos))
let newLines = `${start}${newText}${end}`.split('\n')
if (newLines.length == 1) {
await nvim.call('coc#util#setline', [linenr, newLines[0]])
await workspace.moveTo(Position.create(linenr - 1, (start + newText).length))
} else {
let buffer = nvim.createBuffer(bufnr)
await buffer.setLines(newLines, {
start: linenr - 1,
end: linenr,
strictIndexing: false
if (!textEdit) return false
let { line, bufnr, linenr } = option
let doc = workspace.getDocument(bufnr)
if (!doc) return false
let { range, newText } = textEdit
let isSnippet = item.insertTextFormat === InsertTextFormat.Snippet
// replace inserted word
let start = line.substr(0, range.start.character)
let end = line.substr(range.end.character)
if (isSnippet) {
await doc.applyEdits(nvim, [{
range: Range.create(linenr - 1, 0, linenr, 0),
newText: `${start}${end}\n`
// can't select, since additionalTextEdits would break selection
let pos = Position.create(linenr - 1, range.start.character)
return await snippetManager.insertSnippet(newText, false, Range.create(pos, pos))
let newLines = `${start}${newText}${end}`.split('\n')
if (newLines.length == 1) {
await nvim.call('coc#util#setline', [linenr, newLines[0]])
await workspace.moveTo(Position.create(linenr - 1, (start + newText).length))
} else {
let buffer = nvim.createBuffer(bufnr)
await buffer.setLines(newLines, {
start: linenr - 1,
end: linenr,
strictIndexing: false
let line = linenr - 1 + newLines.length - 1
let character = newLines[newLines.length - 1].length - end.length
await workspace.moveTo({ line, character })
// replace inserted word
let start = line.substr(0, range.start.character)
let end = line.substr(range.end.character)
if (isSnippet) {
await doc.applyEdits(nvim, [{
range: Range.create(linenr - 1, 0, linenr, 0),
newText: `${start}${end}\n`
// can't select, since additionalTextEdits would break selection
let pos = Position.create(linenr - 1, range.start.character)
return await snippetManager.insertSnippet(newText, false, Range.create(pos, pos))
let newLines = `${start}${newText}${end}`.split('\n')
if (newLines.length == 1) {
await nvim.call('coc#util#setline', [linenr, newLines[0]])
await workspace.moveTo(Position.create(linenr - 1, (start + newText).length))
} else {
let buffer = nvim.createBuffer(bufnr)
await buffer.setLines(newLines, {
start: linenr - 1,
end: linenr,
strictIndexing: false
let line = linenr - 1 + newLines.length - 1
let character = newLines[newLines.length - 1].length - end.length
await workspace.moveTo({ line, character })
return false
public async showSignatureHelp(): Promise {
if (this.signatureTokenSource) {
this.signatureTokenSource = null
let document = workspace.getDocument(workspace.bufnr)
if (!document) return
let position = await workspace.getCursorPosition()
let part = document.getline(position.line).slice(0, position.character)
if (/\)\s*$/.test(part)) return
let idx = Math.max(part.lastIndexOf(','), part.lastIndexOf('('))
if (idx != -1) position.character = idx + 1
let tokenSource = this.signatureTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource()
let token = tokenSource.token
let timer = setTimeout(() => {
if (!token.isCancellationRequested) {
}, 3000)
let signatureHelp = await languages.getSignatureHelp(document.textDocument, position, token)
if (token.isCancellationRequested || !signatureHelp || signatureHelp.signatures.length == 0) {
let { activeParameter, activeSignature, signatures } = signatureHelp
if (activeSignature) {
// make active first
let [active] = signatures.splice(activeSignature, 1)
public async onPumChange(ev: PopupChangeEvent): Promise {
if (!this.activated) return
if (this.document && this.document.uri.endsWith('%5BCommand%20Line%5D')) return
let { completed_item, col, row, height, width, scrollbar } = ev
let bounding: PumBounding = { col, row, height, width, scrollbar }
this.currItem = completed_item.hasOwnProperty('word') ? completed_item : null
// it's pum change by vim, ignore it
if (this.lastInsert) return
let resolvedItem = this.getCompleteItem(completed_item)
if (!resolvedItem) {
let source = this.resolveTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource()
let { token } = source
await sources.doCompleteResolve(resolvedItem, token)
if (token.isCancellationRequested) return
let docs = resolvedItem.documentation
if (!docs && resolvedItem.info) {
let { info } = resolvedItem
let isText = /^[\w-\s.,\t]+$/.test(info)
docs = [{ filetype: isText ? 'txt' : this.document.filetype, content: info }]
if (!docs || docs.length == 0) {
} else {
if (token.isCancellationRequested) return
await this.floating.show(docs, bounding, token)
this.resolveTokenSource = null
public async applyEdits(_nvim: Neovim, edits: TextEdit[], sync = true): Promise {
if (edits.length == 0) return
let orig = this.lines.join('\n') + (this.eol ? '\n' : '')
let textDocument = TextDocument.create(this.uri, this.filetype, 1, orig)
let content = TextDocument.applyEdits(textDocument, edits)
// could be equal sometimes
if (orig === content) {
} else {
let d = diffLines(orig, content)
await this.buffer.setLines(d.replacement, {
start: d.start,
end: d.end,
strictIndexing: false
// can't wait vim sync buffer
this.lines = (this.eol && content.endsWith('\n') ? content.slice(0, -1) : content).split('\n')
if (sync) this.forceSync()
fixId: tsAction.fixId
try {
const res = await this.client.execute('getCombinedCodeFix', args, CancellationToken.None)
if (res.type != 'response') {
let { body } = res
const edit = typeConverters.WorkspaceEdit.fromFileCodeEdits(
await workspace.applyEdit(edit)
const token = CancellationToken.None
const { commands } = body
if (commands && commands.length) {
for (const command of commands) {
await this.client.execute('applyCodeActionCommand', { command }, token)
} catch {
// noop
docs.push({ filetype: item.language, content: item.value })
} else if (typeof contents == 'string') {
docs.push({ content: contents, filetype: 'markdown' })
} else if (MarkedString.is(contents)) { // tslint:disable-line
let content = contents.value.trim()
if (target == 'preview') {
content = '``` ' + contents.language + '\n' + content + '\n```'
docs.push({ filetype: contents.language, content: contents.value })
} else if (MarkupContent.is(contents)) {
docs.push({ filetype: contents.kind == 'markdown' ? 'markdown' : 'txt', content: contents.value })
if (target == 'echo') {
const msg = lines.join('\n').trim()
if (msg.length) {
await this.nvim.call('coc#util#echo_hover', msg)
} else if (target == 'float') {
await this.hoverFactory.create(docs)
} else {
this.documentLines = lines
let arr = await this.nvim.call('getcurpos') as number[]