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Top 10 Examples of "clean-css in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'clean-css' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it("should inject style sheets using default version", async (done) => {

        // arrange
        const fragments = {
            "f1": FragmentHelper.create(),
            "f2": FragmentHelper.create()

        sandbox.stub(fragments.f1, "getAsset").callsFake((arg) => arg + "-CSS-");
        sandbox.stub(fragments.f2, "getAsset").callsFake((arg) => arg + "-CSS-");
        sandbox.stub(ResourceFactory.instance, "getRawContent").callsFake( (arg): any => arg + "-CSS-");
        sandbox.stub(CleanCSS.prototype, "minify").callsFake( (arg): any => ({ styles: arg }));

        // act
        const dom = cheerio.load("");
        const resourceInjector = new ResourceInjector(fragments, "", {});
        await resourceInjector.injectStyleSheets(dom as any, false);

        const c1 = fragments.f1.config;
        const c2 = fragments.f2.config;

        const assets = c1.assets.concat(c2.assets).filter((asset) => asset.type === RESOURCE_TYPE.CSS);
        const deps = c1.dependencies.concat(c2.dependencies).filter((dep) => dep.type === RESOURCE_TYPE.CSS);

        let expectedDependencyList = assets.concat(deps).map( (res) =>;
        expectedDependencyList = expectedDependencyList.filter((v,i) => expectedDependencyList.indexOf(v) === i); // remove dublications
        const expectedCssContent = expectedDependencyList.concat([""]); // for last -CSS-
it("should inject style sheets using passive version", async (done) => {

        // arrange
        const fragments = {
            "f1": FragmentHelper.create(),
            "f2": FragmentHelper.create()

        const f1Version = faker.random.arrayElement(["2.0.0", "3.0.0"]);
        const f2Version = faker.random.arrayElement(["2.0.0", "3.0.0"]);
        sandbox.stub(fragments.f1, "detectVersion").callsFake(() => f1Version);
        sandbox.stub(fragments.f2, "detectVersion").callsFake( () => f2Version);
        sandbox.stub(fragments.f1, "getAsset").callsFake((arg) => arg + "-CSS-");
        sandbox.stub(fragments.f2, "getAsset").callsFake((arg) => arg + "-CSS-");
        sandbox.stub(ResourceFactory.instance, "getRawContent").callsFake( (arg): any => arg + "-CSS-");
        sandbox.stub(CleanCSS.prototype, "minify").callsFake( (arg): any => ({ styles: arg }));

        // act
        const dom = cheerio.load("");
        const resourceInjector = new ResourceInjector(fragments, "", {});
        await resourceInjector.injectStyleSheets(dom as any, false);

        const c1 = fragments.f1.config.passiveVersions[f1Version];
        const c2 = fragments.f2.config.passiveVersions[f2Version];

        const assets = c1.assets.concat(c2.assets).filter((asset) => asset.type === RESOURCE_TYPE.CSS);
        const deps = c1.dependencies.concat(c2.dependencies).filter((dep) => dep.type === RESOURCE_TYPE.CSS);

        const expectedDependencyList = assets.concat(deps).map( (res) =>;
        const expectedCssContent = expectedDependencyList.concat([""]); // for last -CSS-

        // assert

// Build Files
var build = {
	"../" : htmlToMarkDown(fs.readFileSync("../index.html", "utf8")),
	"../dist/jquery.form.js" : unminifedJS.join('\n'),
	"../dist/jquery.form.min.js" : minifedJS.join('\n'),
	"../dist/jquery.form.css" : styles.join('\n'),
	"../dist/jquery.form.min.css" : cleanCSS.process(styles.join('\n')),
	"../dist/jquery.editor.js" : fs.readFileSync("./jquery.editor.js", "utf8"),
	"../dist/jquery.editor.min.js" : UglifyJS.minify("./jquery.editor.js").code,
	"../dist/jquery.editor.css" : fs.readFileSync("./jquery.editor.css", "utf8"),
	"../dist/jquery.editor.min.css" : cleanCSS.process(fs.readFileSync("./jquery.editor.css").toString()),
	"../dist/jquery.predict.js" : fs.readFileSync("./jquery.predict.js", "utf8"),
	"../dist/jquery.predict.min.js" : UglifyJS.minify("./jquery.predict.js").code,
	"../dist/jquery.predict.css" : fs.readFileSync("./jquery.predict.css", "utf8"),
	"../dist/jquery.predict.min.css" : cleanCSS.process(fs.readFileSync("./jquery.predict.css").toString())

for(var x in build){
		fs.writeFile( name, code, function(err) {
			if(err) {
			} else {
				console.log(name + " created!");
	})(x, build[x]);
const processCss = (css: string, id: string): void => {
        if ((!css || !/\S/.test(css)) && !emitEmpty) {
          if (debug) this.warn('CSS empty, not emitting file');

        if (optimize) {
          const cleancss = new CleanCSS({
            sourceMap: false, // TODO: Add source map support
            ...(typeof optimize === 'object' ? optimize : {}),

          const result = cleancss.minify(css);

          for (const err of result.warnings) this.warn(err);
          for (const err of result.errors) this.error(err);

          // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
          css = result.styles;

        const name = id.replace(extname(id), '');

        this.emitAsset(`${name}.css`, css);
// if outside css modules, fileObj would be undefined
  // then dont add styleBox
  var opt = {};
  if (addStyleBox && fileObj) {
    // ex. arale/widget/1.0.0/ => arale-widget-1_0_0
    var styleId = unixy((options || {}).idleading || '')
      .replace(/\/$/, '')
      .replace(/\//g, '-')
      .replace(/\./g, '_');
    opt.prefix = ['.', styleId, ' '].join('');

  code = css2str(code, opt);

  // remove comment and format
  code = cleancss.process(code, {
    keepSpecialComments: 0,
    removeEmpty: true

  // transform css to js
  // spmjs/spm#581
  var template = 'function() {seajs.importStyle(\'%s\')}';
  return format(template, code);
match({ routes, history }, (error, redirectLocation, renderProps) => {
        if (error) {
          // response.status(500).send(error.message);
        } else if (redirectLocation) {
          // response.redirect(302, `${redirectLocation.pathname}${}`);
        } else if (renderProps) {
            root: renderToString(),
            css: new cleancss().minify(jss.sheets.toString()).styles,
            jsBundle: clientAssets.main.js
        } else {
          // response.status(404).send('Not found');
resources.compileCSS = function compileCSS() {
  var css = "";
  resources.files.css.forEach(function (file) {
    css += fs.readFileSync(path.join(paths.mod, file)).toString("utf8") + "\n";

  // Vendor prefixes
  css = postcss([autoprefixer]).process(css).css;

  // Minify
  if (minify) css = cleanCSS.minify(css).styles;

  return {data: new Buffer(css), etag: etag(), mime: mime("css")};
return this.edit(function (blob) {

			try {
				blob.content = cleancss.process(blob.content, settings);

			} catch (err) {
					method: 'cleancss',
					message: 'failed',
					fquery: this,
					blob: blob,
					data: err
srcJsPath = path.join('component', name, 'src', name + '.js');

    try {
        js = uglifyjs.minify(srcJsPath);
        fs.writeFileSync(jsPath, js.code);
    } catch (e) {
        return p;

    var cssPath = path.join(distDir, name + '.min.css');
    try {
        css = fs.readFileSync(path.join('component', name, 'src', name + '.css')).toString();
        css = cleancss.process(css);
        fs.writeFileSync(cssPath, css);
    } catch (e) {
        return p;

    if (typeof js !== 'undefined' && typeof css !== 'undefined') {
        p.fulfill({css: css, js: js.code});
    } else {
        throw "missing resulting source";
    return p;
Object.keys(out).forEach(function (file) {
        if (/\.js$/.test(file)) {
          out[file] = new Buffer(uglify.minify(out[file].toString(), opts.uglify).code);
        } else if (/\.css$/.test(file)) {
          out[file] = new Buffer(cleanCSS.minify(out[file].toString()).styles);

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