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Top 10 Examples of "validator in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'validator' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function validateData(data, dimensions) {
    // yeah so what it's a long return statement why you talkin shit
    return validator.isInt(data.row) && validator.isInt(data.col) && validator.isHexColor(data.color) && data.row < dimensions && data.col < dimensions;
if (!ctx.state.appToken || ctx.state.tokenType !== 'provider') {
			throw new ApiError('Resource only available with provider token.').status(400);
		provider = ctx.state.appToken.provider;

		// validations
		let err = null;
		if (!ctx.request.body.provider_id) {
			err = (err || new ApiError()).validationError('provider_id', 'Identifier at provider is required.');
		} else if (!isString(ctx.request.body.provider_id) && !isNumber(ctx.request.body.provider_id)) {
			err = (err || new ApiError()).validationError('provider_id', 'Identifier at provider must be a number or a string.');
		if (! || !isString( {
			err = (err || new ApiError()).validationError('email', 'Email is required.');

		} else if (!validator.isEmail( {
			err = (err || new ApiError()).validationError('email', 'Email is invalid.');
		if (!ctx.request.body.username) {
			err = (err || new ApiError()).validationError('username', 'Username is required.');
		} else if (!isString(ctx.request.body.username)) {
			err = (err || new ApiError()).validationError('username', 'Username must be a string.');
		} else if (!/^[0-9a-z ]{3,}$/i.test(UserUtil.removeDiacritics(ctx.request.body.username).replace(/[^0-9a-z ]+/gi, ''))) {
			err = (err || new ApiError()).validationError('username', 'Username must be alphanumeric with at least three characters.', ctx.request.body.username);
		if (ctx.request.body.provider_profile && !isObject(ctx.request.body.provider_profile)) {
			err = (err || new ApiError()).validationError('provider_profile', 'Must be an object.');
		if (err) {
			throw err;
nickname = loginname;

  // 验证信息的正确性
  if ([loginname, nickname, pass, rePass, email].some(function (item) { return item === ''; })) {
    ep.emit('prop_err', '信息不完整。');
  if (loginname.length < 5) {
    ep.emit('prop_err', '用户名至少需要5个字符。');
  if (!tools.validateId(loginname)) {
    return ep.emit('prop_err', '用户名不合法。');
  if (!validator.isEmail(email)) {
    return ep.emit('prop_err', '邮箱不合法。');
  if (pass !== rePass) {
    return ep.emit('prop_err', '两次密码输入不一致。');
  // END 验证信息的正确性

  User.getUsersByQuery({'$or': [
    {'loginname': loginname},
    {'nickname': nickname},
    {'email': email}
  ]}, {}, function (err, users) {
    if (err) {
      return next(err);
password: req.param('password')

	// REGEX to match:
	// * Between 4 to 64 characters
	// * Special characters allowed (_)
	// * Alphanumeric
	// * Must start with a letter
		return res.status(500).json({ error: "Invalid Email", code: "!U" });

	// REGEX to match:
	// * Between 2 to 256 characters
	// * Special characters allowed (&)
	// * Alpha
	if((!validator.matches(, /^([ \u00c0-\u01ffa-zA-Z-\&'\-])+$/))&&(validator.isLength(,2,256)))
	   return res.status(500).json({ error: "Invalid Name", code: "!N" });

	// REGEX to match:
	// * Between 6 to 20 characters
	// * Special characters allowed (@,$,!,%,*,?,&)
	// * Alphanumeric
	if(!validator.matches(user.password, /^(?=.*[a-zA-Z])[A-Za-z\d$@$!%*?&]{6,20}/))
		return res.status(500).json({ error: "Invalid Password", code: "!P" });

	bcrypt.hash(user.password, 10, function(error, hash) {
		if(error) return res.status(500).json({ error: error });
if (typeof password !== 'string') {
      'validateConfirmPassword: password must be a string. received:',
      typeof password
    return { confirmPassword: 'confirmPassword validation failed' }
  if (typeof confirmPassword !== 'string') {
      'validateConfirmPassword: confirmPassword must be a string. received:',
      typeof confirmPassword
    return { confirmPassword: 'confirmPassword validation failed' }
  // confirmPassword shouldn't be empty
  if (Validator.isEmpty(confirmPassword)) {
    return { confirmPassword: 'Please confirm your password' }
  // password and confirmPassword should match
  if (!Validator.equals(password, confirmPassword)) {
    return { confirmPassword: "Passwords don't match, try again" }
  return { confirmPassword: '' }
module.exports.validate = (validationError, checkEndDateData) => {
  const currentYear = moment.utc().format('YYYY')
  // Check end day
  const isCheckEndDayEmpty = isEmpty(checkEndDateData.checkEndDay.trim())
  if (isCheckEndDayEmpty) {
    validationError.addError('checkEndDay', checkWindowErrorMessages.checkEndDayRequired)
  if (!isCheckEndDayEmpty && !isInt(checkEndDateData.checkEndDay, { min: 1, max: 31 })) {
    validationError.addError('checkEndDay', checkWindowErrorMessages.checkEndDayWrongDay)
  if (!isCheckEndDayEmpty && !XRegExp('^[0-9]+$').test(checkEndDateData.checkEndDay)) {
    validationError.addError('checkEndDay', checkWindowErrorMessages.checkEndDayInvalidChars)
  // Check end month
  const isCheckEndMonthEmpty = isEmpty(checkEndDateData.checkEndMonth.trim())
  if (isCheckEndMonthEmpty) {
    validationError.addError('checkEndMonth', checkWindowErrorMessages.checkEndMonthRequired)
  if (!isCheckEndMonthEmpty && !isInt(checkEndDateData.checkEndMonth, { min: 1, max: 12 })) {
    validationError.addError('checkEndMonth', checkWindowErrorMessages.checkEndMonthWrongDay)
  if (!isCheckEndMonthEmpty && !XRegExp('^[0-9]+$').test(checkEndDateData.checkEndMonth)) {
    validationError.addError('checkEndMonth', checkWindowErrorMessages.checkEndMonthInvalidChars)
  // Check end year
  const isCheckEndYearEmpty = isEmpty(checkEndDateData.checkEndYear.trim())
  if (isCheckEndYearEmpty) {
    validationError.addError('checkEndYear', checkWindowErrorMessages.checkEndYearRequired)
  if (!isCheckEndYearEmpty && !isInt(checkEndDateData.checkEndYear, { min: currentYear, max: (currentYear * 1 + 10) })) {
    validationError.addError('checkEndYear', checkWindowErrorMessages.checkEndYearWrongDay)
if (!uploadedFile || !uploadedFile.file) {
    validationError.addError(element, fileErrorMessages.noFile)
    return validationError
  if (uploadedFile.file.split('.').pop() !== 'csv') {
    validationError.addError(element, fileErrorMessages.noCSVFile)
    return validationError
  // File not readable
  let fileContent, unreadable
  try {
    fileContent = await fs.readFileSync(uploadedFile.file, 'utf8')
  } catch (err) {
    unreadable = true
  if (isEmpty(fileContent) || unreadable) {
    validationError.addError(element, fileErrorMessages.isNotReadable)
  return validationError
return function (req, res, next) {
    // make input not case sensitive
    req.body.username = req.body.username.toLowerCase();
    req.body.password = req.body.password.toLowerCase();

    if (
    ) {
      console.log("authentication = " + req.isAuthenticated());
      return next();
    res.render("./auth/auth_register", {
      message: "Invalid input. Try again."

        if( value === undefined ) {
            errors.push('property `'+prop+'` is equal to `undefined` which is forbidden');


        // TODO - implement validation for type 'Thing.resource', ...
     // const eraser_value = [null, undefined];
        const eraser_value = [null];
        if( [String, Array].includes( prop_spec.validation.type.constructor ) ) {
            if( !eraser_value.includes(value) && (!value || value.constructor!==String || !validator.isUUID(value)) ) {
                errors.push('property `'+prop+'` has value `'+value+'` but value is expected to be a UUID');
        else {
            // TODO properly handle unserialze Date from DB (problem: JSON saves Date as String -> same for json_data)
            const types = prop_spec.validation.type === Date ? [Date, String] : [prop_spec.validation.type];
            if( !eraser_value.includes(value) && !types.includes(value.constructor) ) {
                errors.push('property `'+prop+'` has value `'+value+'` but value is expected to be a '+prop_spec.validation.type);

        let test = prop_spec.validation.test;
        if( test ) {
            if( ! test(value, {Thing: arg.Thing}) ) {
                errors.push('property `'+prop+'` with value `'+value+'` failed validation test provided by schema');
router.get('/:defaultUrl', function (req, res, next) {

    var defaultUrl = req.params.defaultUrl;
    var url = defaultUrl.split('___')[1];
    var indexUrl = defaultUrl.split('—')[0];
    if (indexUrl == 'page') { // 首页的分页
        var indexPage = defaultUrl.split('—')[1].split(".")[0];
        if(indexPage && validator.isNumeric(indexPage)){
   = indexPage;
    } else {
        var currentUrl = url;
        if (url) {
            if(url.indexOf("—") >= 0){
                currentUrl = url.split("—")[0];
                var catePageNo = (url.split("—")[1]).split(".")[0];
                if(catePageNo && validator.isNumeric(catePageNo)){
           = catePageNo;
            queryCatePage(req, res, currentUrl);

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