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Top 5 Examples of "umzug in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'umzug' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async function activate() {
  // Perform migrations before starting sync
  const db = await DatabaseConnector.forShared();

  const umzug = new Umzug({
    storage: 'sequelize',
    storageOptions: {
      sequelize: db.sequelize,
      modelName: 'migration',
      tableName: 'migrations',
    migrations: {
      path: `../migrations`,
      params: [db.sequelize.getQueryInterface(), db.sequelize],
      pattern: /^\d+[\w-]+\.es6$/,
    logging: console.log,

  return umzug;
                set(this: SequelizeMeta, name: string) {
                    this.setDataValue("name", name.replace(".ts", ".js"));
            sequelize: sequelize,
            tableName: "SequelizeMeta",
            timestamps: false

    const umzug = new Umzug({
        storage: "sequelize",
        storageOptions: { model: SequelizeMeta },
        migrations: {
            params: [sequelize.getQueryInterface()],
            path: join(__dirname, "./migrations"),
            // Migration source files are named DD.ts, where D is a digit. When
            // they're compiled, they become DD.js. We want to only load those
            // files, and not other files such as *.d.ts ones
            pattern: /^\d{2}\.(js|ts)$/
        logging: false

    // Perform 'up' migrations
    await umzug.up();
async function start(port = nconf.get('APP_PORT'), opts = {
  metricsEnabled: nconf.get('METRICS_ENABLED'),
  metricsPort: nconf.get('METRICS_PORT')
}) {
  const umzug = new Umzug({
    storage: 'sequelize',
    logging: logger('migration', 'info'),
    migrations: {
      path: './migrations',
      pattern: /^\d+[\w-]+\.js$/,
      params: [db.queryInterface, Sequelize]
    storageOptions: {
      // The configured instance of Sequelize.
      sequelize: db,
      // this one is actually undocumented
      schema: 'zappr_meta',
      // The name of the to be used model.
      // (not sure if we need this actually)
      modelName: 'SequelizeMeta',
      // The name of table to create if `model` option is not supplied
return Bluebird.try(() => {
    if (!(helpers.config.configFileExists() || args.url)) {
        'Cannot find "' + helpers.config.getConfigFile() +
        '". Have you run "sequelize init"?'

    const sequelize = getSequelizeInstance();
    const migrator = new Umzug({
      storage: helpers.umzug.getStorage(type),
      storageOptions: helpers.umzug.getStorageOptions(type, { sequelize }),
      logging: helpers.view.log,
      migrations: {
        params: [sequelize.getQueryInterface(), Sequelize],
        path: helpers.path.getPath(type),
        pattern: /\.js$/,
        wrap: fun => {
          if (fun.length === 3) {
            return Bluebird.promisify(fun);
          } else {
            return fun;
class MigrationHack extends Migration {
    constructor (uniqueName, module, options = {}) {
      super(uniqueName + '.js', Object.assign({}, DefaultOptions, options))
      this.module = module

    migration () {
      if (typeof this.options.migrations.customResolver === 'function') {
        return this.options.migrations.customResolver(this.path)

      return this.module.default

  const umzug = new Umzug({
    storage: 'json',
    storageOptions: {
      path: path.join(UserDataPath, 'lar_umzug.json')
    migrations: [
      new MigrationHack('00_Initial', require('./migrations/00_Initial')),
      new MigrationHack('01_ChangeColumn_Platform', require('./migrations/01_ChangeColumn_Platform')),
      new MigrationHack('02_ChangeColumns', require('./migrations/02_ChangeColumns')),
      new MigrationHack('03_RenameColumns_Timestamps', require('./migrations/03_RenameColumns_Timestamps')),
      new MigrationHack('04_CreateTable_RecordLog', require('./migrations/04_CreateTable_RecordLog')),
      new MigrationHack('05_AddColumn_File', require('./migrations/05_AddColumn_File'))

  const logUmzugEvent = eventName => {
    return (name, migration) => {

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