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Top 10 Examples of "twitter-text in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'twitter-text' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

ipcMain.on('surfbird:send:tweet', function (e, tweet) {
  var tweetLength = twittxt.getTweetLength(tweet.text)
  if (tweetLength > 140 && > 0) {
  else if (tweetLength > 140) {
    var tweetid =
    var tweets = []

    // split the tweet into chunks
    var chunks = tweet.text.split(' ').filter(function (it) {
      return it.length > 0

    // calculate mentions
    var mentionsLength = 0
    var mentions = [] // NOTE: Not using twitter-text function because we only want leading tweets.
    while (chunks.length) {
require(__dirname + '/plugins/filter/' + file);
      filters = require(__dirname + '/plugins/filters.js').filters;
      filters.forEach(function(filter) {
        text = filter.execute(text);
      if (TwitterText.getTweetLength(text) <= 140) {'statuses/update', { status: text }, function(error, data, response) {
          if (error) {
            console.log('Posting tweet error: ' + error);
      else {
        channel = rtm.dataStore.getChannelById(;, "The tweet was too long! Character count: " + TwitterText.getTweetLength(message.text), function(err, res) {
          if (err) {
            console.log('Error:', err);
          } else {
            console.log('Message sent: ', res);
        channel = null;
      } // If message longer than 140 character
  } // Message type.
} else {
    if (chunks.length == 0) { // only has mentions???
      mentions = chunks
      mentions = []
      mentionsLength = 0
    } else if (mentionsLength > 140) {
      return console.error('Too many mentions!')

    // map urls
    var urls = twittxt.extractUrls(tweet.text, {extractUrlsWithoutProtocol: false}).map(function (it) {
      return it.toLowerCase()

    while (chunks.length > 0) {
      var tweet = [].concat(mentions)
      var textLength = 0
      while (tweet.length + textLength + mentionsLength - 1 < 140 && chunks.length > 0) {
        var chunk = chunks.shift()
        var length = chunk.length
        // check if it's a url
        if (urls.indexOf(chunk.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
          length = chunk.match(twittxt.regexen.urlHasHttps) ? 23 : 23 // TODO: Use configuration.
        // chunk if overflow
        if (tweet.length + textLength + mentionsLength + length > 140) {
          // word is too long, split it up.
// validation error is encountered, w/ validation info.
        if (err) return res.negotiate(err);

        // Because this should only update a single record and update
        // returns an array, just use the first item.  If more than one
        // record was returned, something is amiss.
        if (!records || !records.length || records.length > 1) {
          util.format('Unexpected output from `%s.update`.', Model.globalId)

        var updatedRecord = records[0];

        var mentions = twitter.extractMentions(values.body);
        // update post mentions
        Mention.updateModelMentions(req.user, 'body', mentions, 'post', pk, function(err, mentionedUsers) {
          if (err) {
            sails.log.error('Error on updateModelMentions', err);
            return res.serverError();

          updatedRecord.mentions = mentionedUsers;

          // If we have the pubsub hook, use the Model's publish method
          // to notify all subscribers about the update.
          if (req._sails.hooks.pubsub) {
            if ( updatedRecord.creator ) {
              // send the change to others user connected devices
    'follow_user_' + updatedRecord.creator).emit(
                'post', {

    // map urls
    var urls = twittxt.extractUrls(tweet.text, {extractUrlsWithoutProtocol: false}).map(function (it) {
      return it.toLowerCase()

    while (chunks.length > 0) {
      var tweet = [].concat(mentions)
      var textLength = 0
      while (tweet.length + textLength + mentionsLength - 1 < 140 && chunks.length > 0) {
        var chunk = chunks.shift()
        var length = chunk.length
        // check if it's a url
        if (urls.indexOf(chunk.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
          length = chunk.match(twittxt.regexen.urlHasHttps) ? 23 : 23 // TODO: Use configuration.
        // chunk if overflow
        if (tweet.length + textLength + mentionsLength + length > 140) {
          // word is too long, split it up.
          if (textLength == 0) {
            if (urls.indexOf(chunk.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
              return console.error('Error! Can\'t segment URL!')
            } else {
              length = 140 - (tweet.length + textLength + 1 + mentionsLength)
              tweet.push(chunk.substr(0, length))
              textLength += length
          } else { // push it to the next tweet
            <a href="{`${mention.screenName}`}">
          reduced.push(' ');
          return reduced;
        }, []);

    if (!isScrolling) {
      text = t.autoLink(text, AUTO_LINK_OPTIONS);

    // Upscale user profile images; for some reason the API sends blurry low-res pictures.
    let profileImageSource = tweet.user.profile_image_url_https;
    if (profileImageSource.indexOf('_normal.') &gt;= 0) {
      profileImageSource = profileImageSource.replace('_normal.', '_bigger.');

    return (
        {retweeter &amp;&amp;
            <i aria-hidden="true"></i></div></div>
render() {
    const len = parseTweet(this.state.tweet).weightedLength;
    const percent = Number((len * 100 / 280).toFixed(2));
    const pickerStyle = {
      position: 'absolute',
      right: '1em',
      bottom: '4em',
      zIndex: 9999
    // const cap =;
    return (
            <h1 style="{{">{`Emoji ${this.state.emoji} Tweeter`}</h1>
.exec(function found(err, newInstance) {

        if (err) return res.serverError(err);
        if (!newInstance) return res.notFound();

        var mentions = twitter.extractMentions(newInstance.body);
        // update post mentions
        Mention.updateModelMentions(req.user, 'body', mentions, 'post',, function(err, mentionedUsers) {
          if (err) {
            sails.log.error('post:create:Error on updateModelMentions', err);
            return res.serverError();

          newInstance.mentions = mentionedUsers;

          // If we have the pubsub hook, use the model class's publish method
          // to notify all subscribers about the created item
          if (req._sails.hooks.pubsub) {
            if (req.isSocket) {
              Model.subscribe(req, newInstance);
id: tweet.retweeted_status.id_str,
          timestamp: new Date(Date.parse(tweet.retweeted_status.created_at)).getTime(),
          isFavorited: tweet.retweeted_status.favorited,
          favoriteCount: tweet.retweeted_status.favorite_count,
          isRetweeted: tweet.retweeted_status.retweeted,
          retweetCount: tweet.retweeted_status.retweet_count

      a.className = 'tweet_wrapper';

      a.setAttribute('data-tweet-id', tweet.id_str);
      a.setAttribute('data-tweet-timestamp', tweet.timestamp_ms);

      var mentioned_me = false;
      if (!tweet.retweeted_status)
        for (var name of Twitter_text.extractMentions(tweet.text))
          if (name == App.screen_name) mentioned_me = true;
      if (mentioned_me) className += ' tweet_emp blue';

      // retweeted / favorited
      var retweeted = '';
      var favorited = '';
      if (tweet.favorited)
        favorited = 'favorited';
      if (tweet.retweeted || tweet.retweeted_status && tweet.user.id_str == App.id_str)
        retweeted = 'retweeted';

      var id_str_org = tweet.id_str;

      var div = document.createElement('div');
      div.className = className; =&gt; {
      text = text.replace(e.url, '');

  // remove any quote links
  if (entities &amp;&amp; data.quoted_status) {
    entities.urls.forEach((u) =&gt; {
      if (u.expanded_url.indexOf('/status/') &gt; -1) {
        text = text.replace(u.url, '');

  // replace + style links and mentions
  text = twitterText.autoLinkWithJSON(text, (entities || {}), { usernameIncludeSymbol: true });
  text = text.replace(/href=/g, 'style="text-decoration: none;color:#6CCCF9;" href=');

  // replace + style emoji
  text = twemoji.parse(text);
  text = text.replace(/

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