Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'p-throttle' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
// @flow
import cheerio from 'cheerio';
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import throttle from 'p-throttle';
import errors from '../errors';
import utils, { invariant } from '../utils';
import type { SiteAdapter, ChapterMetadata, Page } from '../types';
const TZ = 'America/Los_Angeles';
const t = $el => $el.text().trim();
const throttledGetPage = throttle(utils.getPage, 1, 600);
const trimLeadingZeroes = str => str.replace(/^0+(\d)/g, '$1');
function extractArgs(str) {
// NOTE: This is a brittle approach, relying on the fact this variable is
// named 'p'. That said, it's surprisingly easy and works.
const startArgs = `return p;}('`;
const argsStartIndex = str.indexOf(startArgs) + startArgs.length - 1;
const argsEndIndex = str.indexOf('))', argsStartIndex);
return str.substring(argsStartIndex, argsEndIndex).split(',');
function extractKeyFromCode(str) {
// Removes the non- part of the string: ''.split('|')
return str.replace(/\.split\('\|'\)$/, '').replace(/^'|'$/g, '');
const init = async () => {
console.log('>>>> Running tax form job');
// Filter unique users
const users = findUsersThatNeedToBeSentTaxForm({
invoiceTotalThreshold: US_TAX_FORM_THRESHOLD,
if (process.env.DRY_RUN) {
console.log('>> Doing tax form dry run. Emails of users who need tax forms:');
return users.map(
user => {
} else {
return users.map(
user => {
console.log(`>> Sending tax form to user: ${user.email}`);
return sendHelloWorksUsTaxForm(user);
// @flow
import throttle from 'p-throttle';
import errors from '../errors';
import utils, { invariant } from '../utils';
import type { SiteAdapter } from '../types';
const throttledGetJSON = throttle(utils.getJSON, 1, 600);
const getIdFromOid = oid => oid.split('-').pop();
const parseTitle = (
input: string,
): { title: ?string, chapterNumber: ?string, volumeNumber: ?string } => {
const parts = input.split(': ');
const title = parts[1];
let chapterNumber;
let volumeNumber;
try {
chapterNumber = utils.extractText(/chapter\s+([\d.]+)/i, parts[0]);
} catch (err) {}
try {
volumeNumber = utils.extractText(/vol\.\s*([\d.]+)/i, parts[0]);
// @flow
import he from 'he';
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import throttle from 'p-throttle';
import errors from '../errors';
import get from '../get';
import utils, { invariant } from '../utils';
import type { ChapterMetadata, SiteAdapter } from '../types';
const throttledGet = throttle(utils.getJSON, 5, 500);
const LanguageCodes = {
ENGLISH: 'gb',
SPANISH: 'es',
RUSSIAN: 'ru',
const StatusCodes = {
'1': 'ONGOING',
* Since Poketo has no notion of languages or multiple versions of a chapter,
* we'll just return the English version. Sorry, international peeps :(
// @flow
import cheerio from 'cheerio';
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import throttle from 'p-throttle';
import errors from '../errors';
import utils, { invariant } from '../utils';
import type { SiteAdapter } from '../types';
const TZ = 'UTC';
const throttledGet = throttle(utils.getPage, 5, 100);
const getChapterTimestamp = str => {
let date;
switch (str.toLowerCase()) {
case 'today':
date = moment.tz(TZ);
case '1 day ago':
case 'yesterday':
date = moment.tz(TZ).subtract(1, 'day');
case '2 days ago':
date = moment.tz(TZ).subtract(2, 'days');