Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'tiptap-extensions' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
// пополнение доступных действий для конкретного renderIn
// Сбор нативных расширений
if (extension.nativeExtensionInstance) {
const extensions = [
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TODO ONLY FOR TEST (update: не помню что это, возможно и не нужно убирать код ниже)
extensions.push(new Placeholder({
emptyNodeClass: 'tiptap-vuetify-editor__paragraph--is-empty',
emptyNodeText: this[PROPS.PLACEHOLDER],
showOnlyWhenEditable: true
this.editor = new Editor({
content: this[PROPS.VALUE],
onUpdate: this.onUpdate.bind(this)
this.$emit(EVENTS.INIT, {
editor: this.editor
setup(props) {
const state = reactive({
editor: useEditor({
extensions: [
new OnEscape(() => {
state.editing = false
props.placeholder ? new Placeholder({
emptyNodeText: props.placeholder,
emptyNodeClass: 'sm-RichText-placeholder',
showOnlyWhenEditable: false,
}) : [],
editable: !props.readonly,
content: props.content,
onUpdate: async(content: string) => {
state.saveState = saveStates.SAVING
try {
// wait a minimum of 500ms for the transition
await Promise.all([
new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)),
state.saveState = saveStates.SAVED
marks = {},
nodes = {},
tools = {}
} = this.schema
return [
// schema.marks:
marks.bold && new Bold(),
marks.italic && new Italic(),
marks.underline && new Underline(),
marks.strike && new Strike(),
marks.small && new Small(),
marks.code && new Code(),
marks.link && new LinkWithTitle(),
// schema.nodes:
nodes.blockquote && new Blockquote(),
nodes.codeBlock && new CodeBlock(),
new HardBreak(), // TODO: Should this always on?
nodes.heading && new Heading({ levels: nodes.heading }),
nodes.horizontalRule && new HorizontalRule(),
(nodes.orderedList || nodes.bulletList) && new ListItem(),
nodes.bulletList && new BulletList(),
nodes.orderedList && new OrderedList(),
// TODO:
// nodes.todoList && new TodoItem(),
// nodes.todoList && new TodoList(),
// schema.tools:
tools.history && new History()
].filter(extension => !!extension)
marks.bold && new Bold(),
marks.italic && new Italic(),
marks.underline && new Underline(),
marks.strike && new Strike(),
marks.small && new Small(),
marks.code && new Code(),
marks.link && new LinkWithTitle(),
// schema.nodes:
nodes.blockquote && new Blockquote(),
nodes.codeBlock && new CodeBlock(),
new HardBreak(), // TODO: Should this always on?
nodes.heading && new Heading({ levels: nodes.heading }),
nodes.horizontalRule && new HorizontalRule(),
(nodes.orderedList || nodes.bulletList) && new ListItem(),
nodes.bulletList && new BulletList(),
nodes.orderedList && new OrderedList(),
// TODO:
// nodes.todoList && new TodoItem(),
// nodes.todoList && new TodoList(),
// schema.tools:
tools.history && new History()
].filter(extension => !!extension)
} = this.schema
return [
// schema.marks:
marks.bold && new Bold(),
marks.italic && new Italic(),
marks.underline && new Underline(),
marks.strike && new Strike(),
marks.small && new Small(),
marks.code && new Code(),
marks.link && new LinkWithTitle(),
// schema.nodes:
nodes.blockquote && new Blockquote(),
nodes.codeBlock && new CodeBlock(),
new HardBreak(), // TODO: Should this always on?
nodes.heading && new Heading({ levels: nodes.heading }),
nodes.horizontalRule && new HorizontalRule(),
(nodes.orderedList || nodes.bulletList) && new ListItem(),
nodes.bulletList && new BulletList(),
nodes.orderedList && new OrderedList(),
// TODO:
// nodes.todoList && new TodoItem(),
// nodes.todoList && new TodoList(),
// schema.tools:
tools.history && new History()
].filter(extension => !!extension)
// schema.marks:
marks.bold && new Bold(),
marks.italic && new Italic(),
marks.underline && new Underline(),
marks.strike && new Strike(),
marks.small && new Small(),
marks.code && new Code(),
marks.link && new LinkWithTitle(),
// schema.nodes:
nodes.blockquote && new Blockquote(),
nodes.codeBlock && new CodeBlock(),
new HardBreak(), // TODO: Should this always on?
nodes.heading && new Heading({ levels: nodes.heading }),
nodes.horizontalRule && new HorizontalRule(),
(nodes.orderedList || nodes.bulletList) && new ListItem(),
nodes.bulletList && new BulletList(),
nodes.orderedList && new OrderedList(),
// TODO:
// nodes.todoList && new TodoItem(),
// nodes.todoList && new TodoList(),
// schema.tools:
tools.history && new History()
].filter(extension => !!extension)
marks.italic && new Italic(),
marks.underline && new Underline(),
marks.strike && new Strike(),
marks.small && new Small(),
marks.code && new Code(),
marks.link && new LinkWithTitle(),
// schema.nodes:
nodes.blockquote && new Blockquote(),
nodes.codeBlock && new CodeBlock(),
new HardBreak(), // TODO: Should this always on?
nodes.heading && new Heading({ levels: nodes.heading }),
nodes.horizontalRule && new HorizontalRule(),
(nodes.orderedList || nodes.bulletList) && new ListItem(),
nodes.bulletList && new BulletList(),
nodes.orderedList && new OrderedList(),
// TODO:
// nodes.todoList && new TodoItem(),
// nodes.todoList && new TodoList(),
// schema.tools:
tools.history && new History()
].filter(extension => !!extension)
createExtensions() {
const {
marks = {},
nodes = {},
tools = {}
} = this.schema
return [
// schema.marks:
marks.bold && new Bold(),
marks.italic && new Italic(),
marks.underline && new Underline(),
marks.strike && new Strike(),
marks.small && new Small(),
marks.code && new Code(),
marks.link && new LinkWithTitle(),
// schema.nodes:
nodes.blockquote && new Blockquote(),
nodes.codeBlock && new CodeBlock(),
new HardBreak(), // TODO: Should this always on?
nodes.heading && new Heading({ levels: nodes.heading }),
nodes.horizontalRule && new HorizontalRule(),
(nodes.orderedList || nodes.bulletList) && new ListItem(),
nodes.bulletList && new BulletList(),
nodes.orderedList && new OrderedList(),
// TODO:
// nodes.todoList && new TodoItem(),
createExtensions() {
const {
marks = {},
nodes = {},
tools = {}
} = this.schema
return [
// schema.marks:
marks.bold && new Bold(),
marks.italic && new Italic(),
marks.underline && new Underline(),
marks.strike && new Strike(),
marks.small && new Small(),
marks.code && new Code(),
marks.link && new LinkWithTitle(),
// schema.nodes:
nodes.blockquote && new Blockquote(),
nodes.codeBlock && new CodeBlock(),
new HardBreak(), // TODO: Should this always on?
nodes.heading && new Heading({ levels: nodes.heading }),
nodes.horizontalRule && new HorizontalRule(),
(nodes.orderedList || nodes.bulletList) && new ListItem(),
nodes.bulletList && new BulletList(),
nodes.orderedList && new OrderedList(),
createExtensions() {
const {
marks = {},
nodes = {},
tools = {}
} = this.schema
return [
// schema.marks:
marks.bold && new Bold(),
marks.italic && new Italic(),
marks.underline && new Underline(),
marks.strike && new Strike(),
marks.small && new Small(),
marks.code && new Code(),
marks.link && new LinkWithTitle(),
// schema.nodes:
nodes.blockquote && new Blockquote(),
nodes.codeBlock && new CodeBlock(),
new HardBreak(), // TODO: Should this always on?
nodes.heading && new Heading({ levels: nodes.heading }),
nodes.horizontalRule && new HorizontalRule(),
(nodes.orderedList || nodes.bulletList) && new ListItem(),
nodes.bulletList && new BulletList(),
nodes.orderedList && new OrderedList(),
// TODO:
// nodes.todoList && new TodoItem(),
// nodes.todoList && new TodoList(),
// schema.tools: