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Top 10 Examples of "tiptap in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'tiptap' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

initEditor({ doc, version }) {
      if (this.editor) {

      this.editor = new Editor({
        content: doc,
        extensions: [
          new Collab({
            clientID: this.clientID,
        // onTransaction: transaction => {
        //   console.log('onTransaction')
        //   this.newState = this.editor.state.apply(transaction)
        //   this.editor.view.updateState(this.state.edit)
        //   return false
        // },
        onUpdate: ({ state }) => {
    const extensions = [

    if (this[PROPS.PLACEHOLDER]) {
      // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TODO ONLY FOR TEST (update: не помню что это, возможно и не нужно убирать код ниже)
      extensions.push(new Placeholder({
        emptyNodeClass: 'tiptap-vuetify-editor__paragraph--is-empty',
        emptyNodeText: this[PROPS.PLACEHOLDER],
        showOnlyWhenEditable: true

    this.editor = new Editor({
      content: this[PROPS.VALUE],
      onUpdate: this.onUpdate.bind(this)

    this.$emit(EVENTS.INIT, {
      editor: this.editor
onInit({ doc, version }) {
      this.loading = false

      if (this.editor) {

      this.editor = new Editor({
        content: doc,
        extensions: [
          new HardBreak(),
          new Heading({ levels: [1, 2, 3] }),
          new Bold(),
          new Code(),
          new Italic(),
          new History(),
          new Collaboration({
            // the initial version we start with
            // version is an integer which is incremented with every change
            // debounce changes so we can save some requests
            debounce: 250,
            // onSendable is called whenever there are changed we have to send to our server
            onSendable: ({ sendable }) => {
get plugins() {
    return [
      new Plugin({
        state: {
          init(_, { doc }) {
            return getDecorations(doc)
          apply(tr, set) {
            // TODO: find way to cache decorations
            // see:
            if (tr.docChanged) {
              return getDecorations(tr.doc)
            return, tr.doc)
        props: {
          decorations(state) {
            return this.getState(state)
created() {
    this.editor = new Editor({
      content: this.value || '',
      doc: this.doc,
      extensions: [
        // Hashtags must come first, see
        new EventHandler(),
        new History(),
      onUpdate: e => {
        throttleInputEvent = setTimeout(() => this.onUpdate(e), 300)
get plugins() {
    return [
      new Plugin({
        props: {
          transformPastedText(text) {
            return text.trim()
          transformPastedHTML(html) {
            html = html
              // remove all tags with "space only"
              .replace(/<[a-z-]+>[\s]+<\/[a-z-]+>/gim, '')
              // remove all iframes
              .replace(/(]*)(>)[^>]*\/*>/gim, '')
              .replace(/[\n]{3,}/gim, '\n\n')
              .replace(/(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, '<br>$1')

              // replace all p tags with line breaks (and spaces) only by single linebreaks
              // limit linebreaks to max 2 (equivalent to html "br" linebreak)
              .replace(/(<br>\s*){2,}/gim, '<br>')
get plugins() {
    return [
      new Plugin({
        state: {
          init() {
            return DecorationSet.empty
          apply: (tr, old) => {
            if (this._updating
              || this.options.searching
              || (tr.docChanged && this.options.alwaysSearch)
            ) {
              return this.createDeco(tr.doc)

            if (tr.docChanged) {
              return, tr.doc)
get plugins() {
    return [
      new Plugin({
        props: {
          handleDOMEvents: {
            drop(view, event) {
              const hasFiles = event.dataTransfer
              && event.dataTransfer.files
              && event.dataTransfer.files.length

              if (!hasFiles) {

              const images = Array
                .filter(file => (/image/i).test(file.type))

              if (images.length === 0) {
data() {
    return {
      editor: new Editor({
        extensions: [
          new CodeBlockHighlight({
            languages: {
          new HardBreak(),
          new Heading({ levels: [1, 2, 3] }),
          new Bold(),
          new Code(),
          new Italic(),
        content: `
            Code Highlighting</h2>
data() {
    return {
      editor: new Editor({
        extensions: [
          new Blockquote(),
          new BulletList(),
          new CodeBlock(),
          new HardBreak(),
          new Heading({ levels: [1, 2, 3] }),
          new ListItem(),
          new OrderedList(),
          new TodoItem(),
          new TodoList(),
          new Link(),
          new Bold(),
          new Code(),
          new Italic(),
          new History(),

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