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Top 10 Examples of "teen_process in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'teen_process' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

const {cmd, args} = this.getCommand(buildOnly);
    log.debug(`Beginning ${buildOnly ? 'build' : 'test'} with command '${cmd} ${args.join(' ')}' ` +
              `in directory '${this.bootstrapPath}'`);
    const env = Object.assign({}, process.env, {
      USE_PORT: this.wdaRemotePort,
    if (this.mjpegServerPort) {
      env.MJPEG_SERVER_PORT = this.mjpegServerPort;
    const upgradeTimestamp = await getWDAUpgradeTimestamp(this.bootstrapPath);
    if (upgradeTimestamp) {
      env.UPGRADE_TIMESTAMP = upgradeTimestamp;
    const xcodebuild = new SubProcess(cmd, args, {
      cwd: this.bootstrapPath,
      detached: true,
      stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'],

    let logXcodeOutput = !!this.showXcodeLog;
    const logMsg = _.isBoolean(this.showXcodeLog)
      ? `Output from xcodebuild ${this.showXcodeLog ? 'will' : 'will not'} be logged`
      : 'Output from xcodebuild will only be logged if any errors are present there';
    log.debug(`${logMsg}. To change this, use 'showXcodeLog' desired capability`);
    xcodebuild.on('output', (stdout, stderr) => {
      let out = stdout || stderr;
      // we want to pull out the log file that is created, and highlight it
      // for diagnostic purposes
      if (out.includes('Writing diagnostic log for test session to')) {
const getApksignerOutput = async (apksignerPath) => {
    let binaryPath = apksignerPath;
    if (system.isWindows() && util.isSubPath(binaryPath, originalFolder)) {
      // Workaround for
      binaryPath = path.basename(binaryPath);
    const {stdout, stderr} = await exec(binaryPath, args, {
      cwd: originalFolder
    for (let [name, stream] of [['stdout', stdout], ['stderr', stderr]]) {
      if (!stream) {

      if (name === 'stdout') {
        // Make the output less talkative
        stream = stream.split('\n')
          .filter((line) => !line.includes('WARNING:'))
      log.debug(`apksigner ${name}: ${stream}`);
    return stdout;
createIWDPProcess () {
    // (see for reference)
    const process = new SubProcess(IWDP_CMD, ['-c', `${this.udid}:${this.port}`, '-d']);
    process.on('exit', () => this.onExit());
    process.on('lines-stderr', iwdpLogger.error);
    if (this.logStdout) {
      process.on('lines-stdout', iwdpLogger.debug);
    return process;
return await new B(async (_resolve, _reject) => { // eslint-disable-line promise/param-names
      const resolve = function (...args) {
        started = true;
      const reject = function (...args) {
        started = true;

      if (this.clearLogs) {
        await this.clear();

      log.debug('Starting logcat capture');
      this.proc = new SubProcess(this.adb.path, this.adb.defaultArgs.concat(['logcat', '-v', 'threadtime']));
      this.proc.on('exit', (code, signal) => {
        log.error(`Logcat terminated with code ${code}, signal ${signal}`);
        this.proc = null;
        if (!started) {
          log.warn('Logcat not started. Continuing');
      this.proc.on('lines-stderr', (lines) => {
        for (let line of lines) {
          if (/execvp\(\)/.test(line)) {
            log.error('Logcat process failed to start');
            reject(new Error(`Logcat process failed to start. stderr: ${line}`));
          this.outputHandler(_.trim(line), 'STDERR: ');
return await new B(async (resolve, reject) => {
    let args = this.executable.defaultArgs
      .concat(['shell', 'am', 'instrument', '-e', 'coverage', 'true', '-w'])
    log.debug(`Collecting coverage data with: ${[this.executable.path].concat(args).join(' ')}`);
    try {
      // am instrument runs for the life of the app process.
      this.instrumentProc = new SubProcess(this.executable.path, args);
      await this.instrumentProc.start(0);
      this.instrumentProc.on('output', (stdout, stderr) => {
        if (stderr) {
          reject(new Error(`Failed to run instrumentation. Original error: ${stderr}`));
      await this.waitForActivity(waitPkg, waitActivity);
    } catch (e) {
      reject(new Error(`Android coverage failed. Original error: ${e.message}`));
// escape any argument that has a space in it
      if (_.isString(arg) && arg.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
        return `"${arg}"`;
      // otherwise just use the argument
      return arg;
    log.debug(`Spawning instruments with command: '${instrumentsExecArgs.join(' ')}'`);
    if (this.withoutDelay) {
      log.debug('And extra without-delay env: ' + JSON.stringify({
        LIB_PATH: env.LIB_PATH
    log.debug(`And launch timeouts (in ms): ${JSON.stringify(this.launchTimeout)}`);
    return await spawn(this.instrumentsPath, args, {env});
// escape any argument that has a space in it
      if (_.isString(arg) && arg.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
        return `"${arg}"`;
      // otherwise just use the argument
      return arg;
    log.debug(`Spawning instruments with command: '${instrumentsExecArgs.join(' ')}'`);
    if (this.withoutDelay) {
      log.debug('And extra without-delay env: ' + JSON.stringify({
        LIB_PATH: env.LIB_PATH
    log.debug(`And launch timeouts (in ms): ${JSON.stringify(this.launchTimeout)}`);
    return await spawn(this.instrumentsPath, args, {env});
await finishPerfRecord(proc, true);
  if (!await fs.exists(localPath)) {
    log.errorAndThrow(`There is no .trace file found for performance profile '${profileName}' ` +
                      `and device ${this.opts.device.udid}. ` +
                      `Make sure the profile is supported on this device. ` +
                      `You can use 'instruments -s' command to see the list of all available profiles.`);

  const zipPath = `${localPath}.zip`;
  const zipArgs = [
    '-9', '-r', zipPath,
  ];`Found perf trace record '${localPath}'. Compressing it with 'zip ${zipArgs.join(' ')}'`);
  try {
    await exec('zip', zipArgs, {
      cwd: path.dirname(localPath),
    return await uploadTrace(zipPath, remotePath, {user, pass, method});
  } finally {
    delete runningRecorders[this.opts.device.udid];
    if (await fs.exists(localPath)) {
      await fs.rimraf(localPath);
async cleanupObsoleteProcesses () {
    const obsoletePids = await getPIDsListeningOnPort(this.url.port,
      (cmdLine) => cmdLine.includes('/WebDriverAgentRunner') &&

    if (_.isEmpty(obsoletePids)) {
      log.debug(`No obsolete cached processes from previous WDA sessions ` +
        `listening on port ${this.url.port} have been found`);
    }`Detected ${obsoletePids.length} obsolete cached process${obsoletePids.length === 1 ? '' : 'es'} ` +
      `from previous WDA sessions. Cleaning them up`);
    try {
      await exec('kill', obsoletePids);
    } catch (e) {
      log.warn(`Failed to kill obsolete cached process${obsoletePids.length === 1 ? '' : 'es'} '${obsoletePids}'. ` +
        `Original error: ${e.message}`);
systemCallMethods.getConnectedDevices = async function () {
  log.debug("Getting connected devices...");
  try {
    let { stdout } = await exec(this.executable.path, ['devices']);

    let startingIndex = stdout.indexOf("List of devices attached");
    stdout = stdout.slice(startingIndex);
    if (stdout.length < 1) {
      throw new Error("Could not find device.");
    } else {
      let devices = [];
      for (let line of stdout.split("\n")) {
        if (line.trim() !== "" && line.indexOf("List of devices") === -1) {
          let lineInfo = line.split("\t");
          devices.push({ udid: lineInfo[0].trim(), state: lineInfo[1].trim(), platform: lineInfo[2].trim() });
      log.debug(`${devices.length} device(s) connected`);
      return devices;

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