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Top 10 Examples of "terser in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'terser' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

#!/usr/bin/env node
"use strict";
var opts = {
  "mangle": {
    "properties": true,
    "toplevel": true
  nameCache: { vars: {}, props: {} }

var terser = require('terser');
var hasOptionUndeclared = require('terser/package').version >= '4.1.1';
if (hasOptionUndeclared) { = {
    "undeclared": true
terser.minify('var Bar = {};', opts);
var result = terser.minify('var Foo = { foo: function() { return } };', opts);
var expected = `var r={o:function(){return a.${hasOptionUndeclared ? "t" : "v"}()}};`;
console.log("[task] test uglifying external properties",
    "\n[Current ]", result.code, "\n[Expected]", expected);
if (result.code === expected) {
  console.log(">>> same");
} else {
  console.log(">>> different, so", hasOptionUndeclared ? "please check test code" : "recommend a terser <= v3.14.0");
p.regex = ToRegExp(p.regex);
    if (m && typeof m.keep_fnames === "string") {
      m.keep_fnames = ToRegExp(m.keep_fnames);
    else if (m && !m.keep_fnames) {
      m.keep_fnames = c.keep_fnames;
    var comments = o.comments;
    if (comments && typeof comments === "string") {
      o.comments = ToRegExp(comments);
    let ver = "", terser = null;
    try {
      // @ts-ignore
      ver = require("terser/package").version;
    } catch (e) {
      console.log("Can not read the version of terser.");
    try {
      // @ts-ignore
      terser = require("terser");
    } catch (e) {
      console.log("Can not read the module of terser.");
    if (ver) {
      var hasOptionUndeclared = ver >= '4.1.2', has_wrap_func_args = ver >= '4.3';
      if (m) {
        if (hasOptionUndeclared) {
          if (p.undeclared == null) {
            p.undeclared = true;
map = JSON.parse(map);
      // make source map sources relative to output
      map.sources = => {
        // webpack:///webpack:/// happens too for some reason
        while (source.startsWith('webpack:///'))
          source = source.substr(11);
        if (source.startsWith('./'))
          source = source.substr(2);
        if (source.startsWith('webpack/'))
          return '/webpack/' + source.substr(8);
        return sourceMapBasePrefix + source;

    if (minify) {
      const result = terser.minify(code, {
        compress: false,
        mangle: {
          keep_classnames: true,
          keep_fnames: true
        sourceMap: sourceMap ? {
          content: map,
          url: `${filename}.map`
        } : false
      // For some reason, auth0 returns "undefined"!
      // custom terser phase used over Webpack integration for this reason
      if (result.code !== undefined)
        ({ code, map } = { code: result.code, map: });
  applyImportAndExportNameChanges: applyImportAndExportNameChanges,
  emitDCEGraph: emitDCEGraph,
  applyDCEGraphRemovals: applyDCEGraphRemovals,
  minifyWhitespace: function() { minifyWhitespace = true },
  noPrint: function() { noPrint = true },
  dump: function() { dump(ast) },
  growableHeap: growableHeap,

passes.forEach(function(pass) {

if (!noPrint) {
  var terserAst = terser.AST_Node.from_mozilla_ast(ast);
  var output = terserAst.print_to_string({
    beautify: !minifyWhitespace,
    indent_level: minifyWhitespace ? 0 : 1,
    keep_quoted_props: true, // for closure
booleans: false,
			inline: 0,
			keep_fargs: false,
			hoist_props: false,
			loops: false,
			reduce_funcs: false,
			unsafe: true,
			unsafe_math: true,

    const { output } = await bundle.generate({
        format: "iife",

    const minJs = terser.minify(output[0].code, uglifyOpts).code;

    var css = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/bootstrap-reboot.css', 'utf8').replace(/\/\*[\s\S]+?\*\/\s*/gm, '');
    css += fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/style.css', 'utf8');

    const minCss = new CleanCSS({level: 2}).minify(css).styles;

    const html = [
        '<title>Interactive Results</title>',
['esm', 'cjs', 'umd'].forEach(suf => {
        const file = fs.readFileSync(`dist/${lib}/${lib}.${suf}.js`, 'utf8');
        const fileSM = fs.readFileSync(`dist/${lib}/${lib}.${suf}`, 'utf8');
        const result = terser.minify(file, {
            module: suf !== 'umd',
            sourceMap: {
                content: fileSM,
                filename: `${lib}.${suf}.min.js`,
                url: `${lib}.${suf}`,
            compress: { unsafe: true, passes: 2, warnings: true, pure_funcs: ['Object.freeze'] },
            mangle: { properties: { regex: /^_(?!_)(?!internal)/ } }
        const target = `dist/${lib}/${lib}.${suf}.min.js`;
        const targetSM = `dist/${lib}/${lib}.${suf}`;
        fs.writeFileSync(target, result.code, 'utf8');
        fs.writeFileSync(targetSM,, 'utf8');
        console.log('-', target);
minify(code) {
    const { dev, dropConsole } = getConfigOptions();
    let buildCode = code;
    if (!dev) {
      const result = terser.minify(buildCode, {
        warnings: false,
        compress: {
          drop_console: dropConsole,
        output: {
          comments: false,
        ie8: true,
        safari10: true,
      if (result.error) console.log(result.error);
      buildCode = result.code;
    fse.writeFileSync(this.savePath, buildCode);
async function compile(mode) {
	await fs.mkdirs("./dist/");

	await fs.saferRemove([distJs]);

	await browserifyFiles(srcFile, distJs);
	const distStat = await fs.stat(distJs);
	console.log(`Browserified ${distJs} - ${distStat.size / 1000}kb`);

	var content = await fs.readFile(distJs, "utf8");
	const minContent = Terser.minify(content);
	await fs.writeFile(distMin, minContent.code, "utf8");
	const minStat = await fs.stat(distMin);
	console.log(`Minified ${distMin} - ${minStat.size / 1000}kb`);

booleans: false,
			inline: 0,
			keep_fargs: false,
			hoist_props: false,
			loops: false,
			reduce_funcs: false,
			unsafe: true,
			unsafe_math: true,

    const { output } = await bundle.generate({
        format: "iife",

    const minJs = terser.minify(output[0].code, uglifyOpts).code;

    var css = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/bootstrap-reboot.css', 'utf8').replace(/\/\*[\s\S]+?\*\/\s*/gm, '');
    css += fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/style.css', 'utf8');

    const minCss = new CleanCSS({level: 2}).minify(css).styles;

    const html = [
        '<title>Interactive Results</title>',
function minifyJS(content) {
  return terser(content, terserOptions).code

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