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Top 10 Examples of "big in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'big' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

['+45 33 13 44 11',    'DK', null,                      Big('0.25'), 'DK', null],
        ['+372 644 3484',      'EE', null,                      Big('0.20'), 'EE', null],

        ['+34 922 21 47 43',   'ES', 'Canary Islands',          Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Canary Islands'],
        ['+34 952 68 63 80',   'ES', 'Melilla',                 Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Melilla'],
        ['+34 952 52 95 20',   'ES', null,                      Big('0.21'), 'ES', null],
        ['+34 956 50 19 36',   'ES', 'Ceuta',                   Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Ceuta'],
        ['+34 956 02 50 00',   'ES', null,                      Big('0.21'), 'ES', null],
        ['+34 913 55 08 73',   'ES', null,                      Big('0.21'), 'ES', null],

        ['+358 20 7590317',    'FI', null,                      Big('0.24'), 'FI', null],
        ['+33 1 40 46 79 00',  'FR', null,                      Big('0.20'), 'FR', null],
        ['+44 20 7229 8331',   'GB', null,                      Big('0.20'), 'GB', null],

        ['+30 2377 023643',    'GR', 'Mount Athos',             Big('0.0'),  'GR', 'Mount Athos'],
        ['+30 2377 071189',    'GR', null,                      Big('0.23'), 'GR', null],
        ['+30 21 3214 4890',   'GR', null,                      Big('0.23'), 'GR', null],

        ['+385 1 4564 111',    'HR', null,                      Big('0.25'), 'HR', null],
        ['+36 1 263 6000',     'HU', null,                      Big('0.27'), 'HU', null],
        ['+353 1 475 8555',    'IE', null,                      Big('0.23'), 'IE', null],
        // Campione only has phone access through Switzerland
        ['+41 91 649 75 41',   'IT', "Campione d'Italia",       Big('0.0'),  'IT', "Campione d'Italia"],
        ['+41 91 640 16 16',   'CH', null,                      Big('0.0'),  'CH', null],
        ['+39 0342 996002',    'IT', 'Livigno',                 Big('0.0'),  'IT', 'Livigno'],
        ['+39 0342 528111',    'IT', null,                      Big('0.22'), 'IT', null],
        ['+39 06 49971',       'IT', null,                      Big('0.22'), 'IT', null],

        ['+370 5 231 4930',    'LT', null,                      Big('0.21'), 'LT', null],
        ['+352 22 28 09',      'LU', null,                      Big('0.15'), 'LU', null],
        ['+371 26 448 632',    'LV', null,                      Big('0.21'), 'LV', null],
        ['+356 2122 0536',     'MT', null,                      Big('0.18'), 'MT', null],
['DK', 'Capital Region',            'Copenhagen',              'DK', null,                      Big('0.25'), 'DK', null],
        ['EE', 'Harju',                     'Tallinn',                 'EE', null,                      Big('0.20'), 'EE', null],

        ['ES', 'Canary Islands',            'Santa Cruz de Tenerife',  'ES', 'Canary Islands',          Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Canary Islands'],

        ['ES', 'Melilla',                   'Melilla',                 'ES', 'Melilla',                 Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Melilla'],
        ['ES', 'Ceuta',                     'Ceuta',                   'ES', 'Ceuta',                   Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Ceuta'],
        ['ES', 'Madrid',                    'Madrid',                  'ES', null,                      Big('0.21'), 'ES', null],

        ['FI', '',                          'Helsinki',                'FI', null,                      Big('0.24'), 'FI', null],
        ['FR', 'Île-de-France',             'Paris',                   'FR', null,                      Big('0.20'), 'FR', null],
        ['GB', 'England',                   'London',                  'GB', null,                      Big('0.20'), 'GB', null],

        ['GR', 'Central Macedonia',         'Ormylia',                 'GR', 'Mount Athos',             Big('0.0'),  'GR', 'Mount Athos'],
        ['GR', 'Central Macedonia',         'Ormylia',                 'GR', null,                      Big('0.23'), 'GR', null],
        ['GR', 'Attica',                    'Athens',                  'GR', null,                      Big('0.23'), 'GR', null],

        ['HR', 'Grad Zagreb',               'Zagreb',                  'HR', null,                      Big('0.25'), 'HR', null],
        ['HU', 'Budapest fovaros',          'Budapest',                'HU', null,                      Big('0.27'), 'HU', null],
        ['IE', 'Leinster',                  'Dublin',                  'IE', null,                      Big('0.23'), 'IE', null],

        ['IT', 'Lombardy',                  'Como',                    'IT', "Campione d'Italia",       Big('0.0'),  'IT', "Campione d'Italia"],
        ['IT', 'Lombardy',                  'Como',                    'IT', null,                      Big('0.22'), 'IT', null],
        ['IT', 'Lombardy',                  'Livigno',                 'IT', 'Livigno',                 Big('0.0'),  'IT', 'Livigno'],
        // Test an exception geoip2 record with a non-exception address
        ['IT', 'Lombardy',                  'Livigno',                 'IT', null,                      Big('0.0'),  'IT', 'Livigno'],
        ['IT', 'Lombardy',                  'Cologne',                 'IT', null,                      Big('0.22'), 'IT', null],

        ['LT', 'Vilnius County',            'Vilnius',                 'LT', null,                      Big('0.21'), 'LT', null],
        ['LU', 'District de Luxembourg',    'Luxembourg',              'LU', null,                      Big('0.15'), 'LU', null],
        ['LV', 'Riga',                      'Riga',                    'LV', null,                      Big('0.21'), 'LV', null],
addMessage( seq, time, shouldExecute=true, priority=0 ) {
    if( typeof time === 'number' ) time = Big( time )
    // TODO: should 4 be a function of the time signature?
    time = time.times( 4 ).plus( this.currentTime )

    this.queue.push({ seq, time, shouldExecute, priority })
exports = module.exports = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {

  // Example of using a npm package only in Firebase Functions.
  const thisDoesNothing = Big(123);

  const time = new Date().getTime();
  let winner = { time };

  if (time & 1) { // Timestamp is odd. = 'blue';
  } else { // Timestamp is even. = 'red';

static weiToEtherString(wei: any): string {
    if (!isEthAvailable) {
      throw new EthereumLibraryUnavailableError(ethImport);
    let bn = wei;
    if (!(wei instanceof ethUtil.BN)) {
      bn = new ethUtil.BN(wei);
    Big.E_POS = 256;
    Big.E_NEG = -18;
    const weiString = bn.toString(10);
    const big = new Big(weiString);
    // 10^18
    const ether = big.div('1000000000000000000');
    return ether.toPrecision();
Util.weiToEtherString = function(wei) {
    let bn = wei;
    if (!(wei instanceof ethUtil.BN)) {
      bn = new ethUtil.BN(wei);
    Big.E_POS = 256;
    Big.E_NEG = -18;
    const weiString = bn.toString(10);
    const big = new Big(weiString);
    // 10^18
    const ether = big.div('1000000000000000000');
    return ether.toPrecision();
['DE', 'Heligoland',                  Big('0.0'),  'DE', 'Heligoland'],
        ['DE', 'Büsingen am Hochrhein',       Big('0.0'),  'DE', 'Büsingen am Hochrhein'],
        ['DE', null,                          Big('0.19'), 'DE', null],
        ['DK', null,                          Big('0.25'), 'DK', null],
        ['EE', null,                          Big('0.20'), 'EE', null],
        ['ES', 'Canary Islands',              Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Canary Islands'],
        ['ES', 'Melilla',                     Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Melilla'],
        ['ES', 'Ceuta',                       Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Ceuta'],
        ['ES', null,                          Big('0.21'), 'ES', null],
        ['FI', null,                          Big('0.24'), 'FI', null],
        ['FR', null,                          Big('0.20'), 'FR', null],
        ['GB', 'Akrotiri',                    Big('0.19'), 'CY', null],
        ['GB', 'Dhekelia',                    Big('0.19'), 'CY', null],
        ['GB', null,                          Big('0.20'), 'GB', null],
        ['GR', 'Mount Athos',                 Big('0.0'),  'GR', 'Mount Athos'],
        ['GR', null,                          Big('0.23'), 'GR', null],
        ['HR', null,                          Big('0.25'), 'HR', null],
        ['HU', null,                          Big('0.27'), 'HU', null],
        ['IE', null,                          Big('0.23'), 'IE', null],
        ['IT', "Campione d'Italia",           Big('0.0'),  'IT', "Campione d'Italia"],
        ['IT', 'Livigno',                     Big('0.0'),  'IT', 'Livigno'],
        ['IT', null,                          Big('0.22'), 'IT', null],
        ['LT', null,                          Big('0.21'), 'LT', null],
        ['LU', null,                          Big('0.15'), 'LU', null],
        ['LV', null,                          Big('0.21'), 'LV', null],
        ['MT', null,                          Big('0.18'), 'MT', null],
        ['NL', null,                          Big('0.21'), 'NL', null],
        ['PL', null,                          Big('0.23'), 'PL', null],
        ['PT', 'Azores',                      Big('0.0'),  'PT', 'Azores'],
        ['PT', 'Madeira',                     Big('0.0'),  'PT', 'Madeira'],
        ['PT', null,                          Big('0.23'), 'PT', null],
        ['RO', null,                          Big('0.24'), 'RO', null],
['ES',  '35500',     'Arrecife',                    Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Canary Islands'],
        ['ES',  '38700',     'Santa Cruz de La Palma',      Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Canary Islands'],
        ['ES',  '38880',     'San Sebastián de La Gomera',  Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Canary Islands'],
        ['ES',  '38900',     'Valverde',                    Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Canary Islands'],
        ['ES',  '35540',     'Caleta de Sebo',              Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Canary Islands'],
        ['ES',  '35530',     'Teguise',                     Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Canary Islands'],
        ['ES',  '52002',     'Melilla',                     Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Melilla'],
        ['ES',  '51001',     'Ceuta',                       Big('0.0'),  'ES', 'Ceuta'],
        ['es',  '28001',     'Mardrid',                     Big('0.21'), 'ES', null],
        ['FI',  '00140',     'Helsinki',                    Big('0.24'), 'FI', null],
        ['FR',  '75016',     'Paris',                       Big('0.20'), 'FR', null],
        ['GB',  'BFP O57',   'Akrotiri',                    Big('0.19'), 'CY', null],
        ['GB',  'BFP O58',   'Dhekelia',                    Big('0.19'), 'CY', null],
        ['GB',  'W8 4RU',    'London',                      Big('0.20'), 'GB', null],
        ['GR',  '63086',     'Mount Athos',                 Big('0.0'),  'GR', 'Mount Athos'],
        ['GR',  '10001',     'Athens',                      Big('0.23'), 'GR', null],
        ['HR',  'HR-10000',  'Zagreb',                      Big('0.25'), 'HR', null],
        ['HU',  '1239',      'Budapest',                    Big('0.27'), 'HU', null],
        ['IE',  'Dublin 1',  'Dublin',                      Big('0.23'), 'IE', null],
        ['IE',  null,        'Galway',                      Big('0.23'), 'IE', null],
        ['it',  '22060',     "Campione d'Italia",           Big('0.0'),  'IT', "Campione d'Italia"],
        ['IT',  '22060',     'Campione dItalia',            Big('0.0'),  'IT', "Campione d'Italia"],
        ['it ', '22060',     'Campione',                    Big('0.0'),  'IT', "Campione d'Italia"],
        ['it',  '23030',     'Livigno',                     Big('0.0'),  'IT', 'Livigno'],
        ['IT',  '00100',     'Rome',                        Big('0.22'), 'IT', null],
        ['LT',  '01001',     'Vilnius',                     Big('0.21'), 'LT', null],
        ['LU',  'L-1248',    'Luxembourg',                  Big('0.15'), 'LU', null],
        ['LV',  'LV-1001',   'Riga',                        Big('0.21'), 'LV', null],
        ['MT',  'VLT',       'Valletta',                    Big('0.18'), 'MT', null],
        ['NL',  '1000',      'Amsterdam',                   Big('0.21'), 'NL', null],
        ['PL',  '00-001',    'Warsaw',                      Big('0.23'), 'PL', null],
        ['PT',  '9970',      'Santa Cruz das Flores',       Big('0.0'),  'PT', 'Azores'],
function getBits(buffer, from, length) {
	let ret = new Big(0);

	for (let ptr = from; ptr < from + length; ptr++) {
		ret = ret.times(2);
		if (getBit(buffer, ptr)) {
			ret =;

	return ret;
decode: function(base62String) {
    base62String = base62String.toString();

    var result = Big(0), big62 = Big(62),
      characters = base62String.split('').reverse();

    characters.forEach(function(character, index) {
      result =;

    return result.toFixed();
  encodeHex: function(hexString) {

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