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Top 10 Examples of "stylus in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'stylus' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('can be formatted', () => {
			if (fs.existsSync(inputFormattedFilePath)) fs.unlinkSync(inputFormattedFilePath)

			try {
				const tree = new Stylus.Parser(inputContent).parse()
				fs.writeFileSync(inputDebuggingFilePath, JSON.stringify(tree, null, '\t'))
			} catch (ex) {
				// Do nothing

			const actualContent = format(inputContent, formattingOptions)

			const errorMessage = compareContent(actualContent, outputContent)
			if (errorMessage) {
				fs.writeFileSync(inputFormattedFilePath, actualContent)

				const stack = [
function parseStylus(stylusCode) {
	let AST, rules, stylesheet, hash, selectors, element;

	stylus.render(stylusCode, { filename: 'source.css' }, (err, css) => {
		// throws parse errors
		if (err) {
			throw new Error('Indentation error');

		// Generate css AST
		AST = parser.parse(css, { source: 'css' });

		// Get the root selector
		selectors = AST.stylesheet.rules[0] !== undefined ? AST.stylesheet.rules[0].selectors : null;

		// Set the root element
		element = getParentNode(selectors);

		// Style rules
		rules = AST.stylesheet.rules;
var content = [
    'ie = ' + ie.toString(),
    '@import "node_modules/stylobate";',
    'rem = rem_px',
    '@import "node_modules/stylobate-islands";',
    '@import "nanoislands.styl";'

var stylus = require('stylus');
var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
var style = stylus(content)
    .set('filename', ie ? '' : 'nanoislands.css')
    .set('resolve url', true)
    .define('url', stylus.resolver());

style.render(function(err, css) {
    var browsers = [
        // эти браузеры прибиты по версиям
        'Opera 12',
        'Safari >= 6',
        'Explorer >= 9',
        // эти браузеры обновляются автоматически
        'last 5 Chrome versions',
        'last 5 Firefox versions',
        'last 5 Opera versions'

    if (err) {
var express = require('express');
var stylus = require('stylus');
var nib = require('nib');
var replay = require('./replay.js');
var app = express();


// Log requests

// Compile Stylus files
  src: __dirname + '/public/styles/',
  dest: __dirname + '/public/styles/',
  compile: function(str, path) {
    return stylus(str)
      .set('filename', path)
      .set('compress', true)

//api routes

// Serve static files
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
// Browserify + Transforms
  if (path.extname(file) == '.js' || path.extname(file) == '.coffee') {
    var b = browserify().add(assetsDir + file);
    try { b.transform(require('caching-coffeeify')) } catch (e) {};
    try { b.transform(require('jadeify')) } catch (e) {};
    try { b.transform(require('uglifyify')) } catch (e) {};
    b.bundle(function(err, buf) {
      if (err) return errExit(err);
      fs.writeFileSync(publicDir + file.split('.')[0] + '.js', buf);

  // Stylus + Sqwish
  try { var stylus = require('stylus'); } catch (e) {};
  if (stylus && path.extname(file) == '.styl') {
    stylus.render(fs.readFileSync(assetsDir + file).toString(), {
      filename: assetsDir + file
    }, function(err, css) {
      if (err) return errExit(err);
      try { var css = require('sqwish').minify(css) } catch (e) {};
      fs.writeFileSync(publicDir + file.split('.')[0] + '.css', css);
modifiedContent = 'wrap\n' + => {
				if (line.trim().length > 0) {
					return (originalTabStopChar || '\t') + line.substring(twoShortestIndent[0].length)
				} else {
					return ''

	// Used to determine some information that `rootNode` does not offer
	// For example, a single-line comment
	const modifiedLines = modifiedContent.split(/\r?\n/)

	// Store the Stylus parsed tree
	const rootNode = new Stylus.Parser(modifiedContent).parse()

	// Return the original content if it only has comments
	if (rootNode.nodes.every(node => node instanceof Stylus.nodes.Comment)) {
		return content

	function travel(parentNode, inputNode, indentLevel, insideExpression = false, data = {}) {
		// Check argument type
		if (!(_.isObject(parentNode) || parentNode === null && inputNode instanceof Stylus.nodes.Root)) {
			throw new Error(`Found a parent node of ${JSON.stringify(parentNode)}`)
		} else if (!(_.isObject(inputNode))) {
			throw new Error(`Found an input node of ${JSON.stringify(inputNode)}` + (parentNode ? `, which had a parent node of ${JSON.stringify(parentNode)}` : ''))
		} else if (!(_.isInteger(indentLevel) && indentLevel >= 0)) {
			throw new Error(`Found an indent level of ${JSON.stringify(indentLevel)}`)
		} else if (!(_.isBoolean(insideExpression))) {
			throw new Error(`Found an expression flag of ${JSON.stringify(insideExpression)}`)
function resolvers(options, webpackResolver) {
  var evaluator = new Evaluator(nodes.null, options);
  var whenWebpackResolver = whenNodefn.lift(webpackResolver);
  return [
    // Stylus's normal resolver for single files.
    function(context, path) {
      // Stylus adds .styl to paths for normal "paths" lookup if it isn't there.
      if (!/.styl$/.test(path)) {
        path += '.styl';

      var found = utils.find(path, options.paths, options.filename)
      if (found) {
        return normalizePaths(found);
    // Stylus's normal resolver for node_modules packages. Cannot locate paths
    // inside a package.
function resolvers(options, webpackResolver) {
  var evaluator = new Evaluator(nodes.null, options);
  var whenWebpackResolver = whenNodefn.lift(webpackResolver);

  // Stylus's normal resolver for single files.
  var stylusFile = function(context, path) {
    // Stylus adds .styl to paths for normal "paths" lookup if it isn't there.
    if (!/.styl$/.test(path)) {
      path += '.styl';

    var paths = options.paths.concat(context);
    var found = utils.find(path, paths, options.filename)
    if (found) {
      return normalizePaths(found);
// Parse the file
  nodes.filename = file;

  var str;
  if (this.cache.sources && this.cache.sources[file]) {
    str = this.cache.sources[file];
  } else {
    str = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');

  if (literal && !this.resolveURL) return new nodes.Literal(str.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n'));

  // parse
  var block = new nodes.Block
    , parser = new Parser(str, utils.merge({ root: block }, this.options));

  try {
    block = parser.parse();
  } catch (err) {
    err.filename = file;
    err.lineno = parser.lexer.lineno;
    err.input = str;
    throw err;

  // Evaluate imported "root"
  block.parent = this.root;
  block.scope = false;
  var ret = this.visit(block);
// Avoid overflows from importing the same file over again
  if (file === importStack[importStack.length - 1]) return nodes.null

  if (this.options._imports) this.options._imports.push(node.clone())

  // Parse the file
  nodes.filename = file

  var str = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8")

  if (literal && !this.resolveURL)
    return new nodes.Literal(str.replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"))

  // parse
  var block = new nodes.Block(),
    parser = new Parser(str, utils.merge({ root: block }, this.options))

  try {
    block = parser.parse()
  } catch (err) {
    err.filename = file
    err.lineno = parser.lexer.lineno
    err.input = str
    throw err

  // Evaluate imported "root"
  block.parent = this.root
  block.scope = false
  var ret = this.visit(block)

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