Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'snapsvg' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
export function createBack (el, contentsEl, data) {
const isRepublican = (data.party === 'republican')
const config = {
cardWidth: 250,
cardHeight: 375,
cardBorderWidth: 15,
cardBorderColor: isRepublican ? '#a12222' : '#2284a1',
cardInsideColor: '#CDD8DB'
const svg = Snap(el)
viewBox: [0, 0, config.cardWidth, config.cardHeight]
// Card
svg.rect(5, 5, config.cardWidth - 10, config.cardHeight - 10, 2)
fill: config.cardBorderColor,
stroke: config.cardBorderColor,
strokeWidth: 10
// Inside
const insideX = config.cardBorderWidth
const insideY = config.cardBorderWidth
const insideWidth = config.cardWidth - config.cardBorderWidth * 2
draw () {
const self = this
const opt = self.option
if (!opt.el) throw new Error('el is undefined in Wheel')
if (!opt.data) throw new Error('data is undefined in Wheel')
const center = opt.pos.map(p => p + opt.radius)
opt.center = center
const svg = Snap(opt.el)
svg.node.style.width = String(opt.radius * 2) + 'px'
svg.node.style.height = String(opt.radius * 2) + 'px'
self[deg] = 360 / opt.data.length
// image resource provided?
if (opt.image) self[drawResource](svg)
else self[drawDefault](svg)
render() {
let svg = Snap(this.container.querySelector('svg'));
return this.parsed.render(svg.group())
// Once rendering is complete, the rendered expression is positioned and
// the SVG resized to create some padding around the image contents.
.then(result => {
let box = result.getBBox();
.translate(10 - box.x, 10 - box.y));
width: box.width + 20,
height: box.height + 20
// Stop and remove loading indicator after render is totally complete.
.then(() => {
export function createFront (el, data) {
const isRepublican = (data.party === 'republican')
const config = {
cardWidth: 300,
cardHeight: 450,
cardBorderWidth: 15,
cardBorderColor: isRepublican ? '#a12222' : '#2284a1',
topLeftCut: 65,
bottomRightCut: 95
const svg = Snap(el)
viewBox: [0, 0, config.cardWidth, config.cardHeight]
// Card
svg.rect(5, 5, config.cardWidth - 10, config.cardHeight - 10, 2)
fill: config.cardBorderColor,
stroke: config.cardBorderColor,
strokeWidth: 10
const photoX = 0
const photoY = config.cardBorderWidth
const photoWidth = config.cardWidth - config.cardBorderWidth // + data.photoOffset
const photoHeight = config.cardHeight - config.cardBorderWidth
.then(result => {
let box = result.getBBox();
.translate(10 - box.x, 10 - box.y));
width: box.width + 20,
height: box.height + 20
// Stop and remove loading indicator after render is totally complete.
Persona.prototype.merge = function(target) {
/* unregister all events */
/* unhighlight the target */
/* animate the merge */
var matrix = Snap.matrix();
matrix.e = target.position.x;
matrix.f = target.position.y;
this.animate({transform: matrix}, this.mAnimationDurationBase * 2, mina.easein, function() {
/* since a persona handles its own container, remove it from the DOM */
/* if the parent of this persona is set and it has an objects array, remove this persona from it */
var parent = this.parentNode;
if (parent && parent.removeObject) {
/* remove this graphical persona from the data */
this.mData.graphicalPersona = null;
/* trigger the merged event */
this.mEventCenter.publish(Events.merged, this, target);
let start = this.state.position;
if (start >= this.state.length){
start = 0; // at the end and pressed play so restart
let remainingLength = this.state.length - start;
let remainingTime = this.props.time * remainingLength / this.state.length;
this.setState({mode: 'playing'});
this.path.attr({'stroke-dasharray': this.state.length + ' ' + this.state.length});
this.path.attr({display: 'block'});
this.snapAnimate = Snap.animate(remainingLength, 0,
(val) => { // incremental callback
let newPos = this.state.length - val;
this.path.attr({'stroke-dashoffset': val});
if (this.marker) {
this.setState({position: newPos,
step: this._segmentFromPosition(newPos)});
() => { // end callback
this.setState({mode: 'path',
position: 0});
var separatorWidth = this.mOptions.config.gaugeSeparatorWidth;
if (animated) {
/* compute the color difference */
var colorDifference = {
r: newColor.r - currentColor.r,
g: newColor.g - currentColor.g,
b: newColor.b - currentColor.b,
a: newColor.a - currentColor.a,
/* save the current value and compute the value change */
var currentValue = barInfo.currentValue;
var valueChange = (progress + progressOffset) - currentValue;
barInfo.animation = Snap.animate(0, 1,
function (delta) {
var animatedColor = 'rgba(' +
(currentColor.r + (colorDifference.r * delta)) + ',' +
(currentColor.g + (colorDifference.g * delta)) + ',' +
(currentColor.b + (colorDifference.b * delta)) + ',' +
(currentColor.a + (colorDifference.a * delta)) + ')';
var value = currentValue + (valueChange * delta);
barInfo.currentValue = value;
bar.attr({'stroke-dasharray': this.mCircumference * value + ' ' + this.mCircumference * (1.0 - value), 'stroke': animatedColor});
if (separator) {
value += value > 0 ? separatorWidth : 0;
separator.attr({'stroke-dasharray': (this.mCircumference * value) + ' ' + this.mCircumference * (1.0 - value)});
this.mOptions.config.transitionsDuration, mina.linear, function () {
barInfo.animation = null;
_positionMarker(path, location, end){
if (this.marker) {
let point = Snap.path.getPointAtLength(path, location);
let now = point;
if (end && end - location < 1) {
// Snap.svg at very end of path returns rotation as 90 degrees
while (point.alpha === 90) {
location -= 1;
point = Snap.path.getPointAtLength(path, location);
this.marker.transform('translate(' + now.x + ',' + now.y + ') rotate('+ (point.alpha - 90)+')');
let textSum = 0 // a-z0-9 为 1,其他为 2
for (let i = 0; i < d.text.length; ++i) {
if (d.text[i].match(/\w/)) {
textSum += 1
} else textSum += 2
if (!opt.fontSize && !d.fontSize) {
fontSize = fontSize * textSum / 2 > dLen * opt.textBottomPercentage ? dLen * opt.textBottomPercentage / textSum * 2 : fontSize
const text = svg.text(opt.center[0], opt.pos[1] + opt.radius - (r * opt.textBottomPercentage * Snap.cos(self[deg] / 2)) - fontSize, d.text)
fill: d.fontColor ? d.fontColor : opt.color.prizeFont,
fontSize: opt.fontSize ? opt.fontSize : fontSize
const box = text.node.getBoundingClientRect()
text.transform(new Snap.Matrix().translate(-Math.round(box.width / 2), 2))
const g = svg.g(pie, text).transform(new Snap.Matrix().rotate(self[deg] * Number(i), opt.center[0], opt.center[1]))