Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'slate-base64-serializer' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
const window = getWindow(event.target)
const native = window.getSelection()
const { value } = editor
const { document, fragment, selection } = value
const { start, end } = selection
const startVoid = document.getClosestVoid(start.path, editor)
const endVoid = document.getClosestVoid(end.path, editor)
// If the selection is collapsed, and it isn't inside a void node, abort.
if (native.isCollapsed && !startVoid) return
// Create a fake selection so that we can add a Base64-encoded copy of the
// fragment to the HTML, to decode on future pastes.
const encoded = Base64.serializeNode(fragment)
const range = native.getRangeAt(0)
let contents = range.cloneContents()
let attach = contents.childNodes[0]
// Make sure attach is a non-empty node, since empty nodes will not get copied
contents.childNodes.forEach(node => {
if (node.textContent && node.textContent.trim() !== '') {
attach = node
// COMPAT: If the end node is a void node, we need to move the end of the
// range from the void node's spacer span, to the end of the void node's
// content, since the spacer is before void's content in the DOM.
if (endVoid) {
const r = range.cloneRange()
function onCutOrCopy(event, change, editor) {
const window = getWindow(event.target)
const native = window.getSelection()
const { state } = change
const { startKey, endKey, startText, endBlock, endInline } = state
const isVoidBlock = endBlock && endBlock.isVoid
const isVoidInline = endInline && endInline.isVoid
const isVoid = isVoidBlock || isVoidInline
// If the selection is collapsed, and it isn't inside a void node, abort.
if (native.isCollapsed && !isVoid) return
// Create a fake selection so that we can add a Base64-encoded copy of the
// fragment to the HTML, to decode on future pastes.
const { fragment } = state
const encoded = Base64.serializeNode(fragment)
const range = native.getRangeAt(0)
let contents = range.cloneContents()
let attach = contents.childNodes[0]
// If the end node is a void node, we need to move the end of the range from
// the void node's spacer span, to the end of the void node's content.
if (isVoid) {
const r = range.cloneRange()
const n = isVoidBlock ? endBlock : endInline
const node = findDOMNode(n)
contents = r.cloneContents()
attach = contents.childNodes[contents.childNodes.length - 1].firstChild
// COMPAT: in Safari and Chrome when selecting a single marked word,
const { value } = editor
const { document } = value
const path = editor.findPath(event.target)
const node = document.getNode(path)
const ancestors = document.getAncestors(path)
const isVoid =
node && (editor.isVoid(node) || ancestors.some(a => editor.isVoid(a)))
const selectionIncludesNode = value.blocks.some(block => block === node)
// If a void block is dragged and is not selected, select it (necessary for local drags).
if (isVoid && !selectionIncludesNode) {
const fragment = editor.value.fragment
const encoded = Base64.serializeNode(fragment)
setEventTransfer(event, 'fragment', encoded)
handleDragStart = (event: React.DragEvent) => {
const {node, readOnly} = this.props
if (readOnly) {
this.setState({isDragging: true})
const encoded = Base64.serializeNode(node, {
preserveKeys: true,
preserveData: true
setEventTransfer(event, 'node', encoded)
event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'
// Specify dragImage so that single elements in the preview will not be the drag image,
// but always the whole block thing itself.
// Also clone it so that it will not be visually clipped by scroll-containers etc.
const element: HTMLElement = event.currentTarget
if (element) {
this._dragGhost = element.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement
this._dragGhost.style.width = `${element.clientWidth}px`
this._dragGhost.style.height = `${element.clientHeight}px`
this._dragGhost.style.position = 'absolute'
this._dragGhost.style.top = '-99999px'
this._dragGhost.style.left = '-99999px'
handleDragStart = (event: React.DragEvent) => {
const {node} = this.props
this.setState({isDragging: true})
const element = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._previewContainer) // eslint-disable-line react/no-find-dom-node
if (element && element instanceof HTMLElement) {
const encoded = Base64.serializeNode(node, {preserveKeys: true})
setEventTransfer(event, 'node', encoded)
event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'
event.dataTransfer.setDragImage(element, element.clientWidth / 2, -10)
// Remove the drop target if we leave the editors nodes
const [full, encoded] = matches // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
if (encoded) fragment = encoded
// COMPAT: Edge doesn't handle custom data types
// These will be embedded in text/plain in this case (2017/7/12)
if (text) {
const embeddedTypes = getEmbeddedTypes(text)
if (embeddedTypes[FRAGMENT]) fragment = embeddedTypes[FRAGMENT]
if (embeddedTypes[NODE]) node = embeddedTypes[NODE]
if (embeddedTypes[TEXT]) text = embeddedTypes[TEXT]
// Decode a fragment or node if they exist.
if (fragment) fragment = Base64.deserializeNode(fragment)
if (node) node = Base64.deserializeNode(node)
// COMPAT: Edge sometimes throws 'NotSupportedError'
// when accessing `transfer.items` (2017/7/12)
try {
// Get and normalize files if they exist.
if (transfer.items && transfer.items.length) {
files = Array.from(transfer.items)
.map(item => (item.kind === 'file' ? item.getAsFile() : null))
.filter(exists => exists)
} else if (transfer.files && transfer.files.length) {
files = Array.from(transfer.files)
} catch (err) {
if (transfer.files && transfer.files.length) {
files = Array.from(transfer.files)
if (encoded) fragment = encoded
// COMPAT: Edge doesn't handle custom data types
// These will be embedded in text/plain in this case (2017/7/12)
if (text) {
const embeddedTypes = getEmbeddedTypes(text)
if (embeddedTypes[FRAGMENT]) fragment = embeddedTypes[FRAGMENT]
if (embeddedTypes[NODE]) node = embeddedTypes[NODE]
if (embeddedTypes[TEXT]) text = embeddedTypes[TEXT]
// Decode a fragment or node if they exist.
if (fragment) fragment = Base64.deserializeNode(fragment)
if (node) node = Base64.deserializeNode(node)
// COMPAT: Edge sometimes throws 'NotSupportedError'
// when accessing `transfer.items` (2017/7/12)
try {
// Get and normalize files if they exist.
if (transfer.items && transfer.items.length) {
files = Array.from(transfer.items)
.map(item => (item.kind === 'file' ? item.getAsFile() : null))
.filter(exists => exists)
} else if (transfer.files && transfer.files.length) {
files = Array.from(transfer.files)
} catch (err) {
if (transfer.files && transfer.files.length) {
files = Array.from(transfer.files)
handleDragStart = event => {
const {editor} = this.props
this._editorNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(editor)
this.setState({isDragging: true})
const element = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.previewContainer)
const encoded = Base64.serializeNode(this.props.node, {preserveKeys: true})
setTransferData(event.dataTransfer, TRANSFER_TYPES.NODE, encoded)
event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'
event.dataTransfer.setDragImage(element, element.clientWidth / 2, -10)
function onDragStart(event, change, editor) {
debug('onDragStart', { event })
isDraggingInternally = true
const { state } = change
const { document } = state
const node = findNode(event.target, state)
const isVoid = node && (node.isVoid || document.hasVoidParent(node.key))
if (isVoid) {
const encoded = Base64.serializeNode(node, { preserveKeys: true })
setEventTransfer(event, 'node', encoded)
} else {
const { fragment } = state
const encoded = Base64.serializeNode(fragment)
setEventTransfer(event, 'fragment', encoded)
handleDragStart = event => {
const {editor} = this.props
this._editorNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(editor)
this.setState({isDragging: true})
const element = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.previewContainer)
const encoded = Base64.serializeNode(this.props.node, {preserveKeys: true})
setTransferData(event.dataTransfer, TRANSFER_TYPES.NODE, encoded)
event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'
event.dataTransfer.setDragImage(element, element.clientWidth / 2, -10)