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Top 10 Examples of "request in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'request' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('should not see logout link yet', function(done) {
    // otherwise logins are not remembered in a session
    return request('http://localhost:7901/', function(err, response, body) {
      // Is our status code good?
      assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200);
      // Did we get our page back?
      return done();


  var loginLogoutJar = request.jar();
  var loginEmailLogoutJar = request.jar();

  it('should be able to login a user', function(done) {
    // otherwise logins are not remembered in a session
    return'http://localhost:7901/login', {
      form: { username: 'HarryPutter', password: 'crookshanks' },
      followAllRedirects: true,
      jar: loginLogoutJar
    }, function(err, response, body) {
      // Is our status code good?
      assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200);
      // Did we get our page back?
      return done();
function track_request(req, callback) {
      if(req.method != 'GET' || ! req.uri.match(/\/conc$/))
        return request.apply(this, arguments);

      gets += 1;
      if(gets > 3)
        return request.apply(this, arguments);

      // Return the same thing over and over to produce many conflicts in a row.
      return callback(null, {statusCode:200}, JSON.stringify({_id:'conc', _rev:bad_rev}));
beforeEach(function (done) {
    this.mount = 'derp';
    this.remote = 'http://localhost:5984/quilt_test';
    this.config_path = './derp_config.json';

      // create the local folder
      fs.mkdir.bind(fs, this.mount),
      // create the remote db
      request.bind(request, {
        method: 'PUT',
        url: this.remote
      // put a doc into the remote
      request.bind(request, {
        method: 'POST',
        url: this.remote,
        json: {
          _id: '',
          hash: 'whatever man just whatever',
          _attachments: {
            file: {
              content_type: 'text/plain',
              data: new Buffer('# hello world').toString('base64')
    ], done);
  }); = async (client, message, args) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
  const image = await client.getImage(message).catch(error => {
    message.reply("you need to provide an image to make a wall from!");
  const imageResized = tempy.file({ extension: "png" });
  if (image !== undefined) {;
    gm(request.get(image)).resize(128).strip().write(imageResized, (error) => {
      if (error) throw new Error(error);
      gm(imageResized).virtualPixel("tile").matteColor("none").out("-background", "none").resize("512x512!").out("-distort").out("Perspective").out("0,0,57,42 0,128,63,130 128,0,140,60 128,128,140,140").strip().stream((error, stdout) => {
        if (error) throw new Error(error);;{
          files: [{
            attachment: stdout,
            name: "wall.png"
	// Vars
	options = { // Default configuration
		debug: 		false
		// @TODO: Using user's account to login and use (it can be used in the browser meaning less server requests)
		,email: 	''
		,password: 	''
		,psnId: ''
		,region: 	'us'
		,npLanguage : 'en'
		,accountId : ''
		,mAccountId: ''
	,regions		= ["us","ca","mx","cl","pe","ar","co","br","gb","ie","be","lu","nl","fr","de","at","ch","it","pt","dk","fi","no","se","au","nz","es","ru","ae","za","pl","gr","sa","cz","bg","hr","ro","si","hu","sk","tr","bh","kw","lb","om","qa","il","mt","is","cy","in","ua","hk","tw","sg","my","id","th","jp","kr"] // Know SONY's servers
	,languages		= ["ja","en","en-GB","fr","es","es-MX","de","it","nl","pt","pt-BR","ru","pl","fi","da","no","sv","tr","ko","zh-CN","zh-TW"] // All languages SONY accepts as parameter
	,request 		= require('request').defaults({jar: true}) // We set jar to true to enable cookie saving (Only used for the login process)
	,debug 			= function (message) {
		if (options.debug) console.log('gPSN | ' + message);
	// Vars required to perform REQUESTS to Sony' servers
	,psnVars = {
		SENBaseURL: 	''
		,redirectURL_oauth: 'com.scee.psxandroid.scecompcall://redirect'	// Android Callback URL
		,client_id: 	'b0d0d7ad-bb99-4ab1-b25e-afa0c76577b0' 				// Client ID
		,scope: 		'sceapp' 				// SEN Scope
		,scope_psn: 	'psn:sceapp' 			// PSN Scope
		,csrfToken: 	''						// csrf Token
		,authCode : 	''						// authCode needed to ask for an access token
		,client_secret: 'Zo4y8eGIa3oazIEp' 		// Secret string, this is most likely to change overtime. If it changes, please contribute to this project.
		,duid: 			'00000005006401283335353338373035333434333134313a433635303220202020202020202020202020202020' 	// I still don't know what "duid" stands for... if you do, create an issue about it please!
		,cltm: 			'1399637146935'
		,service_entity: 'urn:service-entity:psn'
function assign(cookieJar, api_, params_, headers_) {
    cookieJar = cookieJar;
    api = api_;
    params = params_;
    headers = headers_;
    request = request.defaults({ jar: cookieJar});
    self = this,
    request = require("request"),
    cookieJar = request.jar(),
    api = null,
    params = null,
    headers = null;

  request = request.defaults({ jar: cookieJar});

  // Initialize default parameter object
  defaults = defaults || {};
  defaults.params = defaults.params || {};
  defaults.headers = defaults.headers || {};

  function badRequestAll(runDefaults, optionParams) {
    function doIt(desc, data) {
      it(desc, function(done) {
    function processValue(desc, key, value) {
        data = extend({}, params),
        orgValue = objectPath.get(data, key);
function checkForUpdates() {
    // Request the GitHub API
        url: '',
        json: true,
        headers: {
            'User-Agent': 'simonknittel', // Needed otherwise the GitHub API will reject the request
    }, (error, response, body) => {
        if (error || response.statusCode !== 200) {
            console.error('error:', error);
            console.error('response.statusCode:', response.statusCode);
            console.error('body:', body);
            console.log(''); // Empty line

            return false;

        const currentVersion = packageJSON.version;
const localRoot = './fg';

let dlQueue = async.queue(function (task, cb) {
    console.log('download %s to %s', task.remotePath, task.localPath);
    downloadFile(task.remotePath, task.localPath, cb);
}, 8);

*   MAIN

    (err, response, body) => {
        const data = JSON.parse(body);

        _.each(data, (fg) => {
            _.each(fg.layers, (remotePath, layerIndex) => {
                const localPath = path.resolve(localRoot, `${}-${layerIndex}.png`);
                // console.log(localRoot,, layerIndex, localPath);
sendReport(report) {
      url: '',
      json: report,
    }, (err) => {
      if (err) {
        console.log('err', err);
      // console.log('status', response.statusCode);
function main() {
  timer = process.hrtime();

  allSpeakers = [];
  videos = [];
  numVideoIds = 0;
  numVideosInserted = 0;
  numTranscripts = 0;
  numIdRetrieved = 0;
  numDataRetrieved = 0;
  numTranscriptRetrieved = 0;

  request.del(dbStagingUrl, function(error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {
      console.log('Successfully deleted database: ' + body);
      request.put(dbStagingUrl, function(error, response, body) {
        if (!error && response.statusCode === 201) {
          console.log('Successfully created database: ' + body);
          getVideoIds(); // starts process of getting video data and captions
        } else {
          console.log('Error creating database: ', error, response);
    } else {
      console.log('Error deleting database ' + dbName + '-staging: ', error);

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