Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'shifty' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
it('sets up custom curves correctly', () => {
setBezierFunction('custom', 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75);
rekapi = setupTestRekapi();
exportedTimeline = rekapi.exportTimeline();
// Reset for a clean test
targetRekapi = new Rekapi();
assert.equal(typeof Tweenable.formulas.custom, 'function');
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.x1, 0);
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.y1, 0.25);
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.x2, 0.5);
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.y2, 0.75);
// Clean up Tweenable
it('sets up custom curves correctly', () => {
setBezierFunction('custom', 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75);
rekapi = setupTestRekapi();
exportedTimeline = rekapi.exportTimeline();
// Reset for a clean test
targetRekapi = new Rekapi();
assert.equal(typeof Tweenable.formulas.custom, 'function');
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.x1, 0);
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.y1, 0.25);
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.x2, 0.5);
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.y2, 0.75);
// Clean up Tweenable
it('sets up custom curves correctly', () => {
setBezierFunction('custom', 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75);
rekapi = setupTestRekapi();
exportedTimeline = rekapi.exportTimeline();
// Reset for a clean test
targetRekapi = new Rekapi();
assert.equal(typeof Tweenable.formulas.custom, 'function');
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.x1, 0);
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.y1, 0.25);
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.x2, 0.5);
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.y2, 0.75);
exportedTimeline = rekapi.exportTimeline();
// Reset for a clean test
targetRekapi = new Rekapi();
assert.equal(typeof Tweenable.formulas.custom, 'function');
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.x1, 0);
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.y1, 0.25);
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.x2, 0.5);
assert.equal(Tweenable.formulas.custom.y2, 0.75);
// Clean up Tweenable
play (iterations = -1) {
if (this._playState === PAUSED) {
// Move the playhead to the correct position in the timeline if resuming
// from a pause
this._loopTimestamp += Tweenable.now() - this._pausedAtTime;
} else {
this._loopTimestamp = Tweenable.now();
this._timesToIterate = iterations;
this._playState = PLAYING;
// Start the update loop
fireEvent(this, 'playStateChange');
fireEvent(this, 'play');
return this;
play (iterations = -1) {
if (this._playState === PAUSED) {
// Move the playhead to the correct position in the timeline if resuming
// from a pause
this._loopTimestamp += Tweenable.now() - this._pausedAtTime;
} else {
this._loopTimestamp = Tweenable.now();
this._timesToIterate = iterations;
this._playState = PLAYING;
// Start the update loop
fireEvent(this, 'playStateChange');
fireEvent(this, 'play');
return this;
export default function tweenExtender(
duration = 1000,
easing = 'easeOutQuad',
resetValue = target(),
resetOnChange = false,
useDiscreteValues = false
) {
const result = ko.observable(resetValue);
from: { val: resetValue },
to: { val: target() },
duration: duration,
easing: easing,
step: ({ val }) => result(val)
// Create a pure observable to control the life time of the subscription
// and to allow for automatic disposing in order to prevent memory leaks.
const pure = ko.pureComputed(
useDiscreteValues ? () => Math.round(result()) : result
let subscription;
pure.subscribe(() => {
subscription = target.subscribe(val =>
let start = 0
let allPorts = canvas.getAllPorts().clone()
allPorts.each(function (i, element) {
if (typeof element.__beforeInflate === "undefined") {
element.__beforeInflate = element.getWidth()
start = element.__beforeInflate
// animate the resize of the ports
allPorts.grep(function (p) {
return (p.NAME != figure.NAME && p.parent !== figure.parent) || (p instanceof draw2d.HybridPort) || (figure instanceof draw2d.HybridPort)
this.tweenable = new Tweenable()
from: {'size': start / 2},
to: {'size': start},
duration: 200,
easing: "easeOutSine",
step: function (params) {
allPorts.each(function (i, element) {
// IMPORTANT shortcut to avoid rendering errors!!
// performance shortcut to avoid a lot of events and recalculate/routing of all related connections
// for each setDimension call. Additional the connection is following a port during Drag&Drop operation
element.shape.attr({rx: params.size, ry: params.size})
element.width = element.height = params.size * 2
setZoom: function (zoomFactor, animated) {
// determine the center of the current canvas. We try to keep the
// current center during zoom operation
let scrollTop = this.canvas.getScrollTop()
let scrollLeft = this.canvas.getScrollLeft()
let scrollWidth = this.canvas.getScrollArea().width()
let scrollHeight = this.canvas.getScrollArea().width()
let centerY = scrollTop + (scrollHeight / 2) * this.canvas.zoomFactor
let centerX = scrollLeft + (scrollWidth / 2) * this.canvas.zoomFactor
if (animated) {
let myTweenable = new Tweenable()
from: {'x': this.canvas.zoomFactor},
to: {'x': zoomFactor},
duration: 300,
easing: "easeOutSine",
step: params => {
this._zoom(params.x, centerX, centerY)
finish: state => {
else {
this._zoom(zoomFactor, {x: centerX, y: centerY})
it('easing is taken from the destination frame', () => {
let tweenableComparator;
.keyframe(0, { x: 0 }, 'linear')
.keyframe(1000, { x: 100 }, 'easeInSine')
.keyframe(2000, { x: 200 }, 'easeOutCirc');
tweenableComparator =
interpolate({ x: 0 }, { x: 100 }, 0.5, 'easeInSine');
assert.equal(actor.get().x, tweenableComparator.x);
tweenableComparator =
interpolate({ x: 100 }, { x: 200 }, 0.5, 'easeOutCirc');
assert.equal(actor.get().x, tweenableComparator.x);