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Top 10 Examples of "serialport in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'serialport' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function VirtualSerialPortFactory() {
    try {
        var SerialPort = require('serialport');
        var serialportPackage = require('serialport/package.json');
        var semver = require('semver');

        // for v2.x serialport API
        if(semver.satisfies(serialportPackage.version, '<3.X')) {
            this.SerialPort = VirtualSerialPort;
            this.parsers = SerialPort.parsers;
            return this;

        VirtualSerialPort.parsers = SerialPort.parsers;
        return VirtualSerialPort;
    } catch (error) {
        console.warn('VirtualSerialPort - NO parsers available');

    return VirtualSerialPort;
socket.on('connectTo', function(data) { // If a user picks a port to connect to, open a Node SerialPort Instance to it
	data = data.split(',');
	console.log(chalk.yellow('WARN:'),'Connecting to Port ' + data));
	if (!isConnected) {
	    port = new serialport(data[0], {  parser: serialport.parsers.readline("\n"), baudrate: parseInt(data[1]) });
	} else {
	    socket.emit("connectStatus", 'Already Connected');
	    port.write("?\n"); // Lets check if its LasaurGrbl?
	    port.write("M115\n"); // Lets check if its Marlin?
	    port.write("version\n"); // Lets check if its Smoothieware?
	    port.write("$fb\n"); // Lets check if its TinyG

	socket.on('closePort', function(data) { // If a user picks a port to connect to, open a Node SerialPort Instance to it
	    console.log(chalk.yellow('WARN:'),'Closing Port ' + port.path));
	    socket.emit("connectStatus", 'closed:'+port.path);

	port.on('open', function() {
	    socket.emit("connectStatus", 'opened:'+port.path);
!function outer(i){

		sp[i] = {};
		sp[i].port = ports[i].comName;
    sp[i].manufacturer = ports[i].manufacturer;
    sp[i].firmware = ""
		sp[i].q = [];
		sp[i].qCurrentMax = 0;
		sp[i].lastSerialWrite = [];
		sp[i].lastSerialReadLine = '';
		sp[i].handle = new SerialPort(ports[i].comName, {
			parser: serialport.parsers.readline("\n"),
			baudrate: config.serialBaudRate
		sp[i].sockets = [];

		sp[i].handle.on("open", function() {
			//'Connecting to'),
			sp[i].handle.write("?\n"); // Lets check if its LasaurGrbl?
			sp[i].handle.write("M115\n"); // Lets check if its Marlin?
			sp[i].handle.write("version\n"); // Lets check if its Smoothieware?
      sp[i].handle.write("$fb\n"); // Lets check if its TinyG
var socket = new WebSocket( 'ws://' );
var open = false;

// Connected
socket.on( 'open', function() {
    // Debug
    console.log( 'WebSocket connected.' );
    // Track connection
    open = true;
} );

// Connect to serial port
// Look for newline delimiter
var serial = new SerialPort.SerialPort( '/dev/cu.usbmodem1411', {
	parser: SerialPort.parsers.readline( '\n' ) 	
} );

// Serial data arrived
serial.on( 'data', function( data ) {
    var message = null;
	// Send to console for debugging
	console.log( data );
    // Connected to socket
    if( open ) {
        // Assemble message
        message = {
            action: 'photocell',
            value: parseInt( data.trim() )
// Port name looked up in Arduino IDE
var ARDUINO_PORT = '/dev/cu.usbmodem1411';

// List ports
// Arduino will display for manufacturer
// Here for debugging purposes
SerialPort.list( function( err, ports ) {
	ports.forEach( function(port) {
		console.log( port.comName )
    } );
} );

// Connect to Arduino
// Look for newline delimiter
var serial = new SerialPort.SerialPort( ARDUINO_PORT, {
	parser: SerialPort.parsers.readline( '\n' ) 	    
} );

// Used for alternative to sub-second delivery
var light = null;

// Serial data captured from Arduino
// Note that this happens at a sub-second rate
// You may want to adjust to fit your needs
serial.on( 'data', function( data ) {
	// Send to console for debugging
	// console.log( data );
	// Alternative to sub-second delivery
	// Store off for slower delivery
	// Picked up by setInterval later
	light = data.trim();
// Use the cool library                               //
// git:// //
// to send break condition.                           //
var com = require("serialport");

var serialPort = new com.SerialPort("/dev/tty.usbserial-A700eTSd", {
    baudrate: 115200,
    parser: com.parsers.readline('\r\n')
  }, false);

serialPort.on('open',function() {
  console.log('Port open');

serialPort.on('data', function(data) {

function asserting() {
  serialPort.set({brk:true}, function(err, something) {
function openPort(port) {
  var serialPort = new serial.SerialPort(port.comName, {
    baudrate: port.baudrate
  }, false);

  // TODO: Retry open (err) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log('Port opened:', port.comName);
function openPort () {
    let start_f = Math.floor ( START_FREQ / 1000 );
    let stop_f  = Math.floor ( STOP_FREQ  / 1000 );

    if( !PORT_MENU_SELECTION || PORT_MENU_SELECTION === 'AUTO' ) { // Automatic port selection
        SerialPort.list().then ( (ports, err) => {
            if ( err ) {
                console.log ( err );

            let i = 0;

            console.log ( "Trying port " + ports[i].comName + " ...");
            port = new SerialPort ( ports[i].comName, { baudRate : 500000 }, function ( err ) {
                if ( err ) // Most likely the reason for the error is that the RF Explorer is not connected to this port. So we don't print an error message here.

                sendAnalyzer_SetConfig ( start_f, stop_f );
const refreshPortList = () => {'serialRelay: refreshPortList');

  serialport.list().then((list) => {
    Object.keys(list).forEach((key) => {
      const portObj = list[key];
      const { comName, manufacturer } = portObj;

      // Scrape for Arduinos...
      if (autoEnableArduinos === true
          && manufacturer !== undefined) {
        if (manufacturer.indexOf('Arduino') !== -1
            || manufacturer.indexOf('Silicon Labs') !== -1) {
          console.log(`Auto-enabling: ${comName} - ${manufacturer}`);
`serialRelay: Auto-enabling: ${comName} - ${manufacturer}`);
          enableSerialPort(comName, { baudRate: defaultBaudRate });
ipcMain.on ( "SET_COUNTRY", (event, message) => {
        menuJSON[MENU_COUNTRY].submenu.forEach ( function ( elem ) {
            if ( elem.code === message.country_code ) {
                elem.checked = true;
                Menu.setApplicationMenu ( Menu.buildFromTemplate ( menuJSON ) );

    menuJSON.push ( portMenuJSON  );
    menuJSON.push ( toolsMenuJSON );
    menuJSON.push ( helpMenuJSON  );

    // Add serial ports to the menu
    SerialPort.list().then ( (ports, err) => {
        let portNameArr = [];

        if ( err ) {
            console.log ( err );
        ports.forEach ( ( port ) => {
            portNameArr.push ( port.comName );

        menuJSON[MENU_PORT].submenu[0] = { label: 'Auto', type: 'radio', click () { wc.send ( 'SET_PORT',  portNameArr ); } }

        portNameArr.forEach ( ( port ) => {
            menuJSON[MENU_PORT].submenu.push (

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