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Top 10 Examples of "license-webpack-plugin in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'license-webpack-plugin' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

if ((stylesSourceMap || scriptsSourceMap) &&
    buildOptions.evalSourceMap &&
    !stylesOptimization &&
    !scriptsOptimization) {
    // Produce eval sourcemaps for development with serve, which are faster.
    isEval = true;

  if (buildOptions.subresourceIntegrity) {
    extraPlugins.push(new SubresourceIntegrityPlugin({
      hashFuncNames: ['sha384'],

  if (buildOptions.extractLicenses) {
    extraPlugins.push(new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
      stats: {
        warnings: false,
        errors: false,
      perChunkOutput: false,
      outputFilename: `3rdpartylicenses.txt`,

  if (!isEval && (scriptsSourceMap || stylesSourceMap)) {
      wco.differentialLoadingMode ? true : hiddenSourceMap,
// Copy the worker script into assets.
      const workerContents = fs.readFileSync(workerPath).toString();
      extraPlugins.push(new StaticAssetPlugin('worker-basic.min.js', workerContents));

      // Add a script to index.html that registers the service worker.
      // TODO(alxhub): inline this script somehow.
      entryPoints['sw-register'] = [registerPath];

  extraPlugins.push(new BundleBudgetPlugin({
    budgets: appConfig.budgets

  if (buildOptions.extractLicenses) {
    extraPlugins.push(new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
      pattern: /^(MIT|ISC|BSD.*)$/,
      suppressErrors: true,
      perChunkOutput: false,
      outputFilename: `3rdpartylicenses.txt`

  const uglifyCompressOptions: any = {
    // Disabled because of an issue with Mapbox GL when using the Webpack node global and UglifyJS:
    typeofs : false

  if (buildOptions.buildOptimizer) {
    watchOptions: {
      poll: options.poll
    stats: getStatsConfig(options)

  const extraPlugins: webpack.Plugin[] = [];

  if (options.progress) {
    extraPlugins.push(new ProgressPlugin());

  if (options.extractLicenses) {
    extraPlugins.push((new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
      stats: {
        errors: false
      perChunkOutput: false,
      outputFilename: `3rdpartylicenses.txt`
    }) as unknown) as webpack.Plugin);

  // process asset entries
  if (options.assets) {
    const copyWebpackPluginPatterns = any) => {
      return {
        context: asset.input,
        // Now we remove starting slash to make Webpack place it from the output root.
        to: asset.output,
        ignore: asset.ignore,
if (buildOptions.evalSourceMap && !buildOptions.optimization) {
            // Produce eval sourcemaps for development with serve, which are faster.
            sourcemaps = 'eval';
        else {
            // Produce full separate sourcemaps for production.
            sourcemaps = 'source-map';
    if (buildOptions.subresourceIntegrity) {
        extraPlugins.push(new SubresourceIntegrityPlugin({
            hashFuncNames: ['sha384']
    if (buildOptions.extractLicenses) {
        extraPlugins.push(new license_webpack_plugin_1.LicenseWebpackPlugin({
            pattern: /.*/,
            suppressErrors: true,
            perChunkOutput: false,
            outputFilename: `3rdpartylicenses.txt`
    const globalStylesBundleNames = utils_1.normalizeExtraEntryPoints(buildOptions.styles, 'styles')
        .map(style => style.bundleName);
    return {
        devtool: sourcemaps,
        resolve: {
            mainFields: [
                ...(wco.supportES2015 ? ['es2015'] : []),
                'browser', 'module', 'main'
if (isScriptOptimizeOn) {
    webpackConfig.optimization = {
      minimizer: [createTerserPlugin(esm)],
      runtimeChunk: true

  const extraPlugins: webpack.Plugin[] = [];

  if (options.progress) {
    extraPlugins.push(new ProgressPlugin());

  if (options.extractLicenses) {
    extraPlugins.push((new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
      stats: {
        errors: false
      perChunkOutput: false,
      outputFilename: `3rdpartylicenses.txt`
    }) as unknown) as webpack.Plugin);

  // process asset entries
  if (options.assets) {
    const copyWebpackPluginPatterns = any) => {
      return {
        context: asset.input,
        // Now we remove starting slash to make Webpack place it from the output root.
        to: asset.output,
        ignore: asset.ignore,
) {
    // Produce eval sourcemaps for development with serve, which are faster.
    isEval = true;

  if (buildOptions.subresourceIntegrity) {
      new SubresourceIntegrityPlugin({
        hashFuncNames: ['sha384']

  if (buildOptions.extractLicenses) {
      new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
        stats: {
          warnings: false,
          errors: false
        perChunkOutput: false,
        outputFilename: `3rdpartylicenses.txt`

  if (!isEval && (scriptsSourceMap || stylesSourceMap)) {
if (!isModernSw) {
      throw new Error(stripIndent`
        The installed version of @angular/service-worker is ${swVersion}. This version of the CLI
        requires the @angular/service-worker version to satisfy ${NEW_SW_VERSION}. Please upgrade
        your service worker version.

  extraPlugins.push(new BundleBudgetPlugin({
    budgets: appConfig.budgets

  if (buildOptions.extractLicenses) {
    extraPlugins.push(new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
      pattern: /^(MIT|ISC|BSD.*)$/,
      suppressErrors: true,
      perChunkOutput: false,
      outputFilename: `3rdpartylicenses.txt`

  return {
    plugins: extraPlugins,
filename: '[file].map[query]',
        moduleFilenameTemplate: '[resource-path]',
        fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate: '[resource-path]?[hash]',
        sourceRoot: 'webpack:///'

  if (buildOptions.subresourceIntegrity) {
    extraPlugins.push(new SubresourceIntegrityPlugin({
      hashFuncNames: ['sha384']

  if (buildOptions.extractLicenses) {
    extraPlugins.push(new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
      pattern: /.*/,
      suppressErrors: true,
      perChunkOutput: false,
      outputFilename: `3rdpartylicenses.txt`

  const globalStylesEntries = extraEntryParser(appConfig.styles, appRoot, 'styles')
    .map(style => style.entry);

  return {
    resolve: {
      mainFields: [
        ...(wco.supportES2015 ? ['es2015'] : []),
        'browser', 'module', 'main'
function extractDependencies() {

    return [];

  return [
    new LicenseWebpackPlugin({
      outputFilename: 'dependencies.json',
      perChunkOutput: false,
      renderLicenses: (modules) => {

        const usedModules = modules.reduce((result, m) => {

          const {
          } = m.packageJson;

          const id = `${name}@${version}`;

          return {
            [id]: true
extraPlugins.push(new index_html_webpack_plugin_1.IndexHtmlWebpackPlugin({
            input: path.resolve(root, buildOptions.index),
            output: path.basename(buildOptions.index),
            baseHref: buildOptions.baseHref,
            entrypoints: package_chunk_sort_1.generateEntryPoints(buildOptions),
            deployUrl: buildOptions.deployUrl,
            sri: buildOptions.subresourceIntegrity,
    if (buildOptions.subresourceIntegrity) {
        extraPlugins.push(new SubresourceIntegrityPlugin({
            hashFuncNames: ['sha384'],
    if (buildOptions.extractLicenses) {
        extraPlugins.push(new license_webpack_plugin_1.LicenseWebpackPlugin({
            stats: {
                warnings: false,
                errors: false,
            perChunkOutput: false,
            outputFilename: `3rdpartylicenses.txt`,
    if (!isEval && (scriptsSourceMap || stylesSourceMap)) {
        extraPlugins.push(utils_1.getSourceMapDevTool(scriptsSourceMap, stylesSourceMap, hiddenSourceMap));
    const globalStylesBundleNames = utils_1.normalizeExtraEntryPoints(buildOptions.styles, 'styles')
        .map(style => style.bundleName);
    return {
        devtool: isEval ? 'eval' : false,
        resolve: {

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