Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'rollup-pluginutils' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
function resources(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
if (!opts.include) {
throw Error('include option should be specified');
if (!opts.output) {
throw Error('output option should be specified');
const filter = rollupPluginUtils.createFilter(opts.include, opts.exclude);
return {
name: 'resources',
transform: function transform(code, id) {
if (filter(id)) {
const file = id.split('/').pop();
let outputPath = path.join(opts.output, file);
if (outputPath.startsWith('./')) {
outputPath = outputPath.replace('./', '');
fs.outputFile(path.join(process.cwd(), outputPath), code);
// Export the file path
return {
export default function litHTML (config) {
const {include, exclude} = {...defaultConfig, ...config};
// Generate a filter that determines whether the file should be handled by the plugin or not.
const filter = createFilter(include, exclude);
return {
name: 'litHTML',
resolveId: (id, importer) => {
if (!importer || !filter(id)) return;
return path.resolve(path.dirname(importer), id);
transform: (code, id) => {
if (!filter(id)) return;
if (id.endsWith("my.component.ts")) {
console.log("WUHUU", id, code);
const makeFilter = function makeFilter (opts, exts) {
const _filt = rollupPluginutils.createFilter(opts.include, opts.exclude);
exts = opts.extensions || exts;
if (!exts || exts === '*') {
return _filt // do not filter extensions
if (!Array.isArray(exts)) {
exts = [exts];
exts = exts.map((e) => (e[0] !== '.' ? `.${e}` : e));
return (id) => _filt(id) && exts.indexOf(path.extname(id)) > -1
export function htmlTemplate(config: Partial = {}) {
config = { ...defaultConfig, ...config };
const { template, target, include, exclude, polyfillConfig } = { ...defaultConfig, ...config };
const filter = createFilter(include, exclude);
// Throw error if neither the template nor the target has been defined
if (template == null || target == null) {
throw new Error(`The htmlTemplate plugin needs both a template and a target.`);
return {
name: "htmlTemplate",
generateBundle: async (outputOptions: OutputOptions, bundle: OutputBundle, isWrite: boolean): Promise => {
if (!isWrite) return;
// @ts-ignore
return generateFile({
polyfillConfig: { ...defaultPolyfillConfig, ...polyfillConfig },
export function minifyLitHTML (config = defaultConfig) {
const {include, exclude, esprima, htmlMinifier, verbose} = {...defaultConfig, ...config};
// Generate a filter that determines whether the file should be handled by the plugin or not.
const filter = createFilter(include, exclude);
return {
name: 'minifyLitHTML',
resolveId: (id, importer) => {
if (!importer || !filter(id)) return;
return path.resolve(path.dirname(importer), id);
transform: (code, id) => {
if (!filter(id)) return;
return processFile({code, id, config: {esprima, htmlMinifier, verbose}});
module.exports = function rollupLwcCompiler(pluginOptions = {}) {
const { include, exclude } = pluginOptions;
const filter = pluginUtils.createFilter(include, exclude);
const mergedPluginOptions = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, pluginOptions);
// Closure to store the resolved modules
let modulePaths = {};
return {
name: 'rollup-plugin-lwc-compiler',
options({ input }) {
const { modules: userModules = [], rootDir } = mergedPluginOptions;
const defaultModulesDir = rootDir ? path.resolve(rootDir) : path.dirname(input);
const modules = [...userModules, ...DEFAULT_MODULES, defaultModulesDir];
const resolvedModules = lwcResolver.resolveModules({ rootDir, modules });
modulePaths = resolvedModules.reduce((map, m) => ((map[m.specifier] = m), map), {});
module.exports = function rollupLwcCompiler(pluginOptions = {}) {
const { include, exclude } = pluginOptions;
const filter = pluginUtils.createFilter(include, exclude);
const mergedPluginOptions = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, pluginOptions);
const { resolveFromPackages, resolveFromSource } = mergedPluginOptions;
// Closure to store the resolved modules
let modulePaths = {};
return {
name: "rollup-plugin-lwc-compiler",
options(rollupOptions) {
modulePaths = {};
const entry = rollupOptions.input || rollupOptions.entry;
const entryDir = mergedPluginOptions.rootDir || path.dirname(entry);
const externalPaths = resolveFromPackages ? lwcResolver.resolveLwcNpmModules(mergedPluginOptions) : {};
const sourcePaths = resolveFromSource ? lwcResolver.resolveModulesInDir(entryDir, mergedPluginOptions) : {};
Object.assign(modulePaths, externalPaths, sourcePaths);
options: function (config) {
rollupOptions = config;
context = new ConsoleContext(pluginOptions.verbosity, "rpt2: ");
context.info("Typescript version: " + tsModule.version);
context.debug("Plugin Options: " + JSON.stringify(pluginOptions, function (key, value) { return key === "typescript" ? "version " + value.version : value; }, 4));
filter$$1 = createFilter(pluginOptions.include, pluginOptions.exclude);
parsedConfig = parseTsConfig(pluginOptions.tsconfig, context, pluginOptions);
servicesHost = new LanguageServiceHost(parsedConfig);
service = tsModule.createLanguageService(servicesHost, tsModule.createDocumentRegistry());
// printing compiler option errors
if (pluginOptions.check)
printDiagnostics(context, convertDiagnostic("options", service.getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics()));
context.debug("rollupConfig: " + JSON.stringify(rollupOptions, undefined, 4));
if (pluginOptions.clean)
resolveId: function (importee, importer) {
options: function (config) {
rollupOptions = config;
context = new ConsoleContext(pluginOptions.verbosity, "rpt2: ");
context.info("Typescript version: " + tsModule.version);
context.debug("Plugin Options: " + JSON.stringify(pluginOptions, function (key, value) { return key === "typescript" ? "version " + value.version : value; }, 4));
filter$$1 = createFilter(pluginOptions.include, pluginOptions.exclude);
parsedConfig = parseTsConfig(pluginOptions.tsconfig, context, pluginOptions);
servicesHost = new LanguageServiceHost(parsedConfig);
service = tsModule.createLanguageService(servicesHost, tsModule.createDocumentRegistry());
// printing compiler option errors
if (pluginOptions.check)
printDiagnostics(context, convertDiagnostic("options", service.getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics()));
context.debug("rollupConfig: " + JSON.stringify(rollupOptions, undefined, 4));
if (pluginOptions.clean)
resolveId: function (importee, importer) {
const makeFilter = (opts, exts) => {
opts = opts || {};
// Create the rollup default filter
const filter = rollupPluginutils.createFilter(opts.include, opts.exclude);
exts = opts.extensions || exts;
if (!exts || exts === '*') {
return filter;
if (!Array.isArray(exts)) {
exts = [exts];
// Create the normalized extension list
const extensions = exts.map((e) => (e[0] !== '.' ? `.${e}` : e));
return (id) => (filter(id) && extensions.indexOf(path.extname(id)) > -1);