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Top 10 Examples of "rollup in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'rollup' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

(async function() {
  process.env.NODE_ENV = 'development';

  let rollupFile = `${__dirname}/../../rollup.config.js`;
  console.log(`Loading rollup file ${rollupFile}`);
  const { options, warnings } = await loadConfigFile(path.resolve(rollupFile), { format: 'es' });

  // This prints all deferred warnings

  for (const optionsObj of options) {
    const bundle = await rollup.rollup(optionsObj);
    await Promise.all(;

  // You can also pass this directly to ""
  const watcher =;

  watcher.on('event', (event) => {
    if (event.code === 'START') {
      console.log('Building output bundles...')
    } else if (event.code === 'END') {
const http = require('http');
const serveStatic = require('serve-static');
const rollup = require('rollup');
const path = require('path');

const serve = serveStatic(__dirname, { index: ['index.html'] });

// Create server
var server = http.createServer(function onRequest(req, res) {
  serve(req, res, finalhandler(req, res));

console.error('listening on');

const watcher ='./rollup.config'));

watcher.on('event', function(event) {
  switch (event.code) {
    case 'FATAL':
    case 'ERROR':
    case 'START':
    case 'BUNDLE_START':
      console.error('bundle ' + event.input);
    case 'BUNDLE_END':
const path = require('path')
const notifier = require('node-notifier')
const stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi')
const {charSizes} = require('./font.js')
const rollup = require('rollup')

// Warning that this plugin requies at least rollup 0.60.0.
if (rollup.VERSION) {
	let [major, minor, patch] = rollup.VERSION.split('.').map(Number)
	if (major < 1 && minor < 60)
		console.warn(`'rollup-plugin-notify' will not work. Rollup 0.60.0 or higher is required`)

// Ugly hack. There are two problems (not 100% sure but this is what's most likely going on)
// 1) Rollup apparently terminates the process immediately after error occurs.
//    It calls the buildEnd callback but does not give us enough time to create the notification asynchronously.
// 2) node-notifier creates the notification by calling child_process.execFile() which is not as reliable
//    as just child_process.exec(). But exec() wouldn't support multiline notifications due to inability to pass
//    EOLs in cmd arguments.
// This hack creates the notification synchronously and bypassess node-notifier's internals.
// Tested on Windows 10. Not sure if the same problem/hack occurs/is-needed on other systems too.
const os = require('os')
if (os.platform() === 'win32' && os.release().startsWith('10.')) {
	notifier.notify = function(options) {
const path = require('path')
const notifier = require('node-notifier')
const stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi')
const {charSizes} = require('./font.js')
const rollup = require('rollup')

// Warning that this plugin requies at least rollup 0.60.0.
if (rollup.VERSION) {
	let [major, minor, patch] = rollup.VERSION.split('.').map(Number)
	if (major < 1 && minor < 60)
		console.warn(`'rollup-plugin-notify' will not work. Rollup 0.60.0 or higher is required`)

// Ugly hack. There are two problems (not 100% sure but this is what's most likely going on)
// 1) Rollup apparently terminates the process immediately after error occurs.
//    It calls the buildEnd callback but does not give us enough time to create the notification asynchronously.
// 2) node-notifier creates the notification by calling child_process.execFile() which is not as reliable
//    as just child_process.exec(). But exec() wouldn't support multiline notifications due to inability to pass
//    EOLs in cmd arguments.
// This hack creates the notification synchronously and bypassess node-notifier's internals.
// Tested on Windows 10. Not sure if the same problem/hack occurs/is-needed on other systems too.
const os = require('os')
if (os.platform() === 'win32' && os.release().startsWith('10.')) {
	notifier.notify = function(options) {
		var {title, message, icon} = options
async function buildPolyfills() {
  const bundle = await rollup.rollup(common.inputOptions);
  const file = common.adaptSlashes(`${CWD}/${ENV === constants.ENV.PROD ? 'dist' : '.tmp'}/app/es6-polyfills.js`);
  // console.log(`Styleguide Bundel: ${file}`); // eslint-disable-line
  // or write the bundle to disk
  await bundle.write({
// if we have some globals, we add them accordingly
	if (opts.globals) {
		// for input, just set the external (clone to be safe(r))
		inputOptions.external = Object.keys(opts.globals);
		outputOptions.globals = opts.globals;

	try {
		// if it is watch mode, we do the watch
		if ( {
			//wathOptions = { inputOptions };
			let watchOptions = { ...inputOptions };
			watchOptions.output = outputOptions; = { chokidar: true };

			const watcher =;
			let startTime: number;

			watcher.on('event', function (evt) {
				// console.log('rollup watch', evt.code, evt.output);
				if (evt.code === 'START') {
					startTime = now();
				} else if (evt.code === 'END') {
					console.log(`Recompile ${distFile} done: ${Math.round(now() - startTime)}ms`);
				} else if (evt.code === 'ERROR') {
					console.log(`ERROR - Rollup/Typescript error when processing: ${distFile}`);
					console.log("\t" + evt.error);
				} else if (evt.code === 'FATAL') {
					console.log(`FATAL ERROR - Rollup/Typescript fatal error when processing ${distFile}\n
					>>>>>>>> MUST RESTART WATCH SESSION <<<<<<<<\n\n`, evt.error);
var rollup = require( 'rollup' );
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var ncp = require('ncp').ncp;

var es2015Entry = path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules/ionic-ui/es2015/index.js');
var es2015Dest = es2015Entry;

var npmPackageJsonSource = path.join(__dirname, './npm.package.json');
var npmPackageJsonDest = path.join(path.dirname(es2015Dest), '../package.json');
var npmPackageJsonContent = fs.readFileSync(npmPackageJsonSource).toString();
fs.writeFileSync(npmPackageJsonDest, npmPackageJsonContent);

  entry: es2015Entry

}).then(function (bundle) {
  // Generate bundle + sourcemap
  var result = bundle.generate({
    format: 'es'

  fs.writeFileSync(es2015Dest, result.code);

  var source = path.dirname(es2015Entry, '..');

  deepCopy(source, path.join(__dirname, '../demos/angular/node_modules/ionic-ui'));
async function watchPackage(pkg: Package, aliases: Aliases) {
  const _configs = getRollupConfigs(pkg, aliases);
  await fs.remove(path.join(, "dist"));
  let configs = => {
    return { ...config.config, output: config.outputs };
  const watcher = watch(configs);
  let reject: (reason?: unknown) => void;
  let errPromise = new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
    reject = _reject;
  let startResolve: (value?: unknown) => void;
  let startPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
    startResolve = resolve;
  watcher.on("event", event => {
    switch (event.code) {
      case "FATAL": {
function start(name) {
  const contentBase = `examples`;

  // Clean

  signale.success('Clean success');

  // Watch
  const watcher ={
    input: [`${contentBase}/${name}/index.tsx`],
    output: {
      file: `${contentBase}/dist/bundle.js`,
      format: 'umd',
      globals: {
        react: 'React',
        'react-dom': 'ReactDOM',
        antd: 'antd',
    plugins: [
        modules: {
          camelCase: true,
          generateScopedName: '[local]--[hash:base64:5]',
async function watchPackage(pkg, aliases) {
  const _configs = getRollupConfigs(pkg, aliases);
  await Promise.all([
    fs.remove(path.join(, 'dist')), => {
      return fs.remove(path.join(, 'dist'));
  let configs = => {
    return { ...toUnsafeRollupConfig(config.config), output: config.outputs };
  const watcher = watch(configs);
  let reject;
  let errPromise = new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
    reject = _reject;
  let startResolve;
  let startPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
    startResolve = resolve;
  watcher.on('event', event => {
    switch (event.code) {
      case 'FATAL': {

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