Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'rethinkdb' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
function validateMigration () {
// check that `${project}_internal` exists
const project = this.options.project_name
const internalNotFound = `Database named '${project}_internal' wasn't found`
const tablesHaveHzPrefix = `Some tables in ${project} have an hz_ prefix`
const checkForHzTables = r.db('rethinkdb')
.filter({ db: project })('name')
.contains((x) => x.match('^hz_'))
.branch(r.error(tablesHaveHzPrefix), true)
const waitForCollections = r.db(`${project}_internal`)
.wait({ timeout: 30 })
.do(() => r.db(project).tableList())
.forEach((tableName) =>
r.db(project).table(tableName).wait({ timeout: 30 })
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
white('Validating current schema version')
return r.dbList().contains(`${project}_internal`)
.branch(true, r.error(internalNotFound))
function validateMigration() {
// check that `${project}_internal` exists
const project = this.options.project_name;
const internalNotFound = `Database named '${project}_internal' wasn't found`;
const tablesHaveHzPrefix = `Some tables in ${project} have an hz_ prefix`;
const checkForHzTables = r.db('rethinkdb')
.filter({ db: project })('name')
.contains((x) => x.match('^hz_'))
.branch(r.error(tablesHaveHzPrefix), true);
const waitForCollections = r.db(`${project}_internal`)
.wait({ timeout: 30 })
.do(() => r.db(project).tableList())
.forEach((tableName) =>
r.db(project).table(tableName).wait({ timeout: 30 })
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
white('Validating current schema version');
return r.dbList().contains(`${project}_internal`)
.branch(true, r.error(internalNotFound))
}, function(err, conn) {
if (err) {
console.log("Attempt: "+failedAttempts)
console.error("Could not open a connection to rethinkdb\n"+err.message);
return setTimeout(init, failedAttempts*5000);
// Initialize the table with first the database
r.dbCreate(config.rethinkdb.db).run(conn, function(err, result) {
// If the database already exists, we'll get an error here, but we'll just keep going
r.db(config.rethinkdb.db).tableCreate('benford').run(conn, function(err, result) {
// If the table already exists, we'll get an error here, but we'll just keep going
var seeds = [];
for(var i=1; i<10; i++) {
seeds.push({id: ""+i, value: 0}); // Note: We use the digit value as the primary key and save it as a string
r.db(config.rethinkdb.db).table('benford').insert(seeds).run(conn, function(err, result) {
// If the database was already initialized, the inserts will not be executed since RethinkDB
// does not allow redundant primary keys (`id`)
} else if (operator === '<') {
clause = clause.lt(value);
} else if (operator === '>=') {
clause = clause.ge(value);
} else if (operator === '<=') {
clause = clause.le(value);
} else if (operator === 'in') {
clause = r.expr(value).contains(clause);
} else if (operator === 'is null') {
clause = clause.eq(null);
rql = rql.filter(clause);
if (options.sort) {
if (options.direction === 'desc') {
rql2 = rql.orderBy(r.desc(options.sort));
} else {
rql2 = rql.orderBy(options.sort);
if (!rql2) {
rql2 = rql;
return store.utils.Promise.all([
// filtered, skipped, ordered and limited data
connection.run(rql2.skip(Table.TABLE_PAGE_SIZE * (parseInt(options.page, 10) - 1)).limit(Table.TABLE_PAGE_SIZE).coerceTo('ARRAY')),
// count query does not need the skip, orderBy, or limit
]).then(results => {
return {
data: results[0],
count: results[1]
if (start) {
tableData = yield r.db(db).table(table).between(start, r.maxval, {
leftBound: "open",
index: index
index: index
} else if (end) {
// TODO: This doesn't work, as it start over from "zero" position
tableData = yield r.db(db).table(table).between(r.minval, end, {
rightBound: "open",
index: index
index: r.desc(index)
} else {
tableData = yield r.db(db).table(table).orderBy({
index: index || 'id'
}).catch(function(err) {
e => {
logger.error('[OUT] error in pipline:', e);
// if executed in production - push error to persistent db log
pipeline: id,
data: {
type: 'error',
error: e,
added_on: r.now(), // eslint-disable-line
// schedule exit
logger.debug('[OUT] scheduling exit...');
clean().forEach(p => promises.push(p));
status: 'error',
message: e.message || JSON.stringify(e)
}, () => {
logger.debug('[OUT] pipeline done, scheduling exit');
.then(conn => {
console.log(`Creating "${NAME}" database...`)
.then(dbExists => {
if (dbExists) throw new Error(`"${NAME}" already exists`)
return r.dbCreate(NAME).run(conn)
.then(res => {
console.log('Creating "users" table...')
return r.db(NAME).tableCreate('users', {
primaryKey: 'publicKey'
.then(res => {
// The usernames table is used to quickly ensure unique usernames
console.log('Creating "usernames" table...')
return r.db(NAME).tableCreate('usernames', {
primaryKey: 'username'
var secondaryFilters = [];
// filter this first, as it is more specific than assets
if (opts.filter.holdingId) {
} else if (opts.filter.assetId) {
} else if (opts.filter.inputAssetId) {
} else if (opts.filter.outputAssetId) {
if (secondaryFilters.length > 0) {
query = query.filter(r.and(r.args(secondaryFilters)));
if (opts.count) {
return query.count();
if (opts.sort) {
query = query.orderBy(opts.sort);
if (opts.limit && opts.page && opts.page > 0) {
query = query.skip(opts.limit * opts.page);
if (opts.limit) {
query = query.limit(opts.limit);
async function refreshOnGetDetail(msg, result, bot) {
try {
let gid = parseInt(result[1])
if (gid > 0) return
const record = await comlib.getRecord(gid)
if (!record) return
// if (!record.type == 'channel' && !record.is_public) return
let member_count = 0
try {
member_count = await bot.getChatMembersCount(gid)
} catch (e) {
member_count = await tmeassist.getMemberCount(record.is_public ? `https://t.me/${record.username}` : record.invite_link)
if (!member_count) member_count = require('rethinkdb').literal()
return await comlib.silentUpdate(gid, {
} catch (e) {
var r = require('rethinkdb');
var WebSocket = require('ws');
var ws = new WebSocket('wss://tictac.io/live/');
var conn = null;
r.connect({host: process.env.DB_HOST, db: 'tictactoe'})
.then(function (connection) {
conn = connection;
var emptyGrid = [[null, null, null],[null, null, null],[null, null, null]];
var currentGame = {
id: null,
team: null,
grid: emptyGrid,
winner: null,
frames: []
var gridToFrame = function (grid) {
// convert a 2-dimensional grid array to a 9-character string of only [0-2]