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Top 10 Examples of "graphql in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'graphql' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

test('description changed', () => {
    const a = buildSchema(/* GraphQL */ `
      type Query {
        fieldA: String

      Old Description
      enum enumA {

    const b = buildSchema(/* GraphQL */ `
      type Query {
        fieldA: String

      New Description
      enum enumA {

    const changes = diff(a, b);
    const change = findFirstChangeByPath(changes, 'enumA');
test('added', async () => {
      const a = buildSchema(/* GraphQL */ `
        interface Foo {
          a: String!
          b: String!
      const b = buildSchema(/* GraphQL */ `
        interface Foo {
          a: String!
          b: String!
          c: String!

      const change = findFirstChangeByPath(await diff(a, b), 'Foo.c');

var debug = require('debug')('primus-graphql:fixtures:graphql-schema')
var GraphQL = require('graphql')
var Relay = require('graphql-relay')

var db = require('./mem-db.js') // In memory database
var GraphQLRelaySubscription = require('graphql-relay-subscription')
var UserChangesIterator = require('./user-changes-iterator')

var relaySubscription = GraphQLRelaySubscription.subscriptionWithClientId
var GraphQLInputObjectType = GraphQL.GraphQLInputObjectType
var GraphQLSchema = GraphQL.GraphQLSchema
var GraphQLString = GraphQL.GraphQLString
var GraphQLNonNull = GraphQL.GraphQLNonNull
var GraphQLObjectType = GraphQL.GraphQLObjectType

// GraphQL types

var UserType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'User',
  description: 'user',
  fields: {
    id: { type: GraphQLString },
    name: { type: GraphQLString },
    idAndName: {
      type: GraphQLString,
      resolve: function (user) {
        return + ':' +
// The date parameter is a Javascript Date object
          return date

graphql(schema, `{ input(date: "2016-02-01") }`)
    .then(result => {
      console.log(`Example query { input(date: "2016-02-01") }: Input a valid date and output the same date`)

graphql(schema, `{ input(date: "2015-02-29") }`)
    .then(result => {
      console.log(`Example query { input(date: "2015-02-29") }: Output an error when an invalid date is passed as input (29 Feb 2015 doesn't exist)`)
console.warn(`Couldn't create foreign field ${foreignKey} on type ${} on field ${}. See above messages.`)
        return null
      type = descriptor.type
      args = descriptor.args
      foreign = {
        tableName: null,
        columnName: null,

      // List
    } else if (isListType(fieldType) && this.currentTable) {
      let ofType = fieldType.ofType
      ofType = isNonNullType(ofType) ? ofType.ofType : ofType
      if (isObjectType(ofType)) {
        // Foreign Type
        const onSameType = this.currentType ===
        const foreignType = this.typeMap[]
        if (!foreignType) {
          console.warn(`Foreign type ${} not found on field ${this.currentType}.${}.`)
          return null
        if (!isObjectType(foreignType)) {
          console.warn(`Foreign type ${} is not Object type on field ${this.currentType}.${}.`)
          return null

        // Foreign Field
        const foreignKey = onSameType ? : annotations.manyToMany ||
        const foreignField = foreignType.getFields()[foreignKey]
function getOperationName(taggedTemplate) {
  const template = taggedTemplate.template.getFullText()
  // Strip backticks
  const source = template.substring(1, template.length - 1)

  const ast = parse(source)
  let queryName = null
  visit(ast, {
    OperationDefinition(node) {
      queryName =
      return BREAK

  return queryName
Field (fieldNode) {
      return visit(fieldNode, {
        Directive (node, key, parent, path, ancestors) {
          if ( === 'paginate') {
            if (result.paginate.typeName) {
              return BREAK

            const parentNode = ancestors.slice().pop()
            const perPageArg = parentNode.arguments.find(node => === 'perPage')

            // guess content type by converting root field value into a camel cased string
            result.paginate.typeName = upperFirst(trimStart(, 'all'))

            if (perPageArg) {
              result.paginate.perPage = Number(perPageArg.value.value)
function visitFields(
  node: OperationDefinitionNode | FragmentDefinitionNode,
  graphQLTag: GraphQLTag,
  typeInfo: TypeInfo,
  cb: (fieldInfo: FieldInfo) => void
) {
  if (! {
    throw new Error(
      "visitFields expects OperationDefinitions and FragmentDefinitions to be named"

  const { filePath, sourceLocationOffset, template } = graphQLTag;
  const operationOrFragmentName =;

    visitWithTypeInfo(typeInfo, {
      Field(graphqlNode) {
        // Discard client only fields, but don't throw an error
        if (isClientOnlyField(graphqlNode)) return;

        const parentType = typeInfo.getParentType();
        const nodeType = typeInfo.getType();
        const nodeName =;

        if (!parentType) {
          throw new Error(
            `visitFields expects fields to have a parent type. No parent type for ${nodeName}`
// The directory comes from the command line argument
  // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-non-literal-fs-filename
  const files = await validators.validatePathName(dir); // If valid, will return an array of file names
  const schemas = [];

  for (const file of files) {
    const schemaContents = await validators.validateJSONSyntax(file, dir); // If valid, will return parsed JSON-schema from file
    if (Array.isArray(schemaContents)) {
      schemaContents.forEach(oneSchema => schemas.push(oneSchema));
    } else {

  const schema = jsonSchemasToGraphqlSchema(schemas);
  const printed = printSchema(schema);

  // Strip out the Query type because it's not needed
  const withoutQuery = printed.replace(/^type Query {[^}]*}/m, '');
  const withoutMutation = withoutQuery.replace(/^type Mutation {[^}]*}/m, '');

  if (asJs) {
    console.log(`'use strict';\nmodule.exports = \`\n${withoutMutation}\`;\n`);
  } else {
type: new GraphQLNonNull(UriScalar),
				'A reference to an application-usable description of the person that signed the certificate (e.g. the signature used their private key).',
		whoReference: {
			type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
				'A reference to an application-usable description of the person that signed the certificate (e.g. the signature used their private key).',
		_contentType: {
			type: require('./element.input.js'),
				'A mime type that indicates the technical format of the signature. Important mime types are application/signature+xml for X ML DigSig, application/jwt for JWT, and image/* for a graphical image of a signature.',
		contentType: {
			type: new GraphQLNonNull(CodeScalar),
				'A mime type that indicates the technical format of the signature. Important mime types are application/signature+xml for X ML DigSig, application/jwt for JWT, and image/* for a graphical image of a signature.',
		_blob: {
			type: require('./element.input.js'),
			description: 'The base64 encoding of the Signature content.',
		blob: {
			type: new GraphQLNonNull(Base64BinaryScalar),
			description: 'The base64 encoding of the Signature content.',

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