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Top 10 Examples of "ref-napi in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'ref-napi' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

describe('Library', function () {
  const charPtr = ref.refType(ref.types.char);


  it('should be a function', function () {
    assert(typeof Library === 'function');

  it('should work with the `new` operator', function () {
    const l = new Library();
    assert(typeof l === 'object');

  it('should accept `null` as a first argument', function () {
    if (process.platform == 'win32') {
      // On Windows, null refers to just the main executable (e.g. node.exe).
      // Windows never searches for symbols across multiple DLL's.
describe('ForeignFunction', function () {

  // these structs are also defined in
  const box = Struct({

  const arst = Struct({
    num: 'int',
    array: Array('double', 20)

  it('should call the static "abs" bindings', function () {
    const _abs = bindings.abs;
    const abs = ffi.ForeignFunction(_abs, 'int', [ 'int' ]);
    assert.strictEqual('function', typeof abs);
    assert.strictEqual(1234, abs(-1234));

  it('should throw an Error with a meaningful message when type\'s `set()` throws', function () {
function put1Internal() {

    if (isLocked(jsQueueManager._hConn)) {
      return setImmediate(put1Internal);
    } else {

    var mqRc = ref.alloc(MQT.LONG);
    var mqCc = ref.alloc(MQT.LONG);

    var mqMd = MQMD._copyMDtoC(jsmd);
    var mqOd = MQOD._copyODtoC(jsod);
    var mqPmo = MQPMO._copyPMOtoC(jspmo);

    // If it's a string, then we need to create a Buffer from it.
    // We also set the MQMD Format
    // TODO: Are there any string codepage conversions we should look at here?
    if (buf) {
      if (typeof buf == "string") {
        buf = Buffer.from(buf);
      } else {
function putInternal() {

    if (isLocked(jsObject._mqQueueManager._hConn)) {
      return setImmediate(putInternal);
    } else {

    var mqRc = ref.alloc(MQT.LONG);
    var mqCc = ref.alloc(MQT.LONG);

    var mqMd = MQMD._copyMDtoC(jsmd);
    var mqPmo = MQPMO._copyPMOtoC(jspmo);

    // If it's a string, then we need to create a Buffer from it.
    // We also set the MQMD Format
    // TODO: Are there any string codepage conversions we should look at here?
    //       Do we need to set the CCSID in some way?
    if (buf) {
      if (typeof buf == "string") {
        buf = Buffer.from(buf);
      } else {
function openInternal () {
    // check if hConn is already being used
    if (isLocked(jsQueueManager._hConn)) {
      return setImmediate(openInternal);
    } else {

    var mqHObj  = ref.alloc(MQT.HOBJ);
    var mqRc = ref.alloc(MQT.LONG);
    var mqCc = ref.alloc(MQT.LONG);
    var mqOd = MQOD._copyODtoC(jsod);
    var err;

    if (useAsync) {
      libmqm.MQOPEN.async(jsQueueManager._hConn,mqOd.ref(),jsOpenOptions,mqHObj,mqCc,mqRc, function(error,resp) {


        var jsHObj = mqHObj.deref();
        var jsRc = mqRc.deref();
        var jsCc = mqCc.deref();

        var jsObject = new MQObject(jsHObj,jsQueueManager,jsod.ObjectName);
        err = new MQError(jsCc,jsRc,"OPEN");
exports.Inq = function(jsObject,jsSelectors,cb) {
  checkParam(jsObject, MQObject, 'MQObject',true);

  var mqRc = ref.alloc(MQT.LONG);
  var mqCc = ref.alloc(MQT.LONG);
  var jsRc;
  var jsCc;
  var i;
  var charAttrLen = 0;
  var charLen;
  var badSelector = false;
  var selector;

  var mqSelectors = new mqLongArray(jsSelectors.length);
  for (i=0;i= MQC.MQIA_FIRST && selector <= MQC.MQIA_LAST) {
      // Do nothing.
    } else if (selector >= MQC.MQCA_FIRST && selector <= MQC.MQCA_LAST) {
exports.SetMp = function(jsQueueManager,jsHMsg,jssmpo,name,jspd,value,cb) {
  checkParam(jsQueueManager, MQQueueManager, 'MQQueueManager');
  checkParam(jssmpo, MQMPO.MQSMPO, 'MQSMPO');
  checkParam(jspd  , MQMPO.MQPD  , 'MQPD');
  checkParam(name, 'string', 'string');

  var mqHMsg  = jsHMsg;
  var mqRc = ref.alloc(MQT.LONG);
  var mqCc = ref.alloc(MQT.LONG);
  var mqSmpo = MQMPO._copySMPOtoC(jssmpo);
  var mqPd   = MQMPO._copyPDtoC(jspd);

  var vsName = new MQT.CHARV();
  var ptr;
  var len;
  var type;


  // TODO: Handle all the possible MQTYPE values including FLOAT and
  //       different sized ints
  if (typeof value == 'string') {
    ptr =  Buffer.from(value,'utf8');
    len = value.length;
/* eslint-disable new-cap */
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const ffi = require('ffi-napi');
const wchar = require('ref-wchar-napi');
const ref = require('ref-napi');
const struct = require('ref-struct-napi');

// Create the struct required to save the window bounds
const Rect = struct({
	left: 'long',
	top: 'long',
	right: 'long',
	bottom: 'long'
const RectPointer = ref.refType(Rect);

// Required by QueryFullProcessImageName

// Create FFI declarations for the C++ library and functions needed (User32.dll), using their "Unicode" (UTF-16) version
const user32 = new ffi.Library('User32.dll', {
	GetForegroundWindow: ['pointer', []],
	GetWindowTextW: ['int', ['pointer', 'pointer', 'int']],
	GetWindowTextLengthW: ['int', ['pointer']],
	GetWindowThreadProcessId: ['uint32', ['pointer', 'uint32 *']],
	// Get window bounds function
'use strict';
 * Module dependencies.

const ForeignFunction = require('./foreign_function');
const assert = require('assert');
const debug = require('debug')('ffi:DynamicLibrary');
const bindings = require('./bindings');
const funcs = bindings.StaticFunctions;
const ref = require('ref-napi');
const read  = require('fs').readFileSync;

// typedefs
const int =;
const voidPtr = ref.refType(ref.types.void);

const dlopen  = ForeignFunction(funcs.dlopen,  voidPtr, [ 'string', int ]);
const dlclose = ForeignFunction(funcs.dlclose, int,     [ voidPtr ]);
const dlsym   = ForeignFunction(funcs.dlsym,   voidPtr, [ voidPtr, 'string' ]);
const dlerror = ForeignFunction(funcs.dlerror, 'string', [ ]);

 * `DynamicLibrary` loads and fetches function pointers for dynamic libraries
 * (.so, .dylib, etc). After the libray's function pointer is acquired, then you
 * call `get(symbol)` to retreive a pointer to an exported symbol. You need to
 * call `get___()` on the pointer to dereference it into its actual value, or
 * turn the pointer into a callable function with `ForeignFunction`.

function DynamicLibrary (path, mode) {
  if (!(this instanceof DynamicLibrary)) {
const type = bindings.FFI_TYPES[name]; = name;
  if (name === 'pointer')
    return; // there is no "pointer" type...
  ref.types[name].ffi_type = type;

// make `size_t` use the "ffi_type_pointer"
ref.types.size_t.ffi_type = bindings.FFI_TYPES.pointer;

// make `Utf8String` use "ffi_type_pointer"
const CString = ref.types.CString || ref.types.Utf8String;
CString.ffi_type = bindings.FFI_TYPES.pointer;

// make `Object` use the "ffi_type_pointer"
ref.types.Object.ffi_type = bindings.FFI_TYPES.pointer;

// libffi is weird when it comes to long data types (defaults to 64-bit),
// so we emulate here, since some platforms have 32-bit longs and some
// platforms have 64-bit longs.
switch (ref.sizeof.long) {
  case 4:
    ref.types.ulong.ffi_type = bindings.FFI_TYPES.uint32;
    ref.types.long.ffi_type = bindings.FFI_TYPES.int32;
  case 8:
    ref.types.ulong.ffi_type = bindings.FFI_TYPES.uint64;
    ref.types.long.ffi_type = bindings.FFI_TYPES.int64;
    throw new Error('unsupported "long" size: ' + ref.sizeof.long);

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