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Top 10 Examples of "readdirp in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'readdirp' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async function loadschemas(dir) {
  const schemaloader = loader();
  const schemadir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures', dir);
  const schemas = await readdirp.promise(schemadir, { fileFilter: '*.schema.json' });

  return traverse(schemas
    .map(({ fullPath }) => schemaloader(
      // eslint-disable-next-line global-require, import/no-dynamic-require
      require(fullPath), fullPath,
async function readDirRecursive(dirPath) {
  const files = await readdirp.promise(dirPath, { type: 'files' });
  const dirs = await readdirp.promise(dirPath, { type: 'directories' });

  const relativePaths = [];
  // windows 下需要将压缩文件路径住转换为 POXIS 路径
  if (process.platform === 'win32') { => relativePaths.push((file.path).split(path.sep).join('/')));
    for (let dir of dirs) {
      if (await isEmptyDir(dir.fullPath)) {
  } else { => relativePaths.push(file.path));
    for (let dir of dirs) {
      if (await isEmptyDir(dir.fullPath)) {
const read = async (directory: string) => {
  const stream = readdirp(directory, { type: 'all' });
  let i = 0;
  for await (const chunk of stream) {
    // Check memory usage with this line. It should be 10MB or so.
    // Comment it out if you simply want to list files.
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
    console.log(`${++i}: ${chunk.path}`);
  console.log('Stream done', i);

  const entries = await readdirp.promise(directory);
  console.log('Promise done', => e.path));
const read = async (directory: string) => {
  const stream = readdirp(directory, { type: 'all' });
  let i = 0;
  for await (const chunk of stream) {
    // Check memory usage with this line. It should be 10MB or so.
    // Comment it out if you simply want to list files.
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
    console.log(`${++i}: ${chunk.path}`);
  console.log('Stream done', i);

  const entries = await readdirp.promise(directory);
  console.log('Promise done', => e.path));
const cacheWidgetManifests = function(done) {
  widgetManifestCache = {};

    // Cache all of the widget config files under packages
    path.join(uiDirectory, 'packages'),
      // Only recurse in folders that contain widgets
      directoryFilter: _widgetDirectoryFilter,

      // We're only interested in the manifest files
      fileFilter: 'manifest.json'
    .on('data', entry => {
      // Extract the widget id from the path
      const widgetId = entry.path
        .splice(1, 1)
loadFromDir(dir: string) :Promise<{[string]: PlainNodeMetadata}> {
    return readdirp.promise(dir, {
      fileFilter: ['*.yaml', '*.yml'],
    .then(entries => {
      let tasks = => {
        return util.promisify(fs.readFile)(entry.fullPath) 
      // FIXIT: Promise.all fails when one task fails
      return Promise.all(tasks)
    .then(contents => {
      let output = {} => {
        return YAML.parse(content.toString())
      .forEach(meta => {
        output = { ... output, ... meta }
const dstPackInode = lnkModSrcDst.dstPackInode;
  const dstPackMTimeEpoch = lnkModSrcDst.dstPackMTimeEpoch;

  if (updatePackRefs) {
    let packRefs = rtenv.updatedPackRefs[devNameVer] || [];
    if (!packRefs.length) {
      packRefs.push(buildPackRef(srcRoot, srcPackInode, srcPackMTimeEpoch));
    packRefs = packRefs.filter(packRef => packRef[0] !== dstRoot);
    if (packRefs.length < config.refSize) {
      packRefs.push(buildPackRef(dstRoot, dstPackInode, dstPackMTimeEpoch));
    rtenv.updatedPackRefs[devNameVer] = packRefs;

  const fstream = readdirp({
    root: lnkModSrcDst.src,
    entryType: 'files',
    lstat: true,  // want actual files not symlinked
    fileFilter: ['!.*'],
    directoryFilter: ['!.*', '!node_modules']
  fstream.once('end', () => {
    rtenv.completedPackages += 1;
  rtenv.cancelled$.subscribe(() => fstream.destroy()); // stop reading

  return Observable.fromEvent(fstream, 'data')
                   .takeWhile(() => !rtenv.cancelled)
                   .takeUntil(Observable.fromEvent(fstream, 'close'))
                   .takeUntil(Observable.fromEvent(fstream, 'end'))
return new Promise((resolve) => {
    const fm = []
    readdirp(p, { fileFilter: '*.mdx' })
      .on('data', (entry) => {
        let lineNum = 0
        const content = []
          new Promise((resolve2, reject2) => {
              (line) => {
                // if it has any content other than `---`, the file doesn't have front matter, so we close
                if (lineNum === 0 && !line.match(/^---$/)) return false
                // if it's not the first line and we have a bottom delimiter, exit
                if (lineNum !== 0 && line.match(/^---$/)) return false
                // now we read lines until we match the bottom delimiters
                // increment line number
startDir => {
      const readdirpOptions = {
        root: startDir,
        entryType: 'files',
        lstat: true,  // want actual files not symlinked
        fileFilter: ['package.json'],
        directoryFilter: filterDirsNodeModPacks
      if (config.treeDepth) { readdirpOptions.depth = config.treeDepth; }
      const fstream = readdirp(readdirpOptions);
      rtenv.cancelled$.subscribe(() => fstream.destroy()); // stop reading
      return Observable.fromEvent(fstream, 'data')
                       .takeWhile(() => !rtenv.cancelled)
                       .takeUntil(Observable.fromEvent(fstream, 'close'))
                       .takeUntil(Observable.fromEvent(fstream, 'end'));
let blockCommentPrivate = /\/\*\*([^](?!\*\/))*@module([^](?!\*\/))*@private[^]*?\*\//g;
    if (blockCommentPrivate.test(content)) {
        return { shouldDelete: true };

    let newContent = content;
    newContent = newContent.replace(/\/\/[\/\s]*@private[^]*?\/\/[\/\s]*?@endprivate/gm, "");

    if (newContent !== content) {
        return { shouldReplace: true, newContent: newContent };

    return { shouldReplace: false, shouldDelete: false };

readdirp(inputFolder, {
    fileFilter: ["*.d.ts"],
    directoryFilter: function (di) { return !di.path.includes("node_modules"); }
}).on("data", (entry: EntryInfo) => {
    const { fullPath } = entry;
    const content = fs.readFileSync(fullPath, "utf8");
    const { shouldDelete, shouldReplace, newContent } = filterTypeScriptFiles(content);

    if (shouldDelete) {
        console.log("[Delete]", fullPath);
    } else if (shouldReplace) {
        console.log("[Cleared]", fullPath);
        try {
            fs.writeFileSync(fullPath, newContent, "utf8");
        } catch (error) {
            console.log("ERROR writing file: " + fullPath, error);

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