Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'react-dom-factories' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
const [name, ...subs] = schema.component.split('.');
// find the def in the provided map
if (componentMap) {
Component = componentMap[name];
if (!Component) Component = componentMap[paramCase(name)];
if (!Component) Component = componentMap[pascalCase(name)];
for (let i = 0; i < subs.length; i++) {
Component = Component[subs[i]];
// if still nothing found it's a native DOM component or an error
if (!Component) {
if (DOM.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
Component = schema.component;
} else {
`Could not find an implementation for: ${schema.component}`
return () => (
<div style="{{">
<pre>Could not find an implementation for: {schema.component}</pre>
// if there is a default prop (CommonJS) return that
return Component.default || Component;
private createFocusedImageRepresentation() {
// This is the large featured image
// Set container div height to largest of all images,
// so that thumbnails don't move about on image transitions
let focused = this.state.focusedPreviewRep.get().imgURL;
let style = {
height: this.largestPreviewRepHeight + 'px',
return D.div(
title: 'Click to view full-size image',
className: 'object-representations__image--focused',
style: style,
onClick: this.showModal.bind(this),
onLoad: this.handleImageChanges,
key: 'image-focused-transition-group',
key: focused,
classNames: 'cross-fade',
timeout: {
renderLabel(label: string) {
if (label === null || typeof label === "undefined") {
return null;
const { item, depth, focused, expanded, onLabelClick } = this.props;
return dom.span(
className: "object-label",
onClick: onLabelClick
? event => {
// If the user selected text, bail out.
if (Utils.selection.documentHasSelection()) {
onLabelClick(item, {
setExpanded: this.props.setExpanded
function FunctionRep(props) {
let {
object: grip,
} = props;
let jumpToDefinitionButton;
if (onViewSourceInDebugger &&
grip.location &&
grip.location.url &&
) {
jumpToDefinitionButton = dom.button({
className: "jump-definition",
draggable: false,
title: "Jump to definition",
onClick: e => {
// Stop the event propagation so we don't trigger ObjectInspector expand/collapse.
return (
"data-link-actor-id": grip.actor,
className: "objectBox objectBox-function",
// Set dir="ltr" to prevent function parentheses from
if (onDOMNodeMouseOver) {
Object.assign(baseConfig, {
onMouseOver: _ => onDOMNodeMouseOver(object)
if (onDOMNodeMouseOut) {
Object.assign(baseConfig, {
onMouseOut: onDOMNodeMouseOut
if (onInspectIconClick) {
inspectIcon = dom.button({
className: "open-inspector",
// TODO: Localize this with "openNodeInInspector" when Bug 1317038 lands
title: inspectIconTitle || "Click to select the node in the inspector",
onClick: e => {
if (onDOMNodeClick) {
onInspectIconClick(object, e);
return span(baseConfig,
renderLinkEditor(show: boolean, buttonRef: string, onConfirmUrl: Function) {
return Overlay(
show: show,
placement: 'bottom',
container: document.body,
target: () => this.refs[buttonRef],
Popover({id: 'popover'},
D.div({className: 'input-group'},
ref: 'url-input',
className: 'form-control input-sm',
type: 'text',
value: this.state.urlValue,
onChange: (e) => {
const value = (e.target as any).value;
this.setState({urlValue: value});
onKeyDown: (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (e.which === 13 && this.state.urlValue !== '') { // enter
} else if (e.which === 27) { // esc
renderExperimentalMessage(browserName) {
const underConstructionMessage =
"Debugging is experimental and certain features won't work (i.e, seeing variables, attaching breakpoints)"; // eslint-disable-line max-len
return dom.div(
{ className: "under-construction" },
{ className: "under-construction-message" },
dom.p({}, underConstructionMessage),
dom.img({ src: "/pad-assets/under_construction.png" }),
className: "github-link",
target: "_blank",
href: docsUrls.github
"Help us make it happen"
'use strict';
var React = require('react');
var classSet = require('classnames');
var omit = require('just-omit');
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom-factories');
module.exports = r;
// Export the React.DOM html tags
for (var domTag in ReactDOM) {
if (ReactDOM.hasOwnProperty(domTag)) {
r[domTag] = createTagFn(domTag);
function r(component, properties, children) {
// A properties object is optional so shift arguments if missing
if (!children && isChildren(properties)) {
children = properties;
properties = {};
properties = properties || {};
if (properties.hasOwnProperty('isRendered') && !properties.isRendered) {
// React skips the component rendering if render() returns null.
return null;
renderExperimentalMessage(browserName) {
const underConstructionMessage =
"Debugging is experimental and certain features won't work (i.e, seeing variables, attaching breakpoints)"; // eslint-disable-line max-len
return dom.div(
{ className: "under-construction" },
{ className: "under-construction-message" },
dom.p({}, underConstructionMessage),
dom.img({ src: "/pad-assets/under_construction.png" }),
className: "github-link",
target: "_blank",
href: docsUrls.github
"Help us make it happen"
appear: true,
leave: true,
timeout: {
appear: this.TRANSITION_TIME,
enter: this.TRANSITION_TIME,
className: 'object-representations-modal__nav fa fa-chevron-circle-right',
onClick: this.nextModalImage.bind(this)
] : []
src: fullSizeImgURL,
style: {
width: this.state.focusedModalRep.isJust ? `${this.state.focusedModalRep.get().width}px` : '0px'
) // end modal body
); // end modal