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Top 10 Examples of "delay in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'delay' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async function start() {
  await getStream(await docker.pull(IMAGE));

  container = await docker.createContainer({
    Tty: true,
    Image: IMAGE,
    PortBindings: {[`${COUCHDB_PORT}/tcp`]: [{HostPort: `${SERVER_PORT}`}]},

  await container.start();
  await delay(4000);

  try {
    // Wait for the registry to be ready
    await pRetry(() => got(`http://${SERVER_HOST}:${SERVER_PORT}/registry/_design/app`, {cache: false}), {
      retries: 7,
      minTimeout: 1000,
      factor: 2,
  } catch (_) {
    throw new Error(`Couldn't start npm-docker-couchdb after 2 min`);

  // Create user
  await got(`http://${SERVER_HOST}:${SERVER_PORT}/_users/org.couchdb.user:${NPM_USERNAME}`, {
    json: true,
const delay =
          methodOptions &&
          typeof methodOptions === 'object' &&
          typeof methodOptions.delay === 'number'
            ? methodOptions.delay
            : options.delay;

        if (methodOptions) {
          args[len - 1] = omit(methodOptions, ['delay']);

        if (this.typingOn) {
          await this.typingOn();

        await sleep(delay);

        return, ...args);
      /* eslint-enable func-names */
export async function tryFetch(url: string) {
  while (!navigator.onLine) {
    console.error("you're offline, retrying...")
    await delay(1000)
  const response = await fetch(proxify(url, 'latin1'))
  if (response.status !== 200) {
    throw new Error(`${url}: ${response.status}`)
  const text = await response.text()
  if (text.includes('<title>404 Not Found</title>')) {
    // stupid me
    throw new Error(`${url}: 404`)
  return text
async function tryFetch(url: string) {
  while (!navigator.onLine) {
    console.error("you're offline, retrying...")
    await delay(1000)
  const text = await proxy(url, 'latin1')
  if (text.includes('<title>404 Not Found</title>')) {
    // stupid me
    throw new Error(`${url}: 404`)
  return text
// stage,

        waiting: false,
        error: null,
    } catch (err) {
        waiting: false,
        error: 'Could not fetch data',

      await delay(1000)
      const {
        tournament: newTournament,
        stage: newStage,
      } = params

      const newSeason = pots && season !== currentSeasonByTournament(newTournament, newStage)
        ? season
        : undefined
      onSeasonChange(newTournament, newStage, newSeason)
        error: null,
async componentDidMount() {
      // UI Boot
      await delay(150)
      const { isFirstVisit, ...actions } = this.props

      if (isFirstVisit) {
        // Start omotenashi
        // Remove first visit flag
        await actions.setConfigValue({ key: "isFirstVisit", value: false })

        // Open as user first view
        actions.loadFile({ filepath: "/playground/" })

        // TODO: Reload git on init. Sometimes initialze on git is failing
        await delay(300)

      // TODO: dirty hack to focus
      // Focus first element
      await delay(150)
      const target = (document as any).querySelector("textarea")
      target && target.focus()
app.on('ready', async () => {

  // transparency workaround
  await delay(10)

  mb = menubar({
    alwaysOnTop: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
    icon: path.join(app.getAppPath(), '/static/tray.png'),
    width: 500,
    minWidth: 500,
    maxWidth: 500,
    minHeight: 530,
    hasShadow: false,
    preloadWindow: true,
    resizable: true,
    transparent: true,
    frame: false,
    toolbar: false
async function dev() {
  let proc;
  const wrapper = () => {
    if (proc) {
  process.on('SIGINT', wrapper);
  process.on('SIGTERM', wrapper);
  process.on('exit', wrapper);

  proc = serve(server, false);

  await delay(300);

  // const app = module.exports.__REACT_SSR_EXPRESS__;

  // app.listen(8888, async () => {
  //   const url = (route) => `http://localhost:8888${route}`;

  //   spinner.create(`Building '/'`);
  //   await got(url('/'));

  //   spinner.create(`Building '/' (test 2)`);
  //   await got(url('/'));

  //   spinner.create(`Building '/' (test 3)`);
  //   await got(url('/'));

  //   spinner.clear('Success!');
test('cache', async t => {
	const alfy = createAlfy();

	t.deepEqual(await alfy.fetch(`${URL}/cache`, {maxAge: 5000}), {hello: 'world'});
	t.deepEqual(await alfy.fetch(`${URL}/cache`, {maxAge: 5000}), {hello: 'world'});

	await delay(5000);

	t.deepEqual(await alfy.fetch(`${URL}/cache`, {maxAge: 5000}), {hello: 'world!'});
let receivedSms;
		let messageListener = evt => {
			receivedSms = evt.body;
			subscription.removeListener('message', messageListener);
			notify('The subscription is alive. Notification delay:' + ( - sentTime));
		let sentSms = await rc.account().extension().sms().post({
			from: { phoneNumber: config.user.username },
			to: [{ phoneNumber: config.user.username }],
			text: 'Test sms to trigger subscription.'
		let sentTime =;
		await delay(notificationTimeout * 60 * 1000);
		if (!receivedSms) {
			let msg = 'The notification does not arrive in ' + notificationTimeout + ' minutes.';
			await notify(msg);
			await subscription.cancel();

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