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Top 10 Examples of "react-components in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'react-components' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

export const useSubscription = () => {
    const [user] = useUser();
    const api = useApi();

    return useCachedAsyncResult(
        () => {
            if (user.isPaid) {
                return SubscriptionModel.get(api);
            return Promise.resolve(FREE_SUBSCRIPTION);
    ); // Don't need to depend on the user changes since the subscription is updated through the event manager
const ImportCsvModalContent = ({ file, onSetVcardContacts }) => {
    const { createNotification } = useNotifications();

    const [isParsingFile, withParsing] = useLoading(true);
    const [contactIndex, setContactIndex] = useState(0);
    const [preVcardsContacts, setPreVcardsContacts] = useState([]);

    const handleClickPrevious = () => setContactIndex((index) => index - 1);
    const handleClickNext = () => setContactIndex((index) => index + 1);

    const handleToggle = (groupIndex) => (index) => {
        if (preVcardsContacts[0][groupIndex][index].combineInto === 'fn-main') {
            // do not allow to uncheck first name and last name simultaneously
            const preVcards = preVcardsContacts[0][groupIndex];
            const firstNameIndex = preVcards.findIndex(({ header }) => header.toLowerCase() === 'first name');
            const lastNameIndex = preVcards.findIndex(({ header }) => header.toLowerCase() === 'last name');
            const isFirstNameChecked = firstNameIndex !== -1 && preVcards[firstNameIndex].checked;
            const isLastNameChecked = lastNameIndex !== -1 && preVcards[lastNameIndex].checked;

            if ((!isFirstNameChecked && index === lastNameIndex) || (!isLastNameChecked && index === firstNameIndex)) {
const MergingModalContent = ({
    beMergedModel = {},
    beDeletedModel = {},
    totalBeMerged = 0,
}) => {
    const api = useApi();
    const { privateKeys, publicKeys } = useMemo(() => splitKeys(userKeysList), []);

    const [loading, withLoading] = useLoading(true);
    const [model, setModel] = useState({
        mergedAndEncrypted: [],
        failedOnMergeAndEncrypt: [],
        submitted: [],
        failedOnSubmit: []

    useEffect(() => {
        // Prepare api for allowing cancellation in the middle of the merge
        const abortController = new AbortController();
        const apiWithAbort = (config) => api({ ...config, signal: abortController.signal });

         * Get a contact from its ID and decrypt it. Return contact as a list of properties
        const getDecryptedContact = async (ID, { signal }) => {
const SessionsSection = () => {
    const { createNotification } = useNotifications();
    const api = useApi();
    const authentication = useAuthentication();
    const [loading, withLoading] = useLoading();
    const [table, setTable] = useState({ sessions: [], total: 0 });
    const { page, list, onNext, onPrevious, onSelect } = usePagination(table.sessions);
    const { createModal } = useModals();

    const fetchSessions = async () => {
        const { Sessions } = await api(querySessions());
        setTable({ sessions: Sessions.reverse(), total: Sessions.length }); // Most recent, first

    const handleRevoke = async (UID) => {
        await api(UID ? revokeSession(UID) : revokeOtherSessions());
        await fetchSessions();
        createNotification({ text: UID ? c('Success').t`Session revoked` : c('Success').t`Sessions revoked` });
    currency = DEFAULT_CURRENCY,
    planIDs = {},
}) => {
    const TITLE = {
        [SUBSCRIPTION_STEPS.NETWORK_ERROR]: c('Title').t`Network error`,
        [SUBSCRIPTION_STEPS.CUSTOMIZATION]: c('Title').t`Plan customization`,
        [SUBSCRIPTION_STEPS.PAYMENT]: c('Title').t`Checkout`,
        [SUBSCRIPTION_STEPS.UPGRADE]: <div>{c('Title').t`Processing...`}</div>,
        [SUBSCRIPTION_STEPS.THANKS]: <div>{c('Title').t`Thank you!`}</div>

    const api = useApi();
    const [user] = useUser();
    const { call } = useEventManager();
    const { createModal } = useModals();
    const { createNotification } = useNotifications();
    const [vpnCountries, loadingVpnCountries] = useVPNCountries();
    const [plans, loadingPlans] = usePlans();
    const [organization, loadingOrganization] = useOrganization();
    const [loading, withLoading] = useLoading();
    const [loadingCheck, withLoadingCheck] = useLoading();
    const [checkResult, setCheckResult] = useState({});
    const { Credit = 0 } = checkResult;
    const { Code: couponCode } = checkResult.Coupon || {}; // Coupon can be null
    const creditsRemaining = (user.Credit + Credit) / 100;
    const [model, setModel] = useState({
const NewsCheckboxes = () => {
    const [{ News } = {}] = useUserSettings();
    const { createNotification } = useNotifications();
    const { call } = useEventManager();
    const api = useApi();
    const [loading, withLoading] = useLoading();

    const update = async (mask) => {
        await api(updateNews(toggleBit(News, mask)));
        await call();
        createNotification({ text: c('Info').t`Emailing preference updated` });

    const handleChange = (mask) => () => withLoading(update(mask));

    const checkboxes = [
        { id: 'announcements', flag: ANNOUNCEMENTS, text: c('Label for news').t`Major announcements (2-3 per year)` },
        { id: 'features', flag: FEATURES, text: c('Label for news').t`Major features (3-4 per year)` },
        { id: 'business', flag: BUSINESS, text: c('Label for news').t`Proton Business (4-5 per year)` },
        { id: 'newsletter', flag: NEWSLETTER, text: c('Label for news').t`Proton newsletter (5-6 per year)` },
        { id: 'beta', flag: BETA, text: c('Label for news').t`Proton Beta (10-12 per year)` }
export const useOrganization = () => {
    const [user] = useUser();
    const api = useApi();

    return useCachedAsyncResult(
        () => {
            if (user.isPaid) {
                return OrganizationModel.get(api);
            return Promise.resolve(FREE_ORGANIZATION);
const useContact = (contactID) => {
    const cache = useContext(ContactProviderContext);
    const api = useApi();

    const miss = useCallback(() => {
        return api(getContact(contactID)).then(({ Contact }) => Contact);
    }, []);

    return useCachedModelResult(cache, contactID, miss);
const AutoSaveContactsToggle = ({ autoSaveContacts, }) =&gt; {
    const api = useApi();
    const [loading, withLoading] = useLoading();
    const { createNotification } = useNotifications();
    const { call } = useEventManager();

    const handleChange = async ({ target }) =&gt; {
        await api(updateAutoSaveContacts(+target.checked));
        await call();
        createNotification({ text: c('Success').t`Preference saved` });

    return (
const DailyNotificationsToggle = ({ id }) =&gt; {
    const { call } = useEventManager();
    const api = useApi();
    const [{ Email }] = useUserSettings();
    const [loading, withLoading] = useLoading();

    const handleChange = async (checked) =&gt; {
        await api(updateNotifyEmail(checked));
        await call();

    return (

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