Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'react-clone-referenced-element' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
let tabItem = {
..._.omit(tabItemProps, ['children']),
if (Children.count(tabItemProps.children) > 0) {
let child = Children.only(tabItemProps.children);
// NOTE: a bit hacky, identifying navigation component like StackNav
// via initialRoute
if (child.props.initialRoute && this.props.translucent) {
let defaultRouteConfig = child.props.defaultRouteConfig || {};
defaultRouteConfig = {
__tabBarInset: this.props.tabBarHeight,
tabItem.element = cloneReferencedElement(child, {
} else {
tabItem.element = child;
const tabItemOnPress = () => {
this._setActiveTab(tabItemProps.id, index);
if (typeof tabItemProps.onPress === 'function') {
tabItem.onPress = tabItem.onPress.bind(this, tabItemOnPress);
} else {
tabItem.onPress = tabItemOnPress;
// can get a ref to it
if (!this._subscribedToFocusEvents) {
// We need to save a reference to the navigator already. Otherwise this
// would crash if the route calls any method on us in the first render-pass.
this.__navigator = navigator;
let scene = this._routeRenderer.renderScene(route, this, transition, scroll);
if (typeof this.props.augmentScene === 'function') {
scene = this.props.augmentScene(scene, route);
let firstRoute = navigator.getCurrentRoutes()[0];
if (route === firstRoute) {
scene = cloneReferencedElement(scene, {
ref: component => { this._firstScene = component; },
return scene;
if (!renderNavigationBar) {
return null;
const navBar = renderNavigationBar({
navigator: this._navigationBarNavigator,
navState: this.state,
sceneMap: this._scenesByRoute, // TODO(lmr): do in a way that doesn't expose this structure
scroll: this.props.scroll,
if (navBar === null) {
return navBar;
return cloneReferencedElement(navBar, {
ref: (el) => { this._navBar = el; },
render() {
let loadingOverlay = cloneReferencedElement(
{ ref: component => { this._loadingOverlay = component; } }
let errorOverlay = cloneReferencedElement(
this.props.renderErrorOverlay({onRetryLoad: this._attemptLoadAsync}),
{ ref: component => { this._errorOverlay = component; } }
return (
} = this.props;
let optimalSource = ResponsiveImage.getClosestHighQualitySource(
if (optimalSource) {
source = optimalSource;
if (!source) {
throw new Error(`Couldn't find an appropriate image source`);
if (renderImageElement) {
let image = renderImageElement({ ...props, source });
return cloneReferencedElement(image, {
ref: component => { this._image = component; },
return (
<img> { this._image = component; }}
render() {
let image = cloneReferencedElement(onlyChild(this.props.children), {
ref: component => {
this._image = component;
onLoadEnd: this._onLoadEnd,
let safeImageProps = { ...StyleSheet.flatten(image.props.style) };
delete safeImageProps.tintColor;
delete safeImageProps.resizeMode;
return (
this.props.renderLoadingErrorIndicator({ onRetryLoadMore: this._loadMoreAsync }),
{ key: 'loading-error-indicator' }
} else if (this.state.isLoading) {
statusIndicator = React.cloneElement(this.props.renderLoadingIndicator(), {
key: 'loading-indicator',
let { renderScrollComponent, ...props } = this.props;
Object.assign(props, {
onScroll: this._handleScroll,
children: [this.props.children, statusIndicator],
return cloneReferencedElement(renderScrollComponent(props), {
ref: component => {
this._scrollComponent = component;
: { paddingTop: this._getNavigationBarHeight(routeConfig) },
} else {
style = [...style, styles.withoutNavigationBar];
if (routeConfig.sceneStyle) {
style = [...style, routeConfig.sceneStyle || styles.defaultSceneStyle];
return (
} = this.props;
if (inverted) {
if (this.props.horizontal) {
props.style = [styles.horizontallyInverted, props.style];
props.children = this._renderInvertedChildren(props.children, styles.horizontallyInverted);
} else {
props.style = [styles.verticallyInverted, props.style];
props.children = this._renderInvertedChildren(props.children, styles.verticallyInverted);
return cloneReferencedElement(renderScrollComponent(props), {
ref: component => { this._scrollComponent = component; },
renderScene(route, navigator, transition, scroll) {
if (route.renderScene) {
let scene = route.renderScene({ navigator, transition, scroll });
if (!scene) {
return scene;
return cloneReferencedElement(scene, {
ref: component => { route.scene = component; },
'The route must implement renderScene or getSceneClass',
let Component = route.getSceneClass();
return (
{ route.scene = component; }}