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Top 8 Examples of "unist-util-is in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'unist-util-is' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function visitor(node, ancestors) {
    if (!is('paragraph', node)) {
    // TODO: For now, we do not wrap or normalize footnote definitions at all since they need to be indented. Should add this.
    if (ancestors && ancestors.length > 0 && is('footnoteDefinition', ancestors[ancestors.length - 1])) {

    // Maintain paragraph reflow logic: Full set of lines and column position within each node.
    // Maintained for only the current piece of text being wrapped, which may begin at any column.
    // Rules: We just flow across all pieces, and ignore delimiter text when counting widths,
    // for simplicity. However there are a few tricky things are around mixing text and sibling
    // nodes (strong, emphasis, and link), when breaking is forbidden:
    // Case 1: You can't break after a node if the text follows it with no whitespace.
    // Case 2: You can't break before a node if the text precedes it with no whitespace.
    // Case 3: You can't break immediately at the start of a formatted node (strong, emphasis, or link).

    let position = 0;
    let breakAllowed = false;
    let sentenceEnded = false;
    let currentLine;
// Don't bother wrapping text inside links at all; just normalize the anchor text.
      // You can't wrap URLs. And wrapping anchor text is usually less clear than
      // splitting out the whole anchor and URL on one line.
      // We don't do this for emphasis or strong text, as they most often do flow well in the source.
      if (is('link', parent)) {

      for (let i = 0; i < parent.children.length; ++i) {
        const current = parent.children[i];
        const next = i + 1 < parent.children.length && parent.children[i + 1];

        if (current.children) {
          process(current, formatChain.concat(current.type));
        } else if (is('text', current)) {
          newText(current, false);

          const isPlain = formatChain.length === 0;
          const words = splitWords(current.value);
          for (let j = 0; j < words.length; ++j) {
            addWord(words[j], j > 0, isPlain);

          // Add break at the end of this text node if the next next word/link isn't going to fit.
          // Unless there is no whitespace at the end of the last text node.
          // Handles Case 2.
          if (next && position + nodeMinLength(next) + 1 >= width && words[words.length - 1].endsWith(' ')) {
          current.value = getLineBrokenText();
function process(parent, formatChain) {
      // Don't bother wrapping text inside links at all; just normalize the anchor text.
      // You can't wrap URLs. And wrapping anchor text is usually less clear than
      // splitting out the whole anchor and URL on one line.
      // We don't do this for emphasis or strong text, as they most often do flow well in the source.
      if (is('link', parent)) {

      for (let i = 0; i < parent.children.length; ++i) {
        const current = parent.children[i];
        const next = i + 1 < parent.children.length && parent.children[i + 1];

        if (current.children) {
          process(current, formatChain.concat(current.type));
        } else if (is('text', current)) {
          newText(current, false);

          const isPlain = formatChain.length === 0;
          const words = splitWords(current.value);
          for (let j = 0; j < words.length; ++j) {
function nodeLength(node) {
  let len = 0;
  if (is('text', node)) {
    len += node.value.length;
  } else if (is('image', node)) {
    len += node.url.length + (node.alt || '').length;
  } else if (is('link', node)) {
    len += node.url.length;
  } else if (is('linkReference', node)) {
    len += node.identifier.length;
  if (node.children) {
    node.children.forEach(child => {
      len += nodeLength(child);
  // Breaks or anything else treated as zero length.
  return len;
function nodeLength(node) {
  let len = 0;
  if (is('text', node)) {
    len += node.value.length;
  } else if (is('image', node)) {
    len += node.url.length + (node.alt || '').length;
  } else if (is('link', node)) {
    len += node.url.length;
  } else if (is('linkReference', node)) {
    len += node.identifier.length;
  if (node.children) {
    node.children.forEach(child => {
      len += nodeLength(child);
  // Breaks or anything else treated as zero length.
  return len;
function nodeLength(node) {
  let len = 0;
  if (is('text', node)) {
    len += node.value.length;
  } else if (is('image', node)) {
    len += node.url.length + (node.alt || '').length;
  } else if (is('link', node)) {
    len += node.url.length;
  } else if (is('linkReference', node)) {
    len += node.identifier.length;
  if (node.children) {
    node.children.forEach(child => {
      len += nodeLength(child);
  // Breaks or anything else treated as zero length.
  return len;
forEach(p.children, child => {
      if (is(MD.TEXT, child)) {
          id: genUUID(),
          render: ``,
          beforeRender: `const Text = require('react-native').Text`,
function currentNode(node, file) {
    if (is(MD.PARAGRAPH, node)) {
    } else if (is(MD.CODE, node)) {
    } else if (!!node.children) {
      forEach(node.children, child => currentNode(child, file))
    } else if (is(MD.ROOT, node)) {

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