Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'progress' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
let query = 'SELECT id,title,owner,coursetype,nintendoid,leveltype,difficulty,updatereq,hasthumbnail,hasimage,ispackage,downloadpath,' +
'videoid,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastmodified) as lastmodified,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(uploaded) as uploaded FROM courses'
// convert accounts
let rows = (await this[mysqlConnection].execute('SELECT * FROM accounts'))[0]
let accountIds = {}
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
let id = rows[i].id
let account = new Account(Account.convertFromMySQL(rows[i]))
accountIds[id] = (await this.addAccount(account)).insertedId
// convert courses
rows = (await this[mysqlConnection].execute(query))[0]
let progress = new ProgressBar(' converting courses [:bar] :percent :etas', {
complete: '=',
incomplete: ' ',
width: 40,
total: rows.length
try {
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
let id = rows[i].id
let courses = await Course.convertFromMySQL(rows[i])
let thumbnail = path.join(__dirname, `../static/img/courses/${id}.pic`)
for (let j = 0; j < courses.length; j++) {
courses[j].owner = accountIds[courses[j].owner]
let course = await (new Course(courses[j])).fix(thumbnail)
await this.addCourse(course)
await course.finalize()
async _startDeleting(record) {
let options = {
title: "Deletion in progress",
row1: "Deleting:",
progress1: "Total:"
this._progress = new Progress(options);
this._progress.onClose = () => this.abort();
super.run(); // schedule progress window
return this._delete(record);
async run() {
let scan = new Scan(this._sourcePath);
let root = await scan.run();
if (!root) { return false; }
this._stats.total = root.size;
let options = {
title: this._texts.title,
row1: this._texts.row1,
row2: "To:",
progress1: "File:",
progress2: "Total:"
this._progress = new Progress(options);
this._progress.update({progress1:0, progress2:0});
this._progress.onClose = () => this.abort();
super.run(); // schedule progress window
let result = await this._copy(root, this._targetPath);
return result;
BetterProgressBar.prototype.render = function (tokens) {
const str = formatEta(this.eta())
const actualFormat = this.fmt
// improve display of ETA
this.fmt = this.fmt.replace(':eta', str)
ProgressBar.prototype.render.call(this, tokens)
this.fmt = actualFormat
const ProgressBar = require("progress");
// Monkey patch terminate() so it doesn't throw an exception when the stream
// isn't a TTY. See: https://github.com/visionmedia/node-progress/pull/138
const terminate = ProgressBar.prototype.terminate;
ProgressBar.prototype.terminate = function() {
if (!this.stream.isTTY) {
terminate.apply(this, arguments);
module.exports = ProgressBar;
const ProgressBar = require("progress");
// Monkey patch terminate() so it doesn't throw an exception when the stream
// isn't a TTY. See: https://github.com/visionmedia/node-progress/pull/138
const terminate = ProgressBar.prototype.terminate;
ProgressBar.prototype.terminate = function() {
if (!this.stream.isTTY) {
terminate.apply(this, arguments);
module.exports = ProgressBar;
async function main() {
console.log('=== False Positive Validation ===');
const samples = parse(fs.readFileSync(NON_DB_SAMPLES), { columns: true });
console.log('Querying user input non-db samples in DB...');
const progress = new Progress('[:bar] :current/:total :etas', { total: samples.length });
const allResults = await Promise.all(samples.map(({ rumor }) =>
query ($text: String) {
SearchArticles(text: $text) {
edges {
node {
text: rumor,
it("Progress", () => {
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().isStarted(), false);
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().isStarted(), true);
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().settings.showSpinner, false);
Progress.configure({ showSpinner: true });
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().settings.showSpinner, true);
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().isStarted(), false);
it("Progress", () => {
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().isStarted(), false);
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().isStarted(), true);
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().settings.showSpinner, false);
Progress.configure({ showSpinner: true });
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().settings.showSpinner, true);
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().isStarted(), false);
it("Progress", () => {
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().isStarted(), false);
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().isStarted(), true);
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().settings.showSpinner, false);
Progress.configure({ showSpinner: true });
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().settings.showSpinner, true);
chai.assert.equal(Progress.instance().isStarted(), false);